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View Password while typing it in for all


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How backward are enpass every good site including security sites allow the user to view their passwords as they type them in.  this feature should be a standard feature with enpass,

Why because for a very good reason people with disabilities like me, who have trouble typing, cant see if they made a mistake- which is quiet easy to do take for example you couldnt see what this text as i or you typed ?  

Wouldnt you find that very very annoying ? yes you would- or you couldnt see you Word doc as you wrote it. 

Be real we live in the real world stop making decisions for us about security even my bank allows us to view or not view our passwords while we enter/type them.


Have asked constantly to Enpass techs but get mixed answers for every different on i get emails from.

Not impressed 

We DEFINATELY need this Feature 

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Hi @Bustr

I can certainly understand your disappointment in this case. In addition to valuing the feedback we receive from our users, We strive to improve our application and make it more user-friendly. As @Discordant suggested, you can view the item's password by clicking on the eye icon next to the password field when you are typing the password. Please refer to the below screenshot for reference -







If you are referring to making the master password visible on the lock screen, you will be pleased to know that it is already on our development roadmap, and we are checking its feasibility at this time to include it in future versions of Enpass. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.


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Hi @Bustr,

It might be worth re-reading your initial post, because you did not, at any point, say you were referring to logging into Enpass itself, just that you wanted to be able to view passwords as you typed them in.  Hence my question. Pro tip: Try not to alienate people trying to help you. It will make it harder for you to get help in the future. 


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  • 2 months later...
On 3/7/2022 at 4:40 AM, Bustr said:

I already know about individual site viewing what i have saved so Discordant needs to learn to read what was asked it was LOGIN to Enpass.

Thanks dewan when will this be ?


yes when we login to enpass should be able to view what we typed in 

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On 3/7/2022 at 9:10 PM, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @Bustr

Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide you with any ETA at the moment. Our dedicated team is currently investigating its feasibility, and I have also shared your feedback with the team. Your patience in the meantime is appreciated.

yes when we login to enpass should be able to view what we typed in 

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On 3/7/2022 at 4:56 AM, Discordant said:

Hi @Bustr,

It might be worth re-reading your initial post, because you did not, at any point, say you were referring to logging into Enpass itself, just that you wanted to be able to view passwords as you typed them in.  Hence my question. Pro tip: Try not to alienate people trying to help you. It will make it harder for you to get help in the future. 


your right i forgot to mention that sorry i meant yes when we login to enpass should be able to view what we typed in 

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