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Enpass on MAC in Apps


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When I use Enpass on my iPhone and I open an App Enpass is available there as well. That's very easy to use. On my Mac it is different. If I open e..g. the iCloud settings then the system asks for the iCloud Account name and the password. But Enpass is not available there (using right click or whatever). I always have to copy the data from the menu bar icon.

Is there a possibility to have Enpass in such situations as well?

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Hi @Tranel,

I certainly understand your concern about not being able to autofill the details on your Mac. In order to assist you better, I suggest trying the following steps and let me know if that helps:

  1. Make sure you have enabled the option "Enable Browser extension" from Enpass app browser settings.
  2. Also, check if you have set up the Enpass Safari extension (As shown in the picture below). For more details about the Enpass extension, I suggest vising the Extension user manual. 
  3. Verify if you have paired the Enpass extension with the Enpass main app. For more details on this, visit its related user manual. 1996678686_MicrosoftTeams-image(8)-20211111-063350.png.aebcdc37ab3eaa88929b12a6ddfba040.png

If it does not help, please share the following details:

  1. Share the details of Enpass version, OS information. 
  2. Did you install Enpass from a store or from our official website?
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Thanks, but that is not my problem. It works quite well in Safari on my Mac. Am a happy Enpass user. But if I open another application/program and I need to fill in a user/PW then I have to copy the data from Enpass. There is no integration from Enpass in other Apps then a browser. On my iPhone I can open any app and Enpass is available and can fill in the needed data.


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That’s not an Enpass-specific issue. That doesn’t work on the Mac with any third-party password manager. There’s no API at this point to add other managers to login prompts outside the browser (that I’ve been able to find). Developers can only support iCloud Keychain. Even the iCloud Keychain option was only recently added, in Monterey. 

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