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Help: Enpass Mac Passkey Creation & Use [requests]


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Now that Enpass Mac can create passkeys ... how do I stop it from throwing up its passkey dialog before the macOS Passkey creation dialog?

The way it works now, Enpass throws its passkey creation dialog first. I have to cancel that & THEN I can get to the Apple dialog.

PLEASE add a pref to turn off asking for passkey creation. Or fix my comments/suggestions/annoyances below & I'd gladly use Enpass for passkeys by default.

Just an FYI: Enpass is my 1st choice on all my Apple devices that support it for passwords—creating & filling.

There are a few things that annoy me, and keep me from using Enpass as the default passkey creator.

1. When a passkey is created with Enpass Mac, the login button for the website passkey is not active. I have to click on the button every time which = annoying.

2. When Enpass throws up its passkey login dialog on a 3 screen setup it's never on the screen where Safari is open and requiring the login. D'oh! I have to look on all 3 screen to find the dialog and click the button, which is doubly annoying because I have to FIND the dialog and I still have to click on it. If the login button were active & reacted to Enter or Return keys ... both 1 & 2 would be moot—kinda-sorta. Though you'd think Enpass would be smart enough to put the dialog front and center on the screen that Safari is asking for the passkey login.

3. Deleting a passkey in Enpass is not very logical. You have to go into edit mode click on the Passkey field name & delete the field—rather than there being a delete button, or an X button to delete the entry.

So yay ... Enpass Mac finally does passkeys. Boo that's it not very elegant, Mac-like, or user friendly— yet.

That's my 2¢ U.S. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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Hi @ButisitArt57

We appreciate you taking time and sharing your valuable suggestions regarding the passkeys with us. We have duly noted your feedback and shared it with our development team for future consideration. Regarding the steps on how to disable Enpass as passkey provider, kindly refer to the below steps -

For Safari browser -

  1. Open Enpass Application and go to Browser Settings in Enpass.
  2. Click on Safari Browser Button —> This should open attached page in Safari Browser
  3. Disable the Button highlighted in the attached Screenshot.

For Other browsers -

  1. Open target browser and Right-Click on Enpass icon in Toolbar.
  2. Click on Settings option. --> This should open attached page in your Browser.

  3. Disable the Button Highlighted in the attached Screenshot.

NOTE: For best results we recommend restarting the Browsers where these settings are changed to avoid any discrepancies.


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Thanks for the instructions.

How foolish of me to think the pref would be in the app prefs & not in the browser prefs. lol

At least there is the ability to turn it off.

Sure wish all browser prefs were in one single tab in the apps prefs rather than having to click a button & change something in each browser installed and used. Would take away a layer of confusion and make life simpler for the user.

Thanks again for the help.

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