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BUG: 2nd column scrolls to the bottom upon saving changes to an Item

100 Watt Walrus

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I'm in the process of editing several Items with a uniform change. As such, I'm doing a lot of open Item > make change > Save.

After I've done this a handful of times, I run into a bug, which is that upon hitting Save (or using CMD+S), the column showing all my items spontaneously jumps to the either near the very top (I'm sorted alphabetically so it jumps way up into the A section), or near the very bottom (a few Items from the last Z). Either way, I must scroll to find (again) the item I just finished editing.


  1. Start editing a bunch of Items one after another
  2. Eventually (after 5-6 or so) when you click Save (or CMD+S), the Items column will jump to the top or bottom

Enpass 6.0.4 (329) on Mid-2009 MacBook Pro, running 10.11.6.

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