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Request: Autofill when username and password aren't visible at the same time

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There are several sites now that have started to implement logins where we first type the email adress and submit and then the password field pops up. I came from 1password previously which was able to remember which account I had chosen to fill in and it automatically filled in the next step as well. In enpass I have to open the enpass dialogue again and choose the account. So I have to choose the account twice to log in which is a bit of a pain, especially on a mobile device..

So this is just a request, is it possible to add this functionality/change this behaviour?

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This functionality is working as expected for me for login.live.com (hotmail). I only have to choose the account one time, the password is already filled when the password popup shows up. Works on Windows and on Android, both use Chrome browser. Does it work for you on login.live.com? Maybe you could post links to websites that don't work for you so the devs can take a look at them.

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40 minutes ago, Maarten said:

Maybe you could post links to websites that don't work for you so the devs can take a look at them.

accounts.google.com does not work though.. Which is something I use often. But I tried login.live.com and you are right, it works for me as well. So maybe the function exists, it just doesn't work all over the place.. 

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Weird, it does work for me (tried on Windows with Chrome) for accounts.google.com. Even better than at login.live.com, because on live i have to click the sign in button on the password popup, but on google all it takes is one double click in the Enpass extension and i'm logged in fully automatically. I really don't know why it doesn't work for you, maybe it's browser/extension dependent?

Edited by Maarten
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On 5/7/2019 at 10:30 PM, Maarten said:

Weird, it does work for me (tried on Windows with Chrome) for accounts.google.com. Even better than at login.live.com, because on live i have to click the sign in button on the password popup, but on google all it takes is one double click in the Enpass extension and i'm logged in fully automatically. I really don't know why it doesn't work for you, maybe it's browser/extension dependent?


Just to chime in that this behaviour does work on Google and some other site (that if I can remember what they are I will list them) but not on others, again if I find any I will report them.

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