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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/19 in all areas

  1. Hello, I tested Enpass for some weeks now an decided to switch from KeePass to Enpass. Also my family (wife and daughter) should use Enpass, but I want to have separate vaults for each family member (one vault for me, one vault for my daughter and one for my wife). Before I tested Enpass I tested Bitwarden. I will not use Bitwarden because my passwords are stored in the cloud (I know that I can set up my own server, but this is to complicated and too much work). In Bitwarden I can define a group and give this group a name (like "Family"). Then I add users to this group (by email address that they use in their Bitwarden account). Now I can share passwords with them. It would cool when I could add users in Bitwarden. They should be displayed on the left side (below "Tags") in a new group called "Users". To share a password I hust drag it to the user. Now a new dialog opens with the following options Share password read-only This is a switch (on and off), the default setting is "on" When this option is set, the target user can only use the password but not modify it. Hide password This is a switch (on and off), the default setting is "on" When this setting is "on" then the target user can not see the password (to prevent that they read it, go to the website of the service and change it there) This way I can easily share my Amazon account with my wife (but not the daughter), share the school account with both and keep my credit card for me. And when I change a shared password then all target users should automatically get the updated entry. This way is very comfortable and increases the usability a lot! If a password entry is shared, show a little icon at the right side of the password entry (like a little person). It should also be possible to see all shared passwords in one list. Of cause it should be possible to un-share a password that I have shared before. I just select the entry and select "Un-Share" from the menu. Best regards OLLI
    1 point
  2. I second this feature. I manage vaults for several family members. It would be nice to be able to share some Items as read-write and others as read-only. Short of being able to do this item-by-item, perhaps read-only access on a vault level?
    1 point
  3. I've tested this new feature and it works fine. However, I discovered that the size of the DB (vault.enpassdb) doesn't decrease also after deleting 15+ icons. I think you should implement a routine that calls the "VACUUM" command of SQLite: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_vacuum.html Maybe you should add a "Shrink DB" button in the advanced options, if you consider too risky doing that after each icon deletion. Having a small DB or rather a DB that doesn't grow indefinitely, is important specially when syncing over slow mobile networks. Thanks in advance
    1 point
  4. I'm not clear on what this feature does — and the wording in Settings > General isn't clear either (what does "docked" mean?). Are you saying that once you click the Enpass button in a browser toolbar, the Enpass Assistant overlay will continue to show until the user deactivates it by clicking the [X]? That seems to be the case, and it's a great option to have. But... The wording isn't clear at all. I suggest wording like Show Enpass Assistant window until closed by the user — Enpass pop-up window in browsers won't disappear when you click on something else Shift+CMD+D has no effect on the Enpass Assistant overlay as far as I can tell. I have no idea what "dock it" means, but this key combo certainly doesn't make it go away. (The "dock" is something very specific on a Mac, so maybe choose clearer wording.) The only way to find out about Shift+CMD+D is from this release information. It should be included in the description in Settings > General, along with a clear description of what it does. The Enpass Assistant overlay mostly covers up the button that activates it. This is not normal behavior (see screenies below), and the button should be one of the methods by which the Assistant can be closed. (Also note that the Assistant "colors outside the lines" of the browser window, hanging over the edge of the window instead of staying within the browser.) Fantastic! But you didn't explain how it works. (I did figured out it's a right-click.) YAY!!! YAY!!! Haven't tried this yet, but YAY!!! — When will this be released to production? The people with whom I'm sharing vaults are all on the Mac App Store version. Very happy to see some of these little bugaboos getting addressed!
    1 point
  5. I found the solution: right click on the password field when I am not editing the password. So the issue is solved.
    1 point
  6. Sorry, did you give up fixing the error?
    0 points
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