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Binh Truong

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Binh Truong last won the day on July 17 2016

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  1. Today I hit this issue again. I attach log from Enpass for Desktop and Extension Enpass_Extension.plist Enpass_Windows_Traditional.plist
  2. Today after I reboot PC then it works again. I used to face this issue twice. I don't know why. Anyway could you tell me how to get log from Enpass in case this issue go back.
  3. @Garima Singh I also face this issue with Edge and Chrome on Windows. I also use AdGuard for PC. Please help how to fix this issue without affection to AdGuard. I click Enpass icon on browser then it call Enpass well and I also enter PIN to open Enpass but browser still shows "Connection Error" =========================== I tried Enpass for PC(6.5.1) and Enpass from WIndows Store (6.5.1) on Enpass extension (6.4 version) from Microsoft Store and Chrome Store . I purchased Enpass so I can use full feature in Windows Thanks You
  4. I also hit the same issue on SamSung Note 9+ and Note 10+ with app MiWifi https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xiaomi.router When Enpass auto fill then it is always fill Password for 2 fill email and password in MiWifi app
  5. Hi @Anshu kumar Please let Dev know this issue after upgrade to 6.3 on Android and iOS. Ex: My TOTP for Microsoft or Googl: "ancd dgfg jdjd udhd" with space each 4 char. After upgrade to 6.3 then these totp are invalid. I have to delete space then it works Please fix ASAP Thanks
  6. Currently I am using Windows 10 v1809 and Windows has feature to save clipboard and sync via cloud. It is nice feature for Windows User but with Enpass User is not security because it will save password when user copy. I hope that Enpass should add option in setting to enable/disable store data in Win clipboard and sync cloud as latest version (2.4.1) of Keepass. Thanks, Binh
  7. Currently we only support add icon for website but when we manage Tag and Subtag then we should support change icon of tag with custom icon instead simple.
  8. Currently we already support SubTag so please support move current tag to existed tag to create tree. If i have 15 item in Tag A and I need change TagA into Tag:TagB then I have to edit Tag of 15 items, it takes time. So if we can move whole TagA into Tag then rename TagA to TagB.
  9. Enpass should support feature to remove custom icons.
  10. Hi Enpass team, Currently there is the Magellan Vulnerability on SQLLite. Enpass use SQLCipher engine and SQLCipher use old version of SQLLite (under 3.26). So I wonder if encrypted data of Enpass is still safe with this Magellan Vulnerability? Thanks, Binh
  11. Thanks. I can restore my data on Win PC. Can i restore data on iOS with new change? I am using WinPC and Enpass beta on iOS.
  12. I'm confusing with your explanation. I use Enpass 5 but I switched to Enpass 6 beta and now my data from Enpass 5 is not up to date as Enpass 6 beta. With your explanation then I cannot keep syncing data of Enpass 6 beta after Enpass 6 is release official. What should I do with my data Enpass 6 Beta?
  13. You should uncheck "Match URL Hostname" in Setting-Autofill.
  14. I also hit this issue. Please let us know when next update is available from last update v.72 (19-Jul). It's too long time for beta build.
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