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Everything posted by MilesTEG

  1. Oh ! I though I didn't have to pay anymore to Enpass... The price is high for what it give... The normal price should be 5€ / year... at max 10€/year, not 26,49€ !! I may consider changing my strategy and go elsewhere... with another app...
  2. I've got a same problem with Bitdefender : EnPass infected by a virus on windows10 ? - Windows 10 (Store) - Enpass Forum
  3. I uninstall EnPass (version MS Store), and install the destktop version 32bits. Bitdefender seems to not detect anything with this version...
  4. Hello, Today, after a cold start of my computer windows10 (up to date), my Bitdefender alert me about a risk from EnPass : So, is it a false positive ? Or something got wrong ? I'll submit to bitdefender lab.
  5. Too late for me. I move to GDrive Sync. I had the same problem discuss here. And same a everyone, my OneDrive account doesn't transform itself in work account... I start to be tired by all the Sync Problems I had : iCloud, OneDrive...
  6. Hello, I had to move to OneDrive Sync because the problem appears to often... And I had problems too with OneDrive Sync... : Now I have GDrive sync.
  7. Hello, I've got the same problem on my 3 devices : windows pc, macOS and iOS. Synchonisation failed due to supposedly files deleted from OneDrive... But no files concerning Enpass was deleted... A tempoary fix is to kill EnPass and restart it. Then the synchronisation can be done. But the problem reapears soonafter... I was tired of this, buggy OneDrive Sync so I move to GDrive Sync, and it seems there is no problems anymore... Let's see on the long run... But after abaondonning iCloud Sync because of the iCloud Sync keep expiring problem, I have to abandon OneDrive... Let's hope there will be no problem like this with Gdrive... If this is the case, I'll have to move to another application's passwords.
  8. Hello, Ok Thanks, I'll give it a try next time I've got the message. But it's still annoying.
  9. Hello, Every time I launch the W10 store client I have this message : I have to reconnect my icloud account to have iCloud sync works again... It's pretty annoying... Why is it happening ? Can it be different ? If not, I'll have to switch to another sync cloud... but I don't want to use OneDrive again because I had in the past to reconnect my OneDrive account every update of the client with restoring the data from the cloud... Thanks Miles
  10. It seems there is a problem with space inside the TOTP code. Remove the space and it works again. They push a beta in TestFlight to fix this. I hope it will be released soon. On macOS there the same problem.
  11. On iOS there is a beta to fix thos problem. I'm sure they're working on the same issue on macOS... But it's strange this is happening now, because before there was no problems...
  12. Hello, I've got the same problem on my iPhone... I register with appleID but I get the warning that I reach the limit and have to go premium subscription... On my mac no problem...
  13. I tried to buy the Pro version on my mac, but there is an error, and I can't purchase it...
  14. Hello, I purchased the Premium functions on windows 10 for 5€99. Why on my mac it's 6€99, so not the same amount ? Is it normal ? Thanks Miles
  15. Hello, There is no firewall in Bitedefender for Mac, only an antivirus, as I said I have Bitdefender Antivirus Version on my mac. There is no problem for Safari, or Firefox to connect to Enpass using their own extensions... So I don't understand why you mentioned Firefox in your reply... Your command "netstat -ano | findstr 10391" result in an error : netstat: illegal option -- o The second command won't work : -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `"tokens=5"' I repeat, only Chrome Extension doesn't work, and doesn't connect to Enpass...
  16. In my case : On my mac (High Sierra 10.14.1 (18B75)), Enpass 6.0.0 (250), with Chrome version 70.0.3538.110 (Build officiel) (64 bits), and Enpass Extension v6.0.0.56. With Bitdefender Antivirus Version On my windows computer (Windows 10 v1809 - 17763.134 ), Enpass 6.0.0 (149) with Chrome version 70.0.3538.110 (Build officiel) (64 bits) or Opera version 57.0.3098.76 both with Enpass Extension v6.0.0.56. With Bitdefender Total Security v23.0.14.61. On both computer, only Enpass 6 is running. On both computer, Chrome (or Opera) won't connect to Enpass...
  17. hello, Is-it possible to test this windows store version alongside with the win32 desktop ? Second question : is there any differences between this two version (desktop & windows store) ?
  18. Hello, I installed this last version with TestFlight. But I had to uninstall everything about enpass... And then this beta ask me to re-purchased to unlock the 20-things limitation... I had to uninstall, download again Enpass5, and overwrite it with this beta to get it working without limitations... For now it's working... But with my mac, my windows computer and my iPhone, it was a pain in the ass to get all working together and synching with dropbox without problems... (and still Chrome extension doesn't work... but it's for another topic this problem...) You should have made the transfert more friendly...
  19. Hello I managed to get the lastest beta working, but what a pain in the ass... I had to made a backup with the previous beta, then uninstall everything about previous Enpass (v5, previous beta), and every browser extensions ... I had to move the Enpass.app from /Applications/Enpass/Enpass.app to /Applications/ because if I don't, browsers extensions won't connect to Enpass... (except for Chrome witch doesn't want at all to be connected... it's not working for him...) But now, Safari is connected, Firefox is connected, and Synching with my dropbox. You should made the processus of migration more easy... Why made you the last beta version erase the Enpass5 data ? (use the ../Documents/Enpass/ folder instead of the Enpass6-beta folder ??)
  20. Hello, I can't manage to made the Chrome Extension version to connect to the lastest Enpass Beta (28/11)... I always get this on windows or macOS... : Before installating this lastest beta, I uninstall all other version of Enpass (previous beta, v5). The lastest beta works fine with Firefox, and Safari (on my mac), but doesn't want to be connected to Chrome or Opera... Any solution ? I have to switch to Firefox while this problem is solved... Thanks
  21. Ok ! Great ! So it's reassuring I'm still waiting for the iOS release
  22. Ok, thanks, but you're talking about the lastest beta, right ?
  23. Can someone confirm this : This new beta of Enpass6 will not works alongside Enpass5 ? And will not works with previous beta data ? But by cleaning all data, and restore a fresh backup of the previous Enpass6 beta data, it will works ? I'm waiting for an iOS version to try it... But it will depend of the answer of my questions... because I must have a working solution if the beta isn't working correctly...
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