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  1. It seems that Rosetta can be uninstalled. I found 2 links that give instructions how to do it: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/669486 https://iboysoft.com/news/uninstall-rosetta-2.html That said you may want to keep Rosetta on your machine. I have an Epson scanner and Epson has not, and likely will not upgrade the driver to an M1 version. Although VueScan is M1 native, if I want to use it with the Epson scanner it has to be running under Rosetta. So if you have a similar situation with a scanner, a printer, or a software that has plugins that are Intel only, you may need Rosetta.
  2. That is what I suspected earlier today in my first post. You mentioned that you cannot install the application, could you explain why, as it may help us understand what is going on?
  3. hofpad, if you installed the application, do you see the option to open it under Rosetta when you look at the info?
  4. Interesting question by dahliamma. Here it's not the App Store version, the installer was downloaded from the Enpass site.
  5. It could be that the installer needs Rosetta. Here the installed Enpass shows the "Open with Rosetta" option, while the previous version did not show that option. It seems that the software itself is Silicon native.
  6. Trying to solve the Logitech issue I discovered that Enpass6beta is bypassing some macOS setups. Under Mojave/System Preferences/General I have the following choices: Show scroll bars: Always Click in the scroll bar to: Jump to the next page That works fine in the Finder and with other applications, but Enpass6beta is disregarding those choices. The scroll bar only shows when I click somewhere in the scroll bar column, and it disappears after a couple of seconds. And the cursor moves to the spots where I clicked instead of going down or up one page. Some, myself included are not really pleased with the Mac version of Enpass6beta appearance being imported from the Windows side. It seems that you may also have imported things under the hood at the same time. I hope you can fix this.
  7. You're a welcome Anshu kumer. Just an update about the main window moving from the main screen to the secondary screen: after doing a fresh install of Mojave (I was on a testing partition earlier), the main window always reopen on the main screen, never on the secondary one.
  8. Another cosmetic issue similar to the dark blue color for the links (see Martva post above): when text in the search field is highlighted, it is in a blue color that is way too similar to the background color. Look at the screen capture below, it is almost impossible to distinguish the two colors.
  9. Another bug I just discovered (macOS 10.14, Mojave). The main Enpass6 beta window was open. I had Firefox open and it was in the foreground. When I hit command-H to hide Firefox, the Enpass6 main window was hidden as well, although it was not the foremost application. It happened again with other software. It does not happen all the time, but every time I hit command-H to hide a software window, the Enpass6 window flashes even it is not hidden by the process (I can briefly see the desktop for a fraction of a second behind the window). If I am using any software and I do a command-click on the Desktop to hide that application the Enpass6 window is also hidden at that point.
  10. Agreed, and under Mojave, once you uncheck Preferences/Security/Autolock When Main Window is Closed, reentering the main password or PIN is not necessary after a command-H. The problem is that it is not required when the main window is closed (command-W) so it may be a security issue if you work in a public space. But when alone at home it could be a trick you can use until they fix the issue.
  11. There is a safety issue that should be resolved: after doing a search for a software license I found 2 sets of data (2 versions of the same software). After using the license to activate the newest version of the software I started using it or a while. When done I went back to Enpass6 beta and thinking that the search text was still selected I hit Delete. In fact the 2nd set of data was selected and it was directly sent to the trash. I was able to move it back to where it belongs, but I think we should have a confirmation menu prior to data being sent to the trash.
  12. A little annoyance: I am using 2 screens with my setup. Until this latest beta (220), after launching Enpass6 (or 5) for the 1st time I was dragging the main window to the secondary screen. That's where it stayed and reopened after any computer restart. That's no the case anymore. The first time v220 was launched I dragged its main window from the main screen where it opened first to the secondary screen. After a restart the Enpass window moved back to the main screen, and it happens after almost all restarts (not all, though). It is happening under Sierra and under Mojave.
  13. Thanks for your reply. But that should be implemented with the beta version so we can test it under different environments. Adding it at the end of the beta process is only calling for problems later. Also, could we have only 1 thread for the beta testing program? I asked the same question in the main thread (https://discussion.enpass.io/index.php?/topic/4576-a-new-beta-update-of-enpass-6-is-now-available-for-linux-macos-and-windows/& dedicated to the latest version (220), but I find the answer here. Could you regroup those different threads dedicated to the beta version? TIA.
  14. Under Mojave, the Logitech issue is identical to what was happening under Sierra.
  15. If you are talking about 6.0.0 220, then yes you are right, the power consumption when in the background is down to between 0.0% and 0.1%. Thanks to the team for that!
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