I don't know whether this was caused by a bug/data corruption or an update. (I have Play Store Beta enabled and I'm currently running Enpass
Since I'm on the beta channel I'll report the issue I just ran across (even if the current version might not be a beta):
I started Enpass on my phone (Pixel 7 Pro, Android 15, Patch January) and it asked for my finger print but didn't want to unlock my vault.
I entered the correct password (several attempts), it told me the password is wrong.
I assume the vault got corrupt somehow. I wasn't able to trigger resyncing the vault before entering the "correct" password.
I deleted the app's data and resynced from my vault and everything runs fine again now.
This is just a report in-case this might be a widespread problem. If it isn't, then great. If it is: hopefully my report leads to the issue being fixed in beta phase before it affects most users.