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Everything posted by Djfe

  1. Update: If I disconnect my vault and then reconnect again (including authentication etc.) then the enpassauth:// link is opened just fine in Enpass. But if I create a fresh account on Debian 12 and then want to connect to my vault from a fresh enpass profile, then it get's stuck again like I described here. The link doesn't get opened correctly in Enpass. If I copy the (enpassauth:// ) URL via the dev console then Enpass recognizes it in my clipboard and that works. If I drag&drop it into a new Firefox tab (without a clipboard) then it doesn't do anything. (even on reload of that tab)
  2. Hi, Autofill on Paramount+ isn't working. First the add-on doesn't offer Paramount. If I switch to the overlay (>>) then it offers Paramount+ but clicking on it only pastes the e-mail address while password stays empty. https://www.paramountplus.com/de/account/signin/ The password field itself offers to generate a password (Firefox Add-on). I assume enpass thinks it's a registration type page/form so it doesn't offer to fill in the password and I have to copy&paste it manually. System: Windows 10 64bit education edition Firefox 120.0a1 (2023-10-13) 64bit (Nightly) I could test further browsers if required. Website field in the Enpass entry contains this value: "https://www.paramountplus.com"
  3. That's good to know thank you for looking into it. I'll open a bugreport on Bugzilla then.
  4. Hi, I just installed enpass fresh on my Debian 12 machine and started setting it up using Firefox. I clicked on Google Drive, it got opened in Firefox and I selected my account etc. When I clicked on open in the Firefox overlay (to open the enpassauth:// link with the enpass app) nothing happened. Enpass kept on waiting for me to complete the login and return with permission/access. I tried this 3 times. Then I gave up, installed Chromium and it worked on the first try. Please fix the sync setup for Firefox (115.3.0esr) on Debian 12. Thank you!
  5. agreed, I'm missing the suggestions as well. though a nicer solution would be if it would open a new element showing all tags where I can select several tags at once. selected tags would be marked/highlighted. until then I have to know the tagnames by heart or look at the list, nothing major but a feature that went missing with the beautiful new design of 6.8
  6. still a valuable feature but at least twitch back pedaled and allows for standard totp now, so that's great
  7. still a valuable feature but at least twitch back pedaled and allows for standard totp now, so that's great :)
  8. Yes, pls this is still an annoying issue and easy to fix/improve Either ask to reenter the password or keep URL and username for the webdav server in-tact/the same when you remove the webdav folder (so that you still have the option to edit them but don't have to)
  9. I totally agree. The default hotkey shouldn't be "e". Or CTRL+ALT+* could be different from AltGr+** (two different hotkey values) Also the general settings don't tell you that CTRL+ALT+* is the same hotkey. They don't mention AltGr at all.
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