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Enpass Beta v5.4.0 for Linux users is here!

Guest Vikram Dabas

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Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi all,

We have just rolled out Enpass Beta v5.4.0 for Linux. It comes with some cool and most demanding feature like Quick PIN unlock, Auto backups and much more. Check out the complete changelog here:

What's New

  • Quick PIN support: Gone are the days when you had to enter the master password at every unlock of App. With this release, you can now set an alphanumeric PIN to quickly unlock Enpass if the App is already running in background, otherwise master password will be required.
  • Autobackups: Now Enpass can take backup of your data automatically locally in your device. By default, this feature would be enabled, which you can turn off afterwards. 
  • CSV/DSV Import: If you’re having your passwords and login details in CSV or any other delimiter separated file, you can now import them in Enpass using the all new custom CSV/DSV data importer. To use it in efficient way, you need to have a look at this help video.
  • zxcvbn will show strength of your passwords: We have empowered the password strength indicator with Dropbox zxcvbn to check you from choosing weak passwords. Password strength analysis has become more efficient now.
  • Selective field sharing: Sharing has gone better with an option to choose the fields to be shared rather than whole item. So now you can share your bank details with anyone by removing login and other sensitive details. Cool, huh!
  • Subset of password: It lets you see certain characters in password specified by position, for example "1st, 3rd, next-to-last, last" by just mentioning their position in specified format. 
  • Better way to organize items: You can now create sub-folders by right clicking on parent folder in sidebar with an additional feature to move the subfolders among parent folders by ‘drag n drop’. We have also improved the drag ’n’ drop behavior for moving items between categories and folders where now you also get the option of copying them (instead of moving only) by pressing and holding the ‘option’ key. 


  • Setting up shortcut for autofilling: We have changed the way you used to setup the shortcut key for autofilling in browsers. Now instead of defining it in main Enpass App, you have to configure it in your browser extensions independently.


  • Launching of wrong URL from Helper: There was an issue with the items having multiple URLs, where, when a user tried to launch the second URL from Helper window (as one displayed on clicking extension icon), the first URL was always launched. Fixed now.


Known Issues

  • This Beta version will work on those linux systems having 4.9 or later versions of libstdc++6. We are working on it and will fix it in next release.
  • Enpass app will crash, if Screen Reader is enabled from Universal Access under system settings.


Installation instructions

Before installing beta, please make sure that the existing Enpass app is completely closed (even from System tray). The beta update will overwrite existing Enpass app. The complete installation instructions are mentioned here.

So what are you waiting for, grab the beta version.


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Hi guys,

This beta version is available for Ubuntu and Debian users only through our beta repository where we are detecting the dependency of libstdc++6 for the minimum required version 4.9 (one of the known issue) and check installtion with a prompt for same. Checking of this dependency hasn't implemented in standalone installer yet which would let user install the App but eventually not execute. We will fix this issue of libstdc++6 soon and release the final version for all supported distros.

However, you can still get the standalone version of this beta from here, which we haven't released publicly yet. In any way, you will be able to install it on your system but Enpass will run on those having 4.9 or later versions of libstdc++6.

Hope it helps!


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Guest Ankur Sahu

Hello @Alex Gurenko,

Its weird, The latest Enpass Beta version calls xdg-open to launch Google Drive login page in default browser. It seems xdg-open is not configured properly on your system and is not able to detect the default browser. Please try with the following command in terminal:

xdg-open "https://www.enpass.io"

It should open the https://www.enpass.io in your default browser (In new tab if the browser is already running). If it doesn't work try installing or re-configuring xdg-utils.

Please do let us know if it works.



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@Ankur Sahu

Also with a cold boot I have this issue with an icon. Does not reproduce after reboot, but after shutdown, that's what I get. Relaunching an app fixes it. Switching from Light to Dark mode keep this bizarre icon background.


UPD: looks like a one time thing, if you restart app issue does not exist after that. Still happening if you do a fresh install.


Edited by Alex Gurenko
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Guest Ankur Sahu

@Alex Gurenko

23 hours ago, Alex Gurenko said:

 Manual command works fine, it successfully opens the web-site, however not only the authentication part works, but also none of the links from the saved cards works.

Thanks for reporting. Fixed and will be available in next update.


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