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Enpass Discussion Forum

Find Duplicates Option


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I would like to submit a request for consideration under "Tools". It would be great if there was an option to search for duplicate entries: I do not mean just the username and password, but the actual URL. Not sure how I keep doing it, but I manage to create duplicate entries here and there and this would be a great DB cleanup option for users like me. Otherwise, I seriously love this app! I still use it concurrently with LastPass, but have been more rapidly switching to Enpass for daily use. Thanks for the hard work!

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Totally agree. Just imported from Lastpass and I have all my entries duplicated. Wouldn't be so bad if, after deleting one from the list, the list scrolls right back to the top again! Then I have to scroll back down to find another entry, delete it, then it scrolls up again, etc. So, a) don't scroll back to start, b) maybe a 'multi select' option to remove duplicates, c) a 'find/remove duplicates' feature. Great software though, good job.

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10 hours ago, Pratyush Sharma said:

Hi @Afonsov,

Thanks for using Enpass and writing to us.

We have noted down your valuable suggestion and forwarded it to the concerned team for further consideration. Thanks for your feedback!

I believe this is the same as your colleague Kumar sent to us few years ago:


Hi @sirbanks,

Thanks for your suggestion. I have noted down your suggestion and forwarded to QA team for their consideration.



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  • 3 years later...

Any update on this? As amazing as Enpass is, this feature is a LONG over due one. Please, in 2024, can we get an update on this?

Why upgrade if you're not going to address community requests?


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