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Masked password entry support


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Hello Enpass Team!

First of all thank you for the good work with Enpass!


I would like to submit a feature request: Masked passwords entry support.

Would it be possible?



I searched the forum but I didn't find anything like this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @Pratyush Sharma and sorry for late answer.


Some of the websites (most are financial services like banks) use masked password entry on login. It means you have to enter only some of the password signs, e.g. first, third and the last.

If you password is 12345qwerty (hope it's not ;) ) and you get this input:


then you have to enter: 1,2,4 and y.


Which password sign you need to enter is randomize by the bank on each login.


Supporting this by Enpass means recognize which fields need to be filled with corresponding sign from stored password and autofill.


I hope it's now more clear to you.

Edited by Mateusz
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On 6/10/2020 at 8:48 AM, Mateusz said:

Hi @Pratyush Sharma and sorry for late answer.


Some of the websites (most are financial services like banks) use masked password entry on login. It means you have to enter only some of the password signs, e.g. first, third and the last.

If you password is 12345qwerty (hope it's not ;) ) and you get this input:


then you have to enter: 1,2,4 and y.


Which password sign you need to enter is randomize by the bank on each login.


Supporting this by Enpass means recognize which fields need to be filled with corresponding sign from stored password and autofill.


I hope it's now more clear to you.

Wow that is creepy. That implies that they store the plaintext password somewhere. Urgh.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've seen this done to mask User ID (which as Hitman mentioned above, indicates plain-text storage, but for a User ID that's OK), but for a Password? I hope I don't run into any systems that use this, especially not financial services companies!

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  • 5 months later...

Hi, any progress with that? 

Assuming that the password is stored as plain text is a common misconception. It is possible to keep such passwords fully encrypted in the database, and still use masked passwords as input: https://jonathanstreet.com/blog/partial-passwords/

Anyway, would be great to have this supported in Enpass as it is very common for financial institutions in Poland to use this approach!

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