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Enpass Discussion Forum

Do we expect a drastic UI Update in near future?


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Coming from Myki PM (that just got acquired), Enpass UI looks very outdated.

Over a year and half ago, I remember trying the iOS enpass app before choosing Myki. It looked so outdated that it screamed "unprofessiona and insecure" to me. Now that I started using the Mac & iOS apps, it still feels that way. Hence my question - do we expect a major update (design wise)?

If so, when should that happen?

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Hi @Dani,

In order to meet the needs of all our clients, Enpass continually adds new features and updates its software. Although, I have noted your feedback regarding mac and iOS UI and the same has been forwarded to the concerned team for further consideration. Unfortunately, I do not have an ETA for the same at the moment.  

Enpass appreciates your patience in the meantime, and thanks to you for supporting us!  


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