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Enpass is crashing with Google Drive vault


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Dear Enpass-Team,

Last week I switched to Windows 11 which is fully updated with the latest patches.

Now I have the following issue:

I was able to install and start the Enpass Manager. I synched it with my password-container in Google Drive and the passwords were synched, no issue there.

But now, after the first synch, every time I start the Enpass Manager, when the green GoogleDrive symbol appears in the upper left in it and it starts synching, the Enpass Manager just closes down. No error message, no log created, nothing. It just stops. This happens every single time. I started reinstalling it from the store and from your website, I tried the Enpass Manager Beta, but nothing worked.

Do you have any info or hint on that?

Thank you very much!

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Hi @Streiger,

Welcome to the Enpass Community Forums. 

I appreciate your efforts in reporting the presence of the Enpass app crash issue while syncing to Google Drive. I would like to share that recently we have rolled out a new version 6.8.1 for Windows stores and websites. Please confirm if are using the same. Also, it would be so helpful if you can share a small video of the issue.  In case you are using a website version, please share the logs. 

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On 5/23/2022 at 12:50 PM, Manish Chokwal said:

Hey guys,
same issue here with Enpass / Win11 / Google Drive Sync

Just came across the following message in the Windows event protocol (personal data removed). Maybe the erroneous module and the exception code might be helpful.

Protokollname: Application
Quelle:        Application Error
Datum:         25.05.2022 11:59:18
Ereignis-ID:   1000
Ebene:         Fehler
Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: Enpass.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x627ded3d
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ucrtbase.dll, Version: 10.0.22000.1, Zeitstempel: 0xcb34958a
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000409
Fehleroffset: 0x0009b5a2
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0xe3d0
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d8701e0914506c
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Program Files\...\EnpassBridge\Enpass.exe
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll
Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: SinewSoftwareSystems.EnpassPasswordManager_6.81.1060.0_x86__fwdy0m65qb6h2



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After about 2years with Enpass, it crashes after login. Trying to connect to google drive causes the crash. Windows 10, chrome or edge. Reinstalled everything incl. enpass. I manually disconnected from google drive. nothing helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/23/2022 at 1:06 PM, Streiger said:

Dear Enpass-Team,

Last week I switched to Windows 11 which is fully updated with the latest patches.

Now I have the following issue:

I was able to install and start the Enpass Manager. I synched it with my password-container in Google Drive and the passwords were synched, no issue there.

But now, after the first synch, every time I start the Enpass Manager, when the green GoogleDrive symbol appears in the upper left in it and it starts synching, the Enpass Manager just closes down. No error message, no log created, nothing. It just stops. This happens every single time. I started reinstalling it from the store and from your website, I tried the Enpass Manager Beta, but nothing worked.

Do you have any info or hint on that?

Thank you very much!

I don't know much about and I am also not an expert in it, but I think your Windows 11 doesn't update successfully which is why you are having  this issue with Enpass or there is some drive's or program's are missing. Because I also had a similar issue and when I checked I got this issue from the windows 11 side.

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It has been weeks now and finally i reached the point where i had to create an account in this forum too.


For me it is similar to the issue mentioned by @Streiger, the only difference is that i already used Win11 several months now. I can not tell you what happend, but the problem is exactly like mentioned:


...every time I start the Enpass Manager, when the green GoogleDrive symbol appears in the upper left in it and it starts synching, the Enpass Manager just closes down. No error message, no log created, nothing. It just stops. This happens every single time. I started reinstalling it from the store and from your website, I tried the Enpass Manager Beta, but nothing worked.

When i disconnect my internet connection and the sync via Google Drive can not be performed, the app can be used. As long as i have a stablke internet connection the app just crashes at startup as soon as the sync symbol in the upper left corner starts turning.

No issues with the Android App, everything works fine. Only on Win11 with GDrive sync active the App can not be used since weeks now. I can not use the tool as long as i am connected to the internet. Currently, to get my login data, i hav to turn my internet off in order to start Enpass and copy the login credentials and afterwards turn the internet on again to paste the data.

Right now i have reached a point where my patience for a new release with a fix is nearly at the end.

I have to also negate the post of @richadam as the issue can be solved by either turning internet off or simply not connect GDrive for sync. This can not be related to the PC or missing drivers...

Please @Manish Chokwal, could you give an update on that topic?

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Hi @Streiger, @breaky, @Migüelito & @Error404,

Thank you for being patient with us. Our team has tested it on Windows 10 & 11 with the store/website versions and found it working as expected. Make sure your Windows is up to date. If you are using a store version please try our website version. You can download it from here. Also, enable the logs from the Enpass Advanced setting. In case it still crashes, please share the logs. 


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  1. Unistalled Enpass
  2. Downloaded and installed the version from your website
  3. Installation completed, Enpass could be started, Logs activated
  4. Tried to enable the GDrive snyc, after the authorization was done, Enpass crashed
  5. Turned off Internet connection in order to allow Enpass to start again - no logs created
  6. As soon as i tunred on the internet connection again and manually triggered the sync from GDrive, Enpass crashed again

Crashes only occur with activated internet connection and GDrive sync.

When i remove GDrive snyc, or turn internet connection off - Enpass does not crash anymore.

Used Windows:

Win 11 Pro
Version 21H2
Build 22000.675

Edited by Error404
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  • 2 weeks later...

Any new Feedback @Manish Chokwal

As you can see there are several people affected by this issue.

I also purchased the lifetime version, i am not from Russia (and i really don't think this is intended to just mock some russians @ewryghdbf^^)

You have alle necessary details you need - it just happens with with GDrive sync active on PC version, also with your Web Version. GDrive sync works fine on Android.

Since several weeks it is not possible to even starrt Enpass on PC because of the instant crashes and i have to manually enter the login data i open on my Android Phone.


If there will be no solution withing the next 2-3 weeks, you lost one more customer with me. The issue was reported nearly 2 months ago and it seems like there is not even the attempt for a Bugfix. i am starting to get really annoyed right now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guten Tag zusammen!

Ich bin ebenfalls Nutzer der Lifetime-Version und habe das beschriebene Problem mit einem neuen Windows 10 Laptop mit i7 core und iris xe.

Im Moment muss man vor dem Öffnen von Enpass die Verbindung zum Internet aufheben, damit keine Synchronisierung stattfinden kann. Andernfalls stürzt Enpass nach wenigen Sekunden ab.Dabei ist es egal, wie groß der Tresor der mit Google Drive synchronisiert wird, ist.
Auf älteren Windows PCs besteht dieses Phänomen nicht. Eventuell liegt es an den neuesten Sicherheitspatches von Windows, oder den neuen Hardware-Treibern?


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@Der_Chris_k bei mir ist es auch nur bei einem neueren Notebook mit i5 und iris xe. Ich glaube aber nicht, dass es daran liegt. Auf anderen neuen Geräten mit iris xe funktioniert es auch... deinstallieren und neuinstallieren von enpass oder google drive hilft nicht. OS und Treiber sind aktuell. Antivierensoftware (bitdefender Endpoint) ist auf allen Geräten bei mir identisch, daran wirds auch nicht liegen.

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Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: Enpass.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x627fc1a5
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ucrtbase.dll, Version: 10.0.22000.1, Zeitstempel: 0xcb34958a
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000409
Fehleroffset: 0x0009b5a2
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x2da8
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d8a63e724012f3
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Program Files (x86)\Enpass\Enpass.exe
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll
Berichtskennung: 2abf2183-fedb-4a31-9c00-2fcb3f47d5c7
Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: 
Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist: 

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Fehlerbucket 1599251360710877389, Typ 5
Ereignisname: BEX
Antwort: Nicht verfügbar
CAB-Datei-ID: 0

P1: Enpass.exe
P3: 627fc1a5
P4: ucrtbase.dll
P5: 10.0.22000.1
P6: cb34958a
P7: 0009b5a2
P8: c0000409
P9: 00000005

Angefügte Dateien:

Diese Dateien befinden sich möglicherweise hier:

Es wird erneut nach einer Lösung gesucht: 0
Berichts-ID: 2abf2183-fedb-4a31-9c00-2fcb3f47d5c7
Berichtstatus: 268435456
Bucket mit Hash: b327e6bd8d1f568f9631aea3adbb60cd

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  • 1 month later...


I'm from Hungary, I bought an Asus laptop yesterday (Asus Vivobook Pro 14 M3401qc, AMD Ryzen 5600H, Nvidia RTX 3050), and the same issue happens with Windows 11, and GDrive sync (I have only one vault). Everything is up-to-date on my system. If I can help somehow with finding the root cause, please let me know. (FYI: no problems on my older machines! For example I have an Intel NUC8i5BEH system with Windows 11, and everything works fine when syncing with GDrive (same single vault scenario).)



Edited by Laceee
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