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Safari Extension 6.0.0 autofill shortcut

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On 1/4/2019 at 3:53 PM, Vinod Kumar said:

Hi all,

We are working on it. We provided a hard-coded shortcut to make it available earlier.

Here is a workaround(ugly fix) for German Keyboard Layouts:

1. Finder->Go->Go to Folder-> enter below path

~/Library/Group Containers/7ADB8CC6TF.in.sinew.Enpass-Safari-Group/Library/Preferences

Download the attached plist file with this post and paste inside the folder. Overwrite the existing one.

REBOOT YOUR MAC(do this just after pasting).

Your safari keyboard shortcut will be "Cmd+ ä" now.



Work! Thx!

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On 1/18/2019 at 6:31 PM, firebowl said:

Works but is it normal that I have to klick the entry in the plugin windows? Im coming from 1password and there the password is automatically pasted after pressing the shortcut.

Enpass was working the same way until version 6. I hope they will get it fixed soon as this is really annoying.

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On 12/28/2018 at 11:49 AM, Yogesh Kumar said:

Hi all,

Sorry for inconvenience. Safari Shortcut will make comeback in upcoming update.


Which next version will finally contain the fix? There were already 2 versions released and none of them contained the option for choosing a custom safari shortcut. The issue is known about a month already and nothing happened!

Edited by xarekate
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On 1/4/2019 at 3:53 PM, Vinod Kumar said:

Hi all,

We are working on it. We provided a hard-coded shortcut to make it available earlier.

Here is a workaround(ugly fix) for German Keyboard Layouts:

1. Finder->Go->Go to Folder-> enter below path

~/Library/Group Containers/7ADB8CC6TF.in.sinew.Enpass-Safari-Group/Library/Preferences

Download the attached plist file with this post and paste inside the folder. Overwrite the existing one.

REBOOT YOUR MAC(do this just after pasting).

Your safari keyboard shortcut will be "Cmd+ ä" now.



Is it possible to use "cmd + #" instead of "cmd + ä" with another input for "<string>meta+'</string>" in this file? If so, tell me what I have to put in, please.

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The option for the Safari extension is back! I found in the the Enpass main app settings!

Nevertheless, for German Keyboard layout, not all keys are possible. This is still ridiculous, since version 5 had no problems with that. I do not want to change my hotkey through every browser ...

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3 hours ago, ChocoRolls said:

Nevertheless, for German Keyboard layout, not all keys are possible. This is still ridiculous, since version 5 had no problems with that. I do not want to change my hotkey through every browser ...

Our dev team is working on it. Till then please co-operate with us.

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3 hours ago, ChocoRolls said:

The option for the Safari extension is back! I found in the the Enpass main app settings!

Nevertheless, for German Keyboard layout, not all keys are possible. This is still ridiculous, since version 5 had no problems with that. I do not want to change my hotkey through every browser ...

Thanks for the hint! But it's ridiculous that you can use english keyboard layout only to define the right shortcut for other languages! So if you'd like to use e.g. "cmd + #" on a german layout, you have to put in "cmd + \". Workaround over workaround over workaround... 

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3 hours ago, ChocoRolls said:

... Nevertheless, for German Keyboard layout, not all keys are possible...

Same here. Neither Ä or # is possible. And you have to do restart the machine that the new shortcut will be accepted.

Further... aufofill still doesn't work at all. I still get the popup window and i have to click the item to get the login. Frustrating...

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I am now able to use it, but the "autofill details without showing enpass" does not really work (even here in the forum).

expected behaviour: I click the shortcut while I am in the field and I and get my username/password filled in. 

real behaviour: the enpass extension show me the mini window where I can choose the right username/password.


While the real behaviour is expected in the presence of more than one username/password pair, it does appear even when there is only 1 single login item.


It is my problem or a general one?

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9 hours ago, aktivomat said:

Same here. Neither Ä or # is possible. And you have to do restart the machine that the new shortcut will be accepted.

Further... aufofill still doesn't work at all. I still get the popup window and i have to click the item to get the login. Frustrating...

Read my answer above:

9 hours ago, xarekate said:

[...] So if you'd like to use e.g. "cmd + #" on a german layout, you have to put in "cmd + \". [...]

Apart from that you are right, the autofill doesn't work for me, too. But it's only about safari, on firefox it works. However really sad story...


P.S. For "cmd + Ä" you'd probably have to use "cmd + ' ". Just open the english keyboard layout, compare and look for the appropriate key. 

Edited by xarekate
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On 1/25/2019 at 1:45 PM, aktivomat said:

Exact same behavior here.

Thank you for confirming it. Is there any workaround to this or anyone working on this?

Without it Enpass is quite useless..I am using bitwarden and does work flawlessy. I would switch completely and never look back if I didn't bough all the premium for enpass already..

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Excuse me, but I'm losing my temper. With every update it gets weaker and new problems are added.

Since the last update (6.0.4) the key combinations don't work at all anymore.  Even clicking on the Enpass icon doesn't show any reaction. Only a right click -> select Enpass in the login field, works.

Am I the only one who sees it like this?

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2 hours ago, Florian Kriener said:

Excuse me, but I'm losing my temper. With every update it gets weaker and new problems are added.

Since the last update (6.0.4) the key combinations don't work at all anymore.  Even clicking on the Enpass icon doesn't show any reaction. Only a right click -> select Enpass in the login field, works.

Am I the only one who sees it like this?

Same behavior here with Safari 12.0.3 (14606.4.5) and OSX 10.14.3. :(

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Thanks for warning! I’ve already updated Enpass to 6.0.4 but my safari extension version is still 6.0.3, so I’ll try to keep it until the next update.

It’s really ridiculous what the Enpass dev team is delivering here as a "stable" version! Are you testing you stuff at all before publishing a new (beta) versions? With each update you can count with a new portion of bugs or that existing and marked as solved bugs are still there... :S

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15 hours ago, benson said:

I still cannot set a shortcut by myself for the autofill. Oh lord, what happened to this great app? :(

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Can you please let me know on which browser are you trying to set the shortcut and what problem are you facing while setup shortcut so that we can investigate further.


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