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Folder sync error code 815993


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Folder sync causes error code 815993 on version 6.0.2 (292).

It works if I disconnect the sync and re-enable it, but after restarting (the app) the sync error pop up appears.

Enpass is downloaded from Mac App Store.

I'm using macOS Mojave (10.14.2).

The sync folder is located on Mac Server (connection via AFP protocol) which is connected all the time.


Any idea when will this be fixed? I noticed that there are many topics about sync problems :(


Näyttökuva 2019-1-7 kello 15.52.45.png

Edited by koskkim
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@koskkim This issue has already been solved. Will be there in next update.

@quwax A zero kb file is being downloaded over your WebDAV. We have already fixed some issues related to WebDAV in upcoming update. If you can, please share a demo account (via PM ) on your WebDAV server, it help us to iron out the issue if still exists. 



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did you get this hint:

Every command MUST have the CrushAuth cookie provided with it or else a redirect will be issued asking them to login. Alternatively if they provide HTTP Basic Auth on every request, that will work too.

Hope it will be solved soon as this currently breaks some things here :(


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This remains a problem in Enpass 6.1.0. As soon as I disconnect and reconnect a Mac to a synced folder it breaks the other Macs connected to the same folder. I can ping/pong back and forth, but it never seems to resolve. Some client always reports the error.

Any news of a fix?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So frustrated that this (major) problem couldn't be fixed after the months of waiting.

But we passed the problem by switching the sync from the network folder to Dropbox.

Seems to work for now and our workgroup is more than happy... :)

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