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[Roadmap] Allow to login into Desktop Applications


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I really like Enpass, but one very important feature is missing: allow to login into Desktop Applications like:

  • Steam
  • uPlay
  • Game Launchers (like “Elite Dangerous” or “Star Citizen”)
  • Database tools
  • Admin tools
  • etc

Please add a way to log into applications by pressing the Assistant-Hotkey.
To identify the correct application you may use the process name or (like KeePass) the window title (but this is not really secure).

Here is the documentation about the Auto-Type feature KeePass:

KeePass protects the data while pasting using the Two-Channel Auto-Type Obfuscation:

Best regards


Edited by OLLI_S
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  • 2 weeks later...

I´m upping this. Except for TOTP, i don't need to autofill web-forms nowadays since I like most others since the sessions are cached.

I do on the other hand have password protections on many applications, like a dozen Cryptomator-vaults. Autotype and being able to set a custom sequence for those records is mandatory for me, hence I use KeeWeb atm. But I'll switch right back to enpass once autotype is implemented cause it awesome otherwise

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  • 1 year later...

Hey @Guillaume and All,

Thanks for showing your interest.

Significant user demand is a big factor that determines our priorities for new features. Due to frequently requested features like Website icons, include symbol feature and catching up with newly released OS/Devices, the priority of this went low. I'm really sorry to say that at the moment I can't assure you an ETA for the same.


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