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Hello Forum,

This is for me not just an update of the operating system, but I rather check the software, with which I worked for 5 years. Now I have 1Password for more than 5 years and I liked more or less. Now I try Enpass as an alternative. I have as my data of 1Password ertsmal exported and then imported into Enpass.

Unfortunately I am missing in Enpass important information, which I had stored in 1Password!

For example, in 1Password, there is a field "location" that does not take into account when importing.

Is there any way to import all fields when importing?






Hi @heinetz

Thanks for trying Enpass!

17 hours ago, heinetz said:

Unfortunately I am missing in Enpass important information, which I had stored in 1Password!

For example, in 1Password, there is a field "location" that does not take into account when importing.

Is there any way to import all fields when importing?


Sorry to say but currently it's not possible . We have noted it down and try to fix this issue asap. Please bear with us!


ok, thank you for your response!

I'ld write a PHP-Script to parse the 1password - exported file. The 1password-export-file looks like a complex json-object.
When I take a look at the following:

    "title":"Hosteurope | Plesk",

... it item is shown like follows in the import-preview (step 3):

Hosteurope | Plesk

LoginUser : admin

LoginPass : XXX

psa active lang : default

doLogin : Login

htmlAction :

htmlID :

htmlMethod : post

htmlName : loginForm

usernameHash : d495eaec0628436dbf657c1a8eeb972d6552ea3a501e12ab87075f104b3e7a65


So, how what does the enpass-import do at which are the considered fields?


1. field title is title

2. all field-value-pairs in openContents are token

3. all field-value-pairs in secureContents starting with "html" in filename are token

4. all items in secureContents.fields are token as field-value-pairs with values from field "name" and from field "value"











Hi @heinetz,

We have improved the import method. We will release a beta update next week.

This is right. Also we do not import the trashed items and folders. These two keys are: 

 1. "trashed" means items is trashed.

2. "typeName: system.folder.Regular" means item is a folder.


On 03/11/2016 at 11:33 PM, heinetz said:

So, how what does the enpass-import do at which are the considered fields?


1. field title is title

2. all field-value-pairs in openContents are token

3. all field-value-pairs in secureContents starting with "html" in filename are token

4. all items in secureContents.fields are token as field-value-pairs with values from field "name" and from field "value"





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