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Features and fixes I'm still waiting for 6 months later

100 Watt Walrus

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It's time to talk about features Enpass is still missing and bugs that have yet to be fixed, 6+ months after they were reported or promised.

  • Favicons — Enpass can’t be a major player in the password management market, and can't be truly user-friendly, until it fetches the logos of sites and services on its own. Even bare-bones password managers like Bitwarden have this knocked. What's the delay? I spend exponentially more time putting icons on my Items than I do entering the account details. It's bad enough that Enpass doesn't fetch icons, but it's far, far worse that if you add your own, they have to be exactly 200x200 to display correctly but Enpass doesn't bother telling users this is the case! At the very, very, very, very least, it is incumbent upon the Enpass team to tell users this limitation. But frankly, I don't understand what's preventing the app from fetching favicons/logos when literally all its competitors do this.
  • Browser Extension (Enpass Assistant) pop-up doesn't stay inside the browser window — The Enpass Assistant is not just the only password app with this bug, it's literally the only browser extension of any kind with this bug. Browser extension overlays should render inside the borders of the browser window. (See attached screenshots)
  • Enpass Assistant browser extension pop-up doesn't close from hitting ESC — The Menu Bar pop-up does, so this is probably just an oversight, but it should have been fixed long ago. Again, every other browser extension of any kind that has a pop-up, that pop-up can be closed by hitting ESC. It's standard.
  • Allow users to set their own default template, and have that default be the one that gets used for "Ask to Save New Logins" in the browser — There's not much point in letting users create their own templates if they can't also set those templates as a default, and have that default used when saving new logins from your browser. I've made my own template, but there are so many steps involved in using it, that I've had to create my own system (I have the template as an empty Item, which I duplicate when I'm creating a new one, because that's a 1-step process, instead of the 3-4-step process of digging up my template when hitting "New"). But much worse is the fact that it's impossible to make your own template the default when Enpass offers to save an Item in your browser. I've been forced to turn off that feature because the Items created that way aren't in my chosen template.
  • Auto-fill when adding a tag — This is standard behavior for all software, and it's common sense — why isn’t being done? Why do I have to type then entire word every time I add a tag? Worse, it's impossible to scroll the sidebar when entering a new item (because Edit happen in an overlay instead of a child window), so you can't even see all your current tags to make sure you're typing the right name. If I can't remember if my tag is called "Shop" or "Shopping," I just have to guess, and if I'm wrong, I've created a new tag by accident, then I have to go back and fix it. Not offering to auto-fill on tags (when I type "Sho," Enpass should start filling in "Shopping") makes Enpass feel like 1990s software.
  • Sharing vaults as read-only — Enpass can never be a family password manager until parents can have read-write privileges and restrict their kids to read-only privileges.
  • Having separate passwords for each vault (as an option) — Unlike the bullet points above, which should have been in place before Enpass ever came out of beta, I can be patient for this one. But it is important. The extra layer of protection is needed if Enpass is ever going to be a viable password manager for businesses. If workers can access their work credentials with the same (potentially awful) password as their personal credentials, that puts companies at risk.

I will continue to use Enpass for the time being, but the fact that these issues still haven't been addressed, even though they were almost all brought up over a year ago, has me always trying out alternatives because I get the impression — from inaction despite multiple reminders — that the Enpass team isn't interested in fixing these problems.

browser pop-up Bitwarden.png

browser pop-up Enpass.png

Edited by 100 Watt Walrus
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I’m a new user and the default template and fav icons were the first thing that made Enpass look like unfinished product for me. And while the fav icons are a mere UI feature the default template is really a way to simplify and use the software the way you need. If you have all that complexity of categories, tags and custom fields at least give the user an option to use it without all of them by using a simple custom template.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey @100 Watt Walrus,

I'm so sorry, I didn't respond earlier. I hope you can accept my apologies and I will try to respond to your query at my earliest convenience.

On 6/21/2019 at 10:41 AM, 100 Watt Walrus said:

Favicons — Enpass can’t be a major player in the password management market, and can't be truly user-friendly, until it fetches the logos of sites and services on its own. Even bare-bones password managers like Bitwarden have this knocked. What's the delay? I spend exponentially more time putting icons on my Items than I do entering the account details. It's bad enough that Enpass doesn't fetch icons, but it's far, far worse that if you add your own, they have to be exactly 200x200 to display correctly but Enpass doesn't bother telling users this is the case! At the very, very, very, very least, it is incumbent upon the Enpass team to tell users this limitation. But frankly, I don't understand what's preventing the app from fetching favicons/logos when literally all it's competitors do this.

Our dev team is working into it and will be available with Enpass version 6.2.

On 6/21/2019 at 10:41 AM, 100 Watt Walrus said:

Enpass Assistant browser extension pop-up doesn't close from hitting ESC — The Menu Bar pop-up does, so this is probably just an oversight, but it should have been fixed long ago. Again, every other browser extension of any kind that has a pop-up, that pop-up can be closed by hitting ESC. It's standard.

We have already fixed this issue. Can you please check and let me know if the problem persists.

On 6/21/2019 at 10:41 AM, 100 Watt Walrus said:

Allow users to set their own default template, and have that default be the one that gets used for "Ask to Save New Logins" in the browser — There's not much point in letting users create their own templates if they can't also set those templates as a default, and have that default used when saving new logins from your browser. I've made my own template, but there are so many steps involved in using it, that I've had to create my own system (I have the template as an empty Item, which I duplicate when I'm creating a new one, because that's a 1-step process, instead of the 3-4-step process of digging up my template when hitting "New"). But much worse is the fact that it's impossible to make your own template the default when Enpass offers to save an Item in your browser. I've been forced to turn off that feature because the Items created that way aren't in my chosen template.

On 6/21/2019 at 10:41 AM, 100 Watt Walrus said:

Having separate passwords for each vault (as an option) — Unlike the bullet points above, which should have been in place before Enpass ever came out of beta, I can be patient for this one. But it is important. The extra layer of protection is needed if Enpass is ever going to be a viable password manager for businesses. If workers can access their work credentials with the same (potentially awful) password as their work credentials, that puts companies at risk.

These two features are already in our roadmap for further consideration but at the moment I can't assure you any ETA.

On 6/21/2019 at 10:41 AM, 100 Watt Walrus said:

Browser Extension (Enpass Assistant) pop-up doesn't stay inside the browser window — The Enpass Assistant is not just the only password app with this bug, it's literally the only browser extension of any kind with this bug. Browser extension overlays should render inside the borders of the browser window. (See attached screenshots)

Enpass assistant is actually a part of the desktop app and works globally. You can invoke the same Enpass assistant anywhere with a global shortcut key or from the menubar to access your Enpass data. This is a very unique use case where a smaller version of the same desktop app is required in the system. Since it is not owned by the browser, it doesn't follow the browser's geometry or border.



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Thanks for replying, @Anshu kumar.

You're right that the Assistant in the browser does close with ESC now. Thanks for pointing that out. It doesn't always work though. I'll see if I can sense a pattern to when ESC fails to close the window, and write back once I have actionable information to pass on.

I appreciate the explanation of the Assistant overlay not bing owned by the browser. When it's invoked from the browser it definitely knows it's in the browser because it recognizes the website in the foreground tab and offers to fill credentials for that site, and it's rendered just below where the extension button is placed on the browser's toolbar. Is it not possible to have that recognition extend to where the window is placed? If nothing else, please consider drawing the Assistant 100-150px to the left of where it's currently drawn when invoked from the browser That way, at least it's not overlapping the edge of the browser window if you're not browsing full-screen.

You mentioned v6.2. I'm still on 6.0.6 even though I'm in the Beta program. What are the Mac system requirements for 6.1? I'm still running El Capitan (old computer, but it still works like a champ, so...)

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Hey @100 Watt Walrus,

Thanks for writing back.

9 hours ago, 100 Watt Walrus said:

I appreciate the explanation of the Assistant overlay not bing owned by the browser. When it's invoked from the browser it definitely knows it's in the browser because it recognizes the website in the foreground tab and offers to fill credentials for that site, and it's rendered just below where the extension button is placed on the browser's toolbar. Is it not possible to have that recognition extend to where the window is placed? If nothing else, please consider drawing the Assistant 100-150px to the left of where it's currently drawn when invoked from the browser That way, at least it's not overlapping the edge of the browser window if you're not browsing full-screen.

Thanks for your feedback. I have noted it down and forwarded to the concerned desk for further consideration.

9 hours ago, 100 Watt Walrus said:

You mentioned v6.2. I'm still on 6.0.6 even though I'm in the Beta program

I would like to inform that  Enpass version 6.2 is currently in internal testing phase and we have yet not released beta for the public. 


9 hours ago, 100 Watt Walrus said:

What are the Mac system requirements for 6.1?

 The minimum requirement to run Enpass 6 for macOS is 10.12 or later.




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