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Error connecting to the Chrome extension

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Hello, I get on my Windows 10 PC in Chrome both he registration of Enpass this error message, see attachement, please.
As soon as I want to fill data in Chrome with Enpass comes the error. I have Sophos installed on the machine. I have already
een a few tips on the net. You should enter as an exclusion, then it should funktonieren. Problem is, I have not here
Sophos Home with the web interface, but Sophos Endpoint Security. I just can not find the attitude. Can someone help me please?



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Unfortunately, since a few days, I have the same problem on Windows 10 with Brave Beta browser. It worked normally before, but now, even though Enpass is open and unlocked, when I try to autofill, it only brings the app to the foreground and spits out a connection error. Blimey!

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Hey @eno

We regret the inconvenience, but we're here for help. For quick troubleshooting, please reinstall the Brave beta browser. If this doesn't help, please share the following details:

  • Did you start facing this issue recently - like after an Enpass update, or did you face the same problem earlier as well?
  • Which exact Enpass version are you using on the Windows devices?
  • Are you facing the same problem with other browsers too?
  • Are you using any Antivirus or third-party security-related extension?

Let us know the above details so we can investigate this problem appropriately.

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Hey Garima,

thanks for getting back.

It only started recently on one of my devices using Brave browser (a few days ago). I have Edge installed in parallel, and there it is still working. Also, I have multiple profiles on Brave (which worked flawlessly before), on which there is exactly one that works with Enpass. All others are acting up - I click the Enpass extension icon in my toolbar, and it attempts to open the already opened Enpass window, but never achieves to connect. 

Enpass and its extensions are all up to date: Enpass 6.6.0 (770) from Microsoft Store, extension in Chrome is 6.5.1. No anti-virus except the inbuilt Windows Defender. But it  never gave problems before.




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On 2/24/2021 at 11:14 AM, Garima Singh said:

Hey @eno

We regret the inconvenience, but we're here for help. For quick troubleshooting, please reinstall the Brave beta browser. If this doesn't help, please share the following details:

  • Did you start facing this issue recently - like after an Enpass update, or did you face the same problem earlier as well?
  • Which exact Enpass version are you using on the Windows devices?
  • Are you facing the same problem with other browsers too?
  • Are you using any Antivirus or third-party security-related extension?

Let us know the above details so we can investigate this problem appropriately.

Sorry to get back, I really don't know where the problem lies. On another computer, same system basically, it's working without glitches, despite having multiple users on Brave. Uninstalling the extension didn't help, would uninstalling Enpass completely probably help in such a case?

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9 hours ago, Garima Singh said:

Hey @eno

Thanks for sharing your inputs. We have reproduced the issue with the beta version of the Brave browser and the same is notified to their support team. To run Enpass smoothly on your windows device, please install the last stable version of the brave browser and let us know your feedback.

Thanks, @Garima Singh, so there is an issue with the browser - thanks for investigating, and too bad. Yeah, I might use the stable version on the other device, I honestly don't remember. But thanks for letting me know!

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On 2/26/2021 at 12:14 PM, Garima Singh said:

Hey @eno

Thanks for sharing your inputs. We have reproduced the issue with the beta version of the Brave browser and the same is notified to their support team. To run Enpass smoothly on your windows device, please install the last stable version of the brave browser and let us know your feedback.

A little update: Yes, the Beta version seems to have been the problem. Today, the normal version (being 1.21.73, Chromium 89) is also affected from the same problem, I guess because they updated the normal version to the same 'state' as the Beta had before. I suppose you don't have any more insight for the time being, other than that being a browser (engine) problem? 

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Hi All,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

It looks like Brave browser recently added a Brave Shields, which is blocking the Enpass app from connecting with the browser extension. We have notified them about this issue on their community forums here.https://community.brave.com/t/brave-shield-blocking-enpass-extension/212460


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7 minutes ago, Pratyush Sharma said:

Hi All,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

It looks like Brave browser recently added a Brave Shields, which is blocking the Enpass app from connecting with the browser extension. We have notified them about this issue on their community forums here.https://community.brave.com/t/brave-shield-blocking-enpass-extension/212460


Thanks, @Pratyush Sharma - I see there is a workaround (disabling all features for blocking ads and tracking), but nothing that's really helping. I see that is out of your hands, but thanks for taking care anyway.

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Hi All,

just an update to this workaround: 

Yes, you need to disable Shields (Settings > Shields > Trackers & ads blocking) to get the Enpass extension to communicate with the Enpass app. And apparently you can't whitelist the extension.

But you don't need to keep Shields disabled. As soon as the extension finds the Enpass app, you can enable Shields again. As long as you don't restart Brave and/or Enpass (or your computer), the communication appears to be working. I tested that on Windows 10 and macOS Mojave, and it worked so far.

Not exactly perfect, but at least a small silver lining ;)


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3 minutes ago, John Shade said:

Hi All,

just an update to this workaround: 

Yes, you need to disable Shields (Settings > Shields > Trackers & ads blocking) to get the Enpass extension to communicate with the Enpass app. And apparently you can't whitelist the extension.

But you don't need to keep Shields disabled. As soon as the extension finds the Enpass app, you can enable Shields again. As long as you don't restart Brave and/or Enpass (or your computer), the communication appears to be working. I tested that on Windows 10 and macOS Mojave, and it worked so far.

Not exactly perfect, but at least a small silver lining ;)


With uBlock Origin installed at the same time, it's even a bit more convenient to disable the shields for now (until they hopefully provide a solution) and rely on uBlock’s resistance to the evil side of the web. I'll definitely go with that, even though your approach is a little better than opening Enpass manually, searching for your entry and copy-pasting the password into the right field.

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On 3/4/2021 at 5:36 PM, John Shade said:

Hi All,

just an update to this workaround: 

Yes, you need to disable Shields (Settings > Shields > Trackers & ads blocking) to get the Enpass extension to communicate with the Enpass app. And apparently you can't whitelist the extension.

But you don't need to keep Shields disabled. As soon as the extension finds the Enpass app, you can enable Shields again. As long as you don't restart Brave and/or Enpass (or your computer), the communication appears to be working. I tested that on Windows 10 and macOS Mojave, and it worked so far.

Not exactly perfect, but at least a small silver lining ;)


Hmmh, this is not really a solution, sorry. Yes, if I lower the shield in Brave, the attempt to connect to Enpass succeeds. However, it takes several seconds for every attempt and even though the Enpass app is already up and open, when Brave finally does connect, the app is somehow closed and I have to re-open it again (with my master password or fingerprint). Also the auto-fill of the credentials does not work, so I have to copy and paste both the username and password fields into the login of the website I want to visit.

This is not a very nice User-Experience. Furthermore now I am also having this issue on my other PC - a MacBook Pro 2018 running MacOS Mojave!

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On 3/6/2021 at 8:24 PM, job1966 said:

Hmmh, this is not really a solution, sorry. Yes, if I lower the shield in Brave, the attempt to connect to Enpass succeeds. However, it takes several seconds for every attempt and even though the Enpass app is already up and open, when Brave finally does connect, the app is somehow closed and I have to re-open it again (with my master password or fingerprint). Also the auto-fill of the credentials does not work, so I have to copy and paste both the username and password fields into the login of the website I want to visit.

This is not a very nice User-Experience. Furthermore now I am also having this issue on my other PC - a MacBook Pro 2018 running MacOS Mojave!

Now, one day later, its working again, at least on MacOS :-) 
Why now? I do not know? Automatic update? Or simply a total restart of the Brave browser?

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