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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/19 in all areas

  1. Hello, I read an article that the standard WebAuthn is public now and all websites can offer WebAuthn for users. Users can log in without a password, they need just an other identification (like smart phone or hardware token). This is also relevant for Enpass. It would be cool if I can use Enpass to access websites that offer WebAuthn. Here are some useful links: Official website of WebAuthn: https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/ Website wehre you can test WebAuthn: https://webauthn.io/ So is such a feature planned? Best regards OLLI
    1 point
  2. These days, it's hard to not leave behind a digital footprint. People can often learn a lot about you just by googling your username. I think that Enpass could really help solve this problem by offering a random username generator. The usernames could be nonsensical, or they could be created from a predefined dictionary. It would also be nice to have a general random generator so that you could generate random values for any field, but I think this would be more difficult to implement. One possible use case would be randomly selecting an email to use from a list of your email addresses, which would also make it harder for people to track your online activities.
    1 point
  3. Atm, access to multiple vaults works with the master password of the first vault. This prevents different users with different vaults can use enpass on one PC. In addition I think it's a security issue, because the master password of other vaults are saved in Enpass / in the first vault. A master password should never be saved anywhere! So it would be great, if access to a vault should only be possible with each vault's master password. Not with the master password of another vault. For me it's not importent opening multiple vaults at the same time. I only want to manage/using them separatly with one Enpass installation or within the web browser.
    1 point
  4. I'd love to see to which WebDAV location exactly Enpass is syncing. Recently I had the problem that I typed in a subfolder of my usual sync folder after reinstalling and I had no idea what was happening. I could also not check where Enpass is syncing. A related feature request is the ability to configure exactly where Enpass is storing its files via WebDAV. I have to use Windows and Linux in parallel (and also Android) and sometimes the app uses the Enpass subfolder, sometimes it uses Enpass6-Beta subfolder rendering me now with two diverging branches of my credentials. I don't even know which client is syncing in which place. Also I don't know how to remedy this situation and join both files back to one vault and prevent this from happening in the future.
    1 point
  5. +1 from me as well. Also Webdav sync config on current version (6.0.6) is sort of black hole. Once you hit the save button there is no way to update or even see the settings. Workaround is to disconnect and start over. From UX perspective I would like to see Webdav (or any other sync option) config stored side by side with other entries in the vault.
    1 point
  6. I fully support this request. Having two or more independent vaults is a major point for Enpass (in theory). So far I can use any other PW-Manager (Reasons explained by AMK already)
    1 point
  7. Hello, I want to use enpass on a Mac with two users. The storage location is a shared folder where all users have full access rights. I want to use 3 different vaults, each with its own password protected. Vault-1 (default): access with master password possible Vault-2: Access only possible with Vault-2 Password Vault-3: Access only possible with Vault-3 Password Application example: Several family members use the Mac with their own user profile, start Enpass from the mentioned common folder. The Vault-1 area should contain passwords accessible to all users, Vault1 + 2 only personal passwords. How can I implement this?
    1 point
  8. Sorry, now I understand what you meant. To make it short: it's not possible as for now.
    1 point
  9. I suspect you did not understand me. I want the user to enter the password when switching to the other vault. The user should only be able to look into his vault, unless one knows the password of the other vault.
    1 point
  10. I think it should be not a problem if every user has its own user profile (although I didn't test it). Just create the main Enpass vault and afterwards the other 2 vaults. Create a separate folder for each vault. Then you'll just connect the Enpass app to the already existing vault 2 and 3 from the appropriate user account. That should be not a problem until you plan to sync the vaults to any mobile devices via cloud storage. For now it works only with WebDAV.
    1 point
  11. I'll just bring this up again... Enpass sadly lost it's ability for full-time Windows Hello support with v6. I would really like you bringing this back asap for devices with TPM since it was very convenient. I hope there is no technical limitation because it's now a bridged Win32 app.
    1 point
  12. Currently there is kind of a pain adding Cloud sync to WebDAV targets. I need to not only know the WebDAV URL, but also exactly the path format that Enpass is expecting, which isn't clear at all. Should it be the root? Should it be the Enpass folder in the root? Should it be the specific backup file in the Enpass folder? The root WebDAV URL should be enough, the client should be intelligent enough to let me pick the database file from there, or browse and let me select the folder where the password database is synced.
    1 point
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