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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/22 in all areas

  1. I debugged this issue further and can share the following: vault.enpassdb was initially 850 MB. I exported Enpass data to json and realized that 1 entry had a huge list of password history entries. I manually removed them. The json file size got reduced to 6MB. After I have imported the data from the modified json file, vault.enpassdb is now 400MB. I have 70 enpassattach files with a total size of 8MB. I turned off "Use Website icons" and "Check compromised passwords". Having those options turned off, Enpass is more responsive, but still not optimal. I also get the impression that while Enpass is syncing with WebDav, the main Enpass window is not responsive.
    1 point
  2. I guess 'is not working on fixing it' should be 'is now working on fixing it. Thanks for the support. I'll be waiting patiently but if there's anything i can do to provide more info just let me know.
    1 point
  3. @dan45, As mentioned above we are still looking for the feasibility of this feature request. Although, I have relayed your feedback to our backend team.
    1 point
  4. Hey @Schtief, Thank you for reporting the presence of this issue. I have shared it with the concerned team to keep created date remain same if the entry is copied or moved to a different vault. In the meantime, please share the Enpass version and OS information. SI-3082
    1 point
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