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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. I'd also like to see the ability to duplicate fields. The specific scenario is when I need to add 3 sets of security questions and answers and creating the first set of Q & A would be easier to then duplicate these fields 2 more times.
  2. I'd love something like this as well. I like to store credit card numbers with spaces for easy readability, but so many websites cannot handle a credit card number entered with spaces. I've had to work around this by storing a 'no spaces' copy of the credit card number in another field that I specifically use for this purpose.
  3. Currently, when you use Attach File on Android, it only presents the local file system as an option to navigate and select from. Could this page also allow Cloud storage apps in use on the phone (OneDrive, Google Drive, etc) to be navigated and files attached from these locations?
  4. Came here to request same. More and more of my apps support all forms of biometric unlock on my Samsung S10+ running Android 10. Really hope to see Enpass join the ranks soon!
  5. It has since appeared for me on all devices. The fact that the Enpass app has an in-app version upgrade notification that is independent of the Microsoft Store (which may take more time from app submission by Enpass team through to being available to users) just makes it a little confusing. That said, I'd rather (i) know when a new version is coming, and (ii) change notes (something the MS Store is TERRIBLE at)
  6. Yep, seeing the same here. My Windows 10 laptop has Enpass v6.2.0 (542) I am being prompted in-app about a update that is available now. I click 'Update Now' button, get redirected to the Microsoft Store, and there is no update.
  7. I've just enabled the new website icons feature in Enpass 6.2.0 (542) and in general it has done a good job of retrieving the favicons from the website. However, there is a small, very random, number of entries where it has gone and applied the same incorrect favicon which just happened the be the favicon for the 2nd entry in my wallet that it updated. In my case, it has used the favicon from https://9now.com.au which was the 2nd entry in my wallet that it updated with a favicon. However, it also used that exact same 9now.com.au favicon for entries such as http://www.asus.com.au https://www.auntbetty.com.au https://austpost.com.au http://avis.com.au https://www.bestpoolsupplies.com.au https://www.budgetpetproducts.com.au cashbackclub.com.au http://netbank.com.au http://davey.com.au ..and many many more. Any ideas why or how to investigate/troubleshoot?
  8. I use OneDrive as my cloud sync. I'm currently using Enpass 6.1.2 (428) for Windows Desktop. I've just changed my Microsoft Account (MSA) password and so need to re-authenticate any apps that use my MSA/OneDrive. Am I correct in assuming that the way to do this in Enpass for Windows is Go into Vault Settings Click 'Disconnect' and confirm validation prompts Go back in and re-setup Sync using OneDrive from scratch. There is no 'cleaner' way to do this? I mean, it works.. but it isn't particularly neat. It would be nice if there was a 'reauthenticate' option on the Vault Settings tab that would go through the same MSA auth process as initial setup without having to do the whole disconnect/reconnect set of steps.
  9. When manually creating a new Login entity in Enpass, almost all use the same email address (or a limited subset of 2-3 email addresses). It would be handy and save time when creating new entries for the Email address field to offer a default email address option (could be an option in settings, or could just be offered on the field like a MRU list).
  10. A minor, but annoying, thing I've noticed of late is that whenever a new version of Enpass 6 is pushed through the Microsoft Store, it will update the app, but not restart the app after update (assuming it was open prior to update). Every other app that I have via the Store, including many 'classic' apps that have been bridged, all seamlessly update and restart in the background. With Enpass, I'll often discover it has updated because I go to use it and find it isn't running (I have 'Open Automatically at System Startup' enabled) Why doesn't Enpass 6?
  11. +1 Since 6.0.1 (239) I'm seeing the exact same thing. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but as you can see from the attached screenshots, the problem occurs right from the first post-install screens. I've only encountered this on one of my PCs; a Dell Latitude 7480 running Windows 10 1809 (17763.195), Intel HD Graphics 620 using driver and 150% text scaling. No problem on my other PC running same version of Enpass and Windows but with a nVidia GPU.
  12. Having battled the insanity of the Enpass release process, once I got the current beta installed from the Store on my PCs, along with the beta on my Android phone, the OneDrive sync has worked without issue. As always, YMMV
  13. FIXED now that the correct file has linked for the beta download...
  14. There is a difference between using betas within a current version line and being forced up to a major new version of a product which is completely incompatible with the previous version (and to which they've botched up the upgrade). This morning I found my phone had been upgraded to Enpass 6. My PCs are all using Enpass 5. I'm now screwed. So, I did not have a choice in this matter. Please refrain from telling people how to feel when you really don't understand the full circumstances.
  15. What does this even mean? It seems that the link in the article downloads a standalone enpass.exe There is no installer. How does this "come over the existing Enpass 5 application"? Do you copy it manually? What if you are using the bridged traditional desktop vesrion of Enpass 5? does this still apply?
  16. Agreed. This is a mind-numbingly stupid architectural decision. Why on earth would I want to set up multiple cloud providers just so I can sync multiple vaults? Most *normal* people have settled on (or only ever been exposed to) one single cloud provider and Enpass *should* support base functionality like multiple vaults based on this premise.
  17. I've just been forced to the Enpass 6 beta. I've installed Enpass and during the setup when asking where to restore the database from I selected OneDrive. It took me to the Authorisation page which showed as successful, however, in the app it just sat there hourglassing. I gave up and restored from a local backup I made. I then when into the app to setup Sync, and again, OneDrive sync setup failed with the exact same symptoms as above. I then tried to setup Sync using Google and got the exact same symptoms as above.
  18. I am REALLY pissed off at this. Honestly, how dare you force me into a beta situation. I RELY on my password vault across my PCs, tablets, and phone 10s of times per day and I need to working 100% reliably. Now, you decide to forgo the previous side-by-side beta experience (a good way to do it) and force everyone into your beta?? I appreciate you want to put out the best version of the product on release and thus it probably made sense in your minds to pull in more users to beta test, but FORCING us into your beta test program with no way to decline or opt-out is simply unforgivable. I had always been a strong advocate of Enpass over other solutions like Lastpass but this behaviour by you will make me never in good faith recommend your product again.
  19. I am REALLY pissed off at this. Honestly, how dare you force me into a beta situation. I RELY on my password vault across my PCs, tablets, and phone 10s of times per day and I need to working 100% reliably. Now, you decide to forgo the previous side-by-side beta experience (a good way to do it) and force everyone into your beta?? I appreciate you want to put out the best version of the product on release and thus it probably made sense in your minds to pull in more users to beta test, but FORCING us into your beta test program with no way to decline or opt-out is simply unforgivable. I had always been a strong advocate of Enpass over other solutions like Lastpass but this behaviour by you will make me never in good faith recommend your product again.
  20. I totally agree with this. While I love beta testing, my password vault is too important for me for day-to-day use. I can't afford issues. I was watching the v6 beta and liked the fact that it could run side-by-side with v5 as it was independent and ran its own upgraded database file. However, being forced into a beta scenario, which I on;y found myself because my phone app (Android) was upgraded this morning, is NOT OK. You say you Love your users. Not giving them a choice is a very strange type of Love.
  21. I'm seeing this issue more and more often now across multiple PCs. All running: Windows 10 1803 (17134.254) Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0 Enpass 5.6.19 (5548) (Desktop App through Microsoft Store) Enpass Edge Extension 5.5.2 If I go into the Enpass App -> Tools -> Settings -> Browser and Toggle 'Enable Browser Extensions' OFF and then back ON, then the Enpass extension works immediately.
  22. Yep, I also got 5.6.19 (5548) from the Store overnight. Hopefully this puts an end to this issue!
  23. Fingers crossed! I've had nothing pushed to me in the Store as of writing this so I guess they didn't provision me to receive the beta updates.
  24. I've not seen any evidence of 5.6.17 NOT crashing on Windows 10 1803 (17134.112)?
  25. So I was contacted by Enpass via private message to provide my MSA so I could be pushed a beta build through the Microsoft Store to test a fixed version. I was contacted 8 June I replied 9 June I followed up 14 June as I hadn't seen or heard anything As of today 16 June, still, nothing I know they've been trying to get Enpass 6 beta out the door and been harassed a lot about delays and poor communications around the beta, but still, this is a pretty serious issue and is being so poorly handled.
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