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Found 8 results

  1. Over the last few days I have been unable to use Enpass on Opera. The extension says "Update Required" - however when I go to the extension store, it says I have the latest version. I also tried the Opera extension by Sinewoft, but that one also does not function since the last update. Missing my Enpass badly.
  2. Enpass Extensions are not working. It happens in every browser. I already reported this issue in enpass support. Till now there is no reply from them. Please help me.
  3. I'm struggling with Opera* extension since updating to Enpass 6. Is there a known problem? It keeps reporting that an update is required but I can't find any update on the extension repository. *Opera v. 57.0.3098.106 / Mac OS X 10.11.6 64-bit
  4. Bibon

    Firefox Android

    Hello, I have been using Enpass for several months on Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android 7 with Chrome or Safari Since the release of the new Firefox, I would like to generalize its use on all my devices but it is not effective with Android. Indeed, the Enpass notifications do not work with Firefox Android and being French (sorry for my english), the Enpass QWERTY keyboard solution does not satisfy me ... Can we finally hope for an evolution on one of these features: an Enpass keyboard in AZERTY or an Enpass extension for Firefox Mobile ??
  5. happy new year everyone, I have installed enpass on windows 10 and on my browsers they are all working except UC browser extension which is my browser of choice for both mobile/desktop and this is keeping me from deciding to purchase premium I always get Enpass Connection Error Please start Enpass desktop app and make sure you have checked "Enable Browser Extension" in Enpass Preferences, before using Enpass Browser Extension. I did all the steps nothing worked both my browser and my enpass are up to date thank you in advance
  6. Hi there, I did not see this topic but maybe I'm wrong don't hesitate to tell me if it is duplicate. I wanted to know if there is in the roadmap the autofill feature (already via a shortcut). Also wanted to know if you plan to make something like Dashlane or other password manager (a icon in the form in order to choose what to fill) ? Thanks, Thomas.
  7. As stated elsewhere I'm evaluating enpass as a replacement for a solution I've used to 10+ years - which doesn't even have a Safari integration feature so enpass wins anyway... So pretty much the first thing I tried is to sign-up for this forum on my iPad ;-) Naturally I brought up the iOS extension and went to 'create new sign-in', expecting to find the password generator there...?
  8. Now that Edge supports browser extensions, I hope Enpass will bring their browser extensions to Edge. Lass Pass just released their Edge browser extension this week. I've heard it's an easy port from Chrome....not sure.
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