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Found 12 results

  1. Currently Enpass allows us to move the fields up and down within a particular entry, say Bank. Wish it was possible to fix the order of fields as a template, so it won't be necessary to move them up and down after creating every entry.
  2. When I enter a phone number I'd like it to be auto-formatted. Currently I setup field type of Phone and type 8003334444, but it doesn't format to (800) 333-4444 let alone if I add an extension. If I type a hyperlink in HTML I can add extensions, but extensions are relatively rare, so I think that could be an additional feature request if you can't find a solution in a reasonable amount of time. <a href="tel:+441234567,88">+44-123-4567 ext. 88</a> There are also fields where it auto-formats as you type. This would be ideal, but not necessary. It could auto-format after I finished typing. http://igorescobar.github.io/jQuery-Mask-Plugin/
  3. Hi, since the update of the Enpass Chrome extension to 6.8.2 on Windows 10 Pro, it is interfering with fields like text fields and dropdowns on other websites. Depending on the field, I can't go to another field or can't open a dropdown to show the content and make a selection, the cursor also tends to jump to a totally different field way further down on the page when using TAB, etc. All of this works normally when the Enpass extension is disabled. I have other extensions active but those have no effect on the behaviour, the problems also clearly started right after the update to 6.8.2. This has happened before on an earlier update and went away with the update that followed (I can't recall which update it was). The website where I have the problem is typically SAP CPQ (cloud application from SAP). I now have to disable the extension when using SAP CPQ and reactivate it again when I perform a login. Are any known fixes available? Anyone else experiencing the same problem? Thanks.
  4. Hi folks, Found a bug in the Edit screen tonight: As you scroll, some elements can end up overlapping. See attached screenshots, taken only seconds apart: Scroll down, fields overlapped, screenshot, scroll back up... Scroll down, fields overlap again, but differently, screenshot, scroll back up... Scroll down, fields overlap again, but differently yet again, screenshot. Mid 2010 MacBook Pro, macOS 101.3.6
  5. I came over to enpass.io from DataValut, and DataVault had a great feature to "copy without spaces". E.g. if you have your bank card number in DataVault, "1234 5678 9901 1123", "Copy without spaces" would copy "1234567899011123" into the clipboard instead of "1234 5678 9901 1123". This was fantastic as it kept numbers more human-readable in DataVault, but allowed them to be keyed without spaces as is required by many sites. Can this be added to enpass.io?
  6. In Preferences (on both iOS and MacOS) I have elected to "Show Subtitles". In all items which have URLs, I have used "Reorder Fields" to move the URLs to the top: first field in each item. In iOS this provides the effect I wished to achieve. To wit, each item appears with its item description, and the URL as its subtitle. However, in MacOS, I still see the Username being treated as a "subtitle", even though it is not the first field in each (or any) item. How may I change this behavior in the MacOS version of the app?
  7. Hey! I'm missing a function to delete multiple fields at once in an entry, especially empty fields which I don't need for my new entry. Could you add this or at least a function to delete all unused/empty fields in an entry at once? Cheers!
  8. Hello, I was reading and towards the bottom of the thread it said this feature would be released in BETA 6.0. Did it get released and I just don't understand how to use it or is it still on hold? A reminder of the issue - Many websites have 3 fields that have to be populated before access is granted to the website. My favorite example is https://www.aa.com it asks for username, last name, and password. When I run my auto fill against aa.com my username and password are populated but the lastname field is blank. I have insured that my last name is in the Enpass record for aa.com. Could a dev or admin perhaps provide an update please?
  9. Hello everyone, I've found out that in many of my Enpass records there are some doubled fields, and even some empty fields with no name and no content. How can I remove those fields from records. I found a command to add fields, to rename fields, to reorder fields, but nothing to remove them. Any suggestion? PS: by the way, is it normal that fields get doubled or empty fields pop up in records?
  10. How may I copy an item? I'll bet it's easy. I just haven't found it. I have an item with several custom fields. I'd like to create a second item, with the same fields, but different information. It'd be a whole lot easier if I could just copy the first item, change he information in the copy, and go on my merry way. (As opposed to creating a new item, adding custom fields, re-arranging them in a special way, adding a custom icon, and so on…). Did I miss something in the documentation?
  11. When we make a new Item there are already commonly used fields as default. for example UserName, EMail, Password, telephoneNumber, URL, security question. Is there a way to edit the default fields. So that in future if I make a new item there are other fields by default?
  12. Simply put I'm suggesting a multi-line text field that can be secured. Sites using multi-factor authentication (MFA) often have a set of recovery codes. One can't add these easily to Enpass as I don't have an option to have a secure text field. While talking about fields it could be nice to have a master list of fields that are already setup and can be added to any item (ie, I just add the recovery codes field I've already added).
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