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Cannot delete iCloud file xxxx.in.sinew.Walletx


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Many years ago, I installed Enpass on my mac. Afterwards, I stopped using it. I think it was on version 5 or maybe earlier. And probably made from another hard drive or another mac, not this one.

Today, after a clean install, I saw this on my iCloud account (files)

I tried to install, again, Enpass, create an account using my iCloud account, and then, as other thread suggested, deleting it activating the option "Also delete data from iCloud". However, this hasn’t deleted my file, the file is still there and I don’t know what to do in order to completely wipe the files of Enpass.


A similar case was on this thread, but the thread was closed:

 Please, I need a solution. This is the caption of the file on iCloud:


Imagen 28-4-21 a las 23.52.jpeg


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Ok, thank you Pratyush, I will co-operate. 

I guess the only thing I can do for now, is to wait. This bug is happening, as you can see from the other threads, since 2019, and it is 2021, so that doesn’t make me very optimistic, but anyways, we’ll stay in touch to see if you can solve it as soon as possible.

The only thing I ask you, moderators and team, is to not lock this thread like you did in other cases, because that doesn’t solve anything. Please leave this thread open so I can check the status of this issue from time to time, thank you.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, probably about a year ago I briefly tried Enpass and then deleted it from my iPhone. And I've just noticed in iCloud that the 'Look Me Up By Email' element of the app still remains.

I have tried using my Mac to delete the file from 'Mobile Documents' but it remains visible on icloud.com and sync's back on to my Mac when I switch WiFi back on. So basically the file is stuck in iCloud.

I know with it being unticked that it isn't allowing anyone to look me up by email, but I would like to tidy up this left-over item please.

(There is a possibility that I also tried the desktop (Mac) version of the app too as there were various files remaining in Containers and Cache's when I did a search)

Screenshot 2021-08-09 at 10.10.41.png

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Hi @Yazah,

Welcome to the Enpass Community.

Unfortunately, there is no workaround for this issue right now as this is out of Enpass scope. I feel you should contact Apple support, being the right team to resolve this. Also for your convenience, I did my research, it is being discussed on their forum too: How to remove items in "Look me up by ema… - Apple Community

Thank you.

Edited by Vinod Kumar
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Hi again! Have you found any solution to my problem? A problem you thankfully were aware of, and your team was investigating to find a resolution.

It’s been almost 4 months after I wrote my last message, and I did as you said, I waited and tried to co-operate with you. But no one has put in touch with me since then. The issue is happening from 2019, and it is 2021, so at this point I have the feeling I’m going to have those files attached to my Apple ID FOREVER. Unless you manually remove it, I’m afraid there won’t be any other possible solution.

Please, I beg you to solve my issue, I don’t want to have files permanently attached to my Apple ID even when I am no longer an Enpass customer.
And please don’t lock the thread, I am willing to hear any possible explanation and co-operate to get it fixed.

Thank you.

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I'm seeing similar behaviour on my partner's MacBook.

So on her MacBook we deleted iCloud data through Enpass settings & uninstalled Enpass completely by dragging it to Trash but it appears there are still leftovers:

  • The directory "7ADB8CC6TF~in~sinew~Walletx" is still present in iCloud Drive even after confirming to delete all iCloud data through the "Disconnect" button in Settings. I verified this by opening Terminal on her MacBook and listing the files/dirs in "/Library/Mobile Documents". After removing the directory manually, it just returns after rebooting - it probably gets pushed back to the computer by iCloud Drive which is odd because since the application is gone there should be nothing placing the directory back. Unless iCloud doesn't accept the manual delete and syncs it back to the computer.
  • In iCloud Drive options in the "Look me up by Email" setting the entry for "7ADB8CC6TF.in.sinew.Walletx" is still there even after uninstalling the application. This is probably related to the remark above - since that file is persistent in iCloud drive it keeps being shown in "Look me up by email".

It's not that big a deal but since the app is not in use anymore it would be nice to be rid of all traces of it on her computer (and in the iCloud Setting "Look me up by email"). The aforementioned directory does appear to be empty in iCloud though.


Edited by Kev_
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On 8/12/2021 at 11:08 AM, Gulshan Dogra said:

Hi @Yazah,

Welcome to the Enpass Community.

Unfortunately, there is no workaround for this issue right now as this is out of Enpass scope. I feel you should contact Apple support, being the right team to resolve this. Also for your convenience, I did my research, it is being discussed on their forum too: How to remove items in "Look me up by ema… - Apple Community

Thank you.

OK, thank you. I will chase Apple

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About Culture At Enpass

This is for the entire team at Enpass.

This is not out of scope of Enpass, the way Mr Dogra wants to brush it off as in his comment. This file that is not getting delisted from iCloud, exists as part of the app, in the Group Containers. Mr Dogra goes on to say he 'feels' that users should contact Apple about this. I want to know from the Enpass team, are you sure you hired the right person for the job? If I have an issue with a developer's app on macOS or Windows, do I contact Apple or Microsoft about it or do I contact the developer who coded the app about it? It is the developer's responsibility to contact Apple if they think the fault lies with Apple. The app is not the customers', the app belongs to the developer and they are responsible for it. Again, to the managing team, you sure you picked the right person for the job, who does not take ownership of the product and work but instead chooses to dump the responsibility on another party? How does Mr Dogra propose that users contact Apple about an issue with your app? And why must they do so when the app belongs to the developer and users only pay for using it? Are you going to pay the users for getting the issue with your app fixed for you? What nonsense does your team member put out for people, does he take us for fools? The only way users can contact Apple about your app is through reporting issues with the app to Apple, and that does not go well for you, because if you make the users report this to Apple, they will make sure to include in the note how unresponsive and unhelpful you have been in solving this issue since years now. It reflects poorly on your competitiveness. 


About The Issue

As can be seen, the file is very much under your domain, installed by the app. Why is it not getting deleted from iCloud and why is it even existing in iCloud in the first place, when no other password manager does that, is squarely on you. 

As has been noted before, you have been sitting behind your keyboards laughing the matter away, but this is serious and you are answerable. As developer, you get access to Apple's team for help with issues. Set your damn ego aside and get it sorted if you think you cannot sort this out or this is going to blow in your faces when Reddit forums and every other conceivable discussion that includes Enpass gets down to just one thing - security and privacy issues with Enpass password manager and how the developer team is unable to fix the security and privacy issues with Enpass over at least 2 years. You are not going to like that discussion. 

It is requested that the team understands the gravity of the situation and acts in the interest of users. This is not a joke going on and we have paid for Enpass. We do not own you, but you certainly owe us solutions to problems arising out of your code. Nobody will fix it for you, certainly not the users. It is between you and Apple to fix this. You and your team needs to understand this and get your heads on the issue. It is about time. Stop lying to users who pay you, that you are on it and what not. 

This is a security and privacy nightmare with Enpass password manager wherein Enpass can keep looking users up with email even when the user has stopped using the app. This is not good at all. You know it.

Just fix this. 

Screenshot 2021-08-19 at 2.17.03 AM.png

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

Thank you for your patience. I discussed with the team about the issue and would like to throw some light upon why we are not able to fix the issue.

Why this permission

To let user use iCloud sync feature in non-store App and multiple iCloud accounts, we use CloudKit Webservices APIs CloudKit Web Services Reference: About CloudKit Web Services (apple.com). It includes following authorization & permission grant flow:

  1. When user want to connect with his iCloud storage, Enpass will launch a browser to sign-in his apple account and grant permission to use iCloud CloudKit APIs.
  2.  We need email of user to avoid multiple account conflict in Enpass and inform user which Apple/iCloud id they are syncing their data and the "Look me up by email" is our only option. So, authorization include a page to explicitly grant "Look me up by email". If you deny this at this point, Enpass will not show your account information in Enpass app. Also, your app will not appear in "Look me up by email" list.

Please note that, in any case your iCloud access token or any data never reaches or linked with our server. All above mentioned process are restricted between locally installed Enpass app and your iCloud account.

Fixing Privacy concerns

Apple keeps track of Apps for whom you have provided "Look me up by email" access during authorization. You can see these in macOS settings or iCloud web interface. If you have privacy concerns, you can disable "Look me up by email", simply by unchecking Enpass app from there and Enpass will not be able to use this feature. Technically, now Enpass can’t not look you by email and from privacy point of view it is solved.

UI issue

Now the only question remains, why it is even listed  "Look me up by email" list even when unchecked? It’s a UI/cleanup issue rather than privacy issue. Unfortunately, Apple does not provide a way for users to remove App from that list or unlink App completely. Removing permissions, unlinking apps is something that is always in control of provider not apps. So, this is something that is not fixable from our side.

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Hi @phoenix1386,

The group container folder issue, the one you mentioned, is entirely different issue. We don't know what configuration on your system causes it to available on iCloud. Enpass does not sync that folder with iCloud. Just for information, that folder does not contains your sensitive Vault data but info to establish connection between Enpass and its Safari extension.

Can you provide some more details about how you have configured iCloud to backup your system files?

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On 8/21/2021 at 1:35 AM, Welshdog said:

"Lighten up, Francis."

Well, @Welshdog, I do not appreciate rogue code when it comes to password managers, for obvious reasons, that's all. I like this product for the features and value it offers, but yes, that rogue code (for whatever reason it exists) does give me a cause to be concerned. And the only reason I say this is that I have never encountered any app from any developer that caused this particular issue in my 15 years of using a Mac. 


@Vinod Kumar thank you for your elaborate posts, I will read through them and respond further if the need arises. I have not been available and online a lot since I last posted. You responded just about a week ago, so I am glad I have not kept you waiting as much for a response. From what I gleaned as I skimmed over your posts, it seems you are confident that this will not be a privacy issue at any point in time, so that is good enough for me.


Further, since you are talking about system configurations, I am ready to provide any in-depth log and report I can, should you want. Do let me know what I can do in that regard, though I wonder what we might be able to achieve, as you suggest this is not something in your control. iCloud is not customised by me in any way, everything is set to whatever the defaults are, and, frankly, I am not even aware of iCloud backing up my system files on the Mac, let alone the ability to configure such backups at user's end. I always understood iCloud to backup only the iOS and iPadOS files.


The only other thing that comes to my mind is that since this issue is more in Apple's domain as you suggest, then shouldn't the developer company (Enpass) try and reach Apple and get them to fix this? It is possible that most users of your software will never even realise that rogue entry's existence, but when they do, they will unnecessarily panic, and they will only point at Enpass. Shouldn't Enpass work with Apple to have a fix for this, for Enpass's own short and long-term repute?

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Hi @phoenix1386,

Thanks for writing back. We will reach Apple about this glitch.

The original issue in the thread, "Look Me Up By Email" is totally unrelated to the group container screenshot provided by you. It looks similar due to "7ADB8CC6TF.in.sinew.*" prefix is due to our company id on Apple store and may appear on multiple places.

Please let us know, where exactly you are seeing the group container in screenshot is being synced to iCloud?


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  • 1 month later...
On 9/29/2021 at 9:33 AM, Vinod Kumar said:

Hi all,

Thank you for your patience. I discussed with the team about the issue and would like to throw some light upon why we are not able to fix the issue.

Why this permission

To let user use iCloud sync feature in non-store App and multiple iCloud accounts, we use CloudKit Webservices APIs CloudKit Web Services Reference: About CloudKit Web Services (apple.com). It includes following authorization & permission grant flow:

  1. When user want to connect with his iCloud storage, Enpass will launch a browser to sign-in his apple account and grant permission to use iCloud CloudKit APIs.
  2.  We need email of user to avoid multiple account conflict in Enpass and inform user which Apple/iCloud id they are syncing their data and the "Look me up by email" is our only option. So, authorization include a page to explicitly grant "Look me up by email". If you deny this at this point, Enpass will not show your account information in Enpass app. Also, your app will not appear in "Look me up by email" list.

So, is it there a way to remove our account from this “Look me up by email” menu? Even if it’s by installing again Enpass and revoking the autorization on that page. Otherwise, if it is not possible, could you PLEASE reach Apple to find a fix for this? As a big company, I’m sure you have higher probabilities of being heard by Apple rather than ourselves. Thank you.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 11 months later...


I had the same problem as the rest of you and this is how to get it fixed:

You HAVE to contact Apple Support for them to reset this on their end. You will need to be transferred to a high level / senior level support person as they have access to do this. 

The high level support person will use what they call a “look me up by email reset tool”. 

Before you contact support make sure you TURN ON the toggle for whatever you have listed in your look me up by email screen. The support person won’t be able to see what you have in there if you don’t. 

As soon as support activates the reset everything listed under look me up by email will be gone. 

I just had this done on 2/7/24 and it took very little time on the phone to finish. 

Hope this helps!



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