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Enpass Discussion Forum

Pwned Password Lookups (1Password did it in a few days)


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Hello Enpass,

I think this is a super important feature to add to Enpass, and this should actually be added ASAP. Pwned v1 has been around for years and v2 was released by Troy Hunt just last week. Within  27 HOURS 1Password already added support. 

Can Enpass add this feature? I hope this can be turned around within a week or so if 1Password can do it this fast I have all the confidence that Enpass developers are able to make this happen.




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Totally agree.

Would also be nice to see a roadmap for Enpass, as far as I can see (being a customer for a couple of years) nothing major has happened in a long time.

What's the status with v6, what is it going to bring, are we getting multiple vaults within one process, are you going to improve the Touch ID functionality etc. etc. ?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, troypulk said:

How exactly does this work?

It says

This makes no sense, what password field? what context menu?




I agree at first glance this didnt make sense but after a little trial and error I got it.

Right Click On the Password Field and you are able to select Copy/Reveal/Check if pwned

Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 8.45.33 PM.png

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  • 5 months later...

Hey @keedhost,

Thanks for writing in.

The features for checking pwned passwords have already been implemented in the desktop version of the app. You can check for the password pawned by right-clicking on the password field. Please have a look at the user manual.

For mobile, we have already implemented in the beta version of Enpass 6. If you're willing to check you can download it from our website.


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