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Enpass freezes, input fields don't get populated


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as stated in the title Enpass most of the time is not filing out any forms (I'm using Firefox though), and then randomly freezes.

There is an Enpass icon displayed in the input fields when they get focus but clicking on them doesn't do anything. And clicking the Enpass icon in my Firefox's menu bar Enpass will eventually freeze.

Apart from that Enpass will freeze without interaction, my MBP's fans will go crazy and macOs activity monitor will show that Enpass is using >~60% of CPU power.

I already have disconnected the vault and re-connected to iCloud several times, uninstalled an re-installed Enpass and uninstalled and re-installed the browser extension as well. All to no vail.

My Enpass version is 6.8.4 downloaded from the App Store but I am experiencing this issue actually at least since 6.8.3 (Premium Lifetime License). Before this Enpass was running somooth like butter.

I have 1 vault with 155 entries and 19 attachments which is connected to my iCloud account.
The total size of the vault is 22.6 MB.
The size of vault.enpassdb is 2.3 MB.

I am on macOs Monterey, 12.6.1 on a late 2017 MBP with Intel Core i7 and 16GB RAM.

Thank you for your answer.


Edited by whoever
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Hi @whoever

While we are looking into the reported concern, please share the below details with us for a thorough investigation of this issue -

  1. Are you facing this issue with other browsers as well?
  2. Is this issue occurring on any particular websites or all of them? Kindly share a name of a few so we may investigate them.
  3. A short video showing this issue would be helpful. (You can share the video with us at support@enpass.io and mention this forum).
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thank you for your answer.

I am actually not using any other browser. However, I have tried with Safari and unfortunately for every single input field I have to click on the Enpass icon in the menu bar which is tedious. Up until version 6.8.3 of Enpass I could just visit a website and Enpass would do all the magic by populating input fields submitting forms and even inserting 2FA codes and submitting. This functionality sadly is completely gone.

As for websites, with Firefox it doesn't happen on all of them but most of them. It seems as if Enpass sometime has a "winning streak" and then forgets how to work.

It doesn't work most of the time on gmail, paypal, amazon, ebay, atlassian - the ones I use most.

Other websites I am using are running on localhost so I could make videos of that but the behaviour is the same as one the ones above.

I will send you screen recordings referring to this thread.


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I have the exact same problem. It appears with the extension 6.8.0 (Enpass 6.8.4) on my M1 Mac in all browsers. I played a little with the settings of the add-on for testing.

In doing so, I noticed that the problem no longer occurs when I disable the "Show popup menu to auto-fill" setting. All other settings have no influence on the problem, also the sync settings of the vault have no influence. Maybe this will help the Enpass team in their analysis.



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Today I had the problem again and it seems to help to quit and restart the Enpass app, then the problem goes away until it occurs again at some point.

My Setup:

Intel based iMac

macOS 13.1

Safari 16.2

Enpass 6.8.4 (1166)



Edited by mrc247
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I've been running into the same problem now for at least the last month and a half. Enpass freezes/crashes on me fairly often, forcing a force quit to get it operating again, but it will happen again not very long after this. It also does not offer to auto populate fields anymore like it used to. Enpass has been a very reliable app for a while, but lately the stability of this program has really taken a hit. It's making it difficult to keep using it.

My Mac is on macOS Monterey 12.6.1 and is a 2018 15-inch MacBook Pro (Intel). I mostly use it in Microsoft Edge, but have had the same issues in Safari.

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Hello, I have the same issue on Chrome browser for around 1,5 months. Chrome extension button is not working as well. Mac is MacOS Mojave, 13 inch macbook pro late 2013.


Enpass application freeze ("not responding") - needs restart, extension does not work, line icon does not work.

Looks like this issue is faced by many users, appreciate swift reaction since it really annoys and irritates, and prevents from use of the app

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On 12/15/2022 at 7:26 PM, whoever said:


thank you for your answer. tunnel rush

I am actually not using any other browser. However, I have tried with Safari and unfortunately for every single input field I have to click on the Enpass icon in the menu bar which is tedious. Up until version 6.8.3 of Enpass I could just visit a website and Enpass would do all the magic by populating input fields submitting forms and even inserting 2FA codes and submitting. This functionality sadly is completely gone.r

As for websites, with Firefox it doesn't happen on all of them but most of them. It seems as if Enpass sometime has a "winning streak" and then forgets how to work.

It doesn't work most of the time on gmail, paypal, amazon, ebay, atlassian - the ones I use most.

Other websites I am using are running on localhost so I could make videos of that but the behaviour is the same as one the ones above.

I will send you screen recordings referring to this thread.


Can you show me your screenshots?

Edited by Sikave
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  • 3 weeks later...

@Abhishek Dewan

It's now been almost a month since I initially posted my problem and provided all information that was requested. However, I have not heard anything back yet. Not even follow up questions or anything the like. This problem meanwhile is reported by multiple users. What additional info do you need in order to get this fixed?

Right now I am not a happy customer.

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Same issue here with Safari on MacOS Ventura on iMac M1, Vault synchronized with DropBox since I installed Enpass one month ago.
Did you make any progress to fix this issue? I am starting to regret my old configuration with 1Password 7…


  • iMac 24" M1
  • MacOS 13.1 (22C65)
  • Safari Version 16.2 (18614.
  • Enpass 6.8.4 (1166) MacApp Store
  • 1 Vault Sync with Dropbox, 880 passwords
Edited by Laurent
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

 Possible solution as I posted here:


DISABLE: "Show Inline Autofill Popup Menu" Setting in Enpass Extension Settings:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully this might be of some help – to users with issues or for the Enpass developers troubleshooting. I ran into a similar issue while moving from Microsoft Edge to Firefox. My fields did not get populated, Enpass extension froze with the Enpass application crashed shortly after.

At the time was running:

macOS 13.2

Enpass 6.8.4

Enpass extension (don’t remember the exact version number, but latest version pre- 6.8.3 as it stands today)

2 vaults

I tried re-installing Enpass, Enpass extension and Firefox. Also tried different versions of Firefox with no luck. I then tried setting up a new Enpass environment on a different computer running the same macOS and Firefox version and to my surprise it worked. This got me thinking that something in my Enpass settings/configuration was causing it to crash so backed up my vaults, completely removed Enpass app and extension, started over and imported the backed up vaults. The issue however was still there.

While troubleshooting I noticed that I always tended to try the same website with my logins associated with it. In my case it was a Microsoft login (which I had multiple of). When troubleshooting the individual logins connected to the same Microsoft URL (by removing autofill for those URL’s and the URL field within the login) it started working and has been running fine for a couple of weeks now.

I cannot for sure say which of those steps actually did the trick or if it was a combination of them, but it might point to that the Enpass app might have some troubles handling multiple login accounts to the same website or service.

Hopefully this will be of some help to users running into this issue and for the developers of Enpass to patch this issue in the future. If some of you are going to try this out I strongly suggest that you make a fresh backup of your vaults and read the documentation about backup and re-installing Enpass before continuing. Though looking through your logins to see you have multiple accounts pointing to the same URL would be a harmless first step.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The service and performance of Enpass Support is simply embarrassing. It's 3 (three!) months now and no one from the support team has come back to me with a solution or even with a suggestion like "...maybe try this and report back...".

0 out of 10.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 1/10/2023 at 12:01 PM, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @whoever

I can certainly understand your disappointment in this matter.

Our dedicated team is still looking into this reported concern. Rest assured, I'm personally following up on this matter and will be sure to post updates on this forum regarding a fix. Your cooperation and patience in the meantime are appreciated.


What is the status of this issue? Unfortunately it still exists.


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Since I didn't get any response to my last post, I am going forward and pasting an automated reply for your amusement:


Our dedicated team is still looking into this reported concern. Rest assured, I'm personally following up on this matter and will be sure to post updates on this forum regarding a fix. Your cooperation and patience in the meantime are appreciated.


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3 minutes ago, whoever said:

Since I didn't get any response to my last post, I am going forward and pasting an automated reply for your amusement:



maybe we should switch to another password DB provider.. unfortunately the state of the Enpass Mac version is no longer sustainable and the speed of bug fixes is certainly not


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Hello Everyone

After thoroughly discussing this case with our developers, I would like to inform you that we were not able to reproduce this issue. In spite of rigorous testing and quality checks on multiple operating systems/machines, the glitch/bug reported by you couldn't be identified. During this scenario, we would recommend that Enpass be updated/reinstalled. We will also keep you posted if in future this bug is reproduced.

In case you are using the Enpass app Mac AppStore version and the app is crashing for you, kindly share the crash report with us. Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.

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38 minutes ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hello Everyone

After thoroughly discussing this case with our developers, I would like to inform you that we were not able to reproduce this issue. In spite of rigorous testing and quality checks on multiple operating systems/machines, the glitch/bug reported by you couldn't be identified. During this scenario, we would recommend that Enpass be updated/reinstalled. We will also keep you posted if in future this bug is reproduced.

In case you are using the Enpass app Mac AppStore version and the app is crashing for you, kindly share the crash report with us. Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.


You are not serious, are you???


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