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iCloud forces me to resign in on desktop about once a week.

Manfred Winkowski

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Seit der letzten Aktualisierung von Enpass  werde ich ständig mit folgendem  Hinweis aufgefordert s. Text " iCloud- Sitzung abgelaufen. Bitte loggen Sie sich erneut mit ihrer 

Apple ID ein, um die Synchronisation mt Enpass fortzusetzen" Dieses Einloggen erfolgte mindestens 10 mal. Wenn ich das Masterpasswort eingegeben hatte und Enpass  geöffnet wurde, kam diese Info.  Bei anderen Programmen  wurde meine Apple ID  mit meinem Passwort akzeptiert. Als Betriebssystem  benutze ich einen Mac OS Catalina Version 10.15 . 

Das Bild ließ sich nicht kopieren, deshalb der Text in Fettdruck

Ich bitte Sie um Hilfe in deutscher Sprache.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Manfred Winkowski.               

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey @Erwin

Thanks for writing back.

Please confirm if you have enabled 'Keep me signed in/Keep Apple ID' checkbox while setting-up sync with iCloud. If yes and the problem still persists, let us know the Enpass version and device OS version on which you are using Enpass so that we can investigate the issue better. Also, share how often you are getting this 'iCloud session expired' error?


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  • 5 months later...

With every restart I have to authenticate against the iCloud again to sync enpass. To Authenticate a request for my user password appears. This opens the keychain. And thatopens the iCloud. I do not have a other option. 

I have to do this after every restart.

Any Idear for a better solution?


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  • 2 years later...

This is still an issue in 2023 on macOS Ventura Version 13.5 (22G74):
Every time I restart my computer I have to log into iCloud from Enpass app again, but not any of my other accounts. In macOS Ventura, there's also no checkbox to "stay signed in". How do I fix this, please? Yes, I read the given FAQ article an it does't apply :)

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, let's figure this out...
(I'm translating from German, so please stay with me if my translations aren't 100% accurate. )
My version of Enpass doesn't give me the option to use "iCloud Drive" directly, but "iCloud" is in the menu. I'm using iCloud, form the menu, not iCloud Drive. I suppose one could use the menu entry "syncronise folder" to use iCloud Drive - but that's NOT what I'm doing. 

Hope this helps :)

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-05 um 22.21.23.png

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Hi @poshgeek

Thank you for sharing the details. Kindly perform any of the below steps and share your findings -

  1. If you are using iCloud, after  you initiate the sync and it redirects you to browser, from there you can choose “Keep me signed in” option.

  2. Otherwise, in case of iCloud drive, Go to settings of mac > click on the apple ID > choose iCloud > iCloud drive > turn on ( if turned off) > options > check in Enpass > done.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @all

If you encounter the 'Session Expired' error while synchronizing with iCloud, please consider disconnecting and then re-enabling the synchronization; this step should resolve the issue. Should the problem persist, please verify the version of the Enpass app you are using, as we have recently rolled out updates across all platforms.

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