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Scaling issues win 11


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I've been having scaling issues with enpass on windows 11. It's not all the time and usually it gets fixed after a restart of the app but it's still quite frustrating. What happens is that all of the sudden, the size of the window becomes enormous, so big that I can't see the entire app and the view/copy credentials buttons get moved indefinetily towards the right so I can't access them even if I move the window or keep dragging the right side further. I can't really show by taking a screenshot since the app fills the entire screen and it'll just look like I've taken a screenshot and cropped out a small piece of the app. I have a 4k on the highest resolution but the app doesn't fit my screen, so that tells you how big it gets. I've had this problem off and on on my three computers all running windows 11. One enterprise and to professional. And the problem has percisted about a year so through every update of enpass and windows during that time.. On all my three computers I have dual monitors with different resolutions, if that has anything to do with it.

I've tried toggling between classic and modern theme but that doesn't seem to be the issue either.

Any idea?

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Hi @david

For troubleshooting purposes, I recommend going through the steps in this link as I feel it would be helpful in this situation. If it does not help, kindly share the below details with me and I'll get this concern checked for you -

  1. The version of the Enpass app, OS, Enpass Extension and browser you are using.
  2. Are you using an dual monitor set-up?
  3. A short video showing the issue would be helpful. (You can share the video with us at support@enpass.io and mention this forum.)
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Yes, I've also been experiencing similar issue with multiple past versions of Enpass on my Surface Pro 7+, and also the current latest Enpass v6.9.1 (1512) from the Microsoft Store. This occurs when I have Enpass in a Dual Monitor setup with different screen resolutions. My setup is as follows:


When I initially open the Enpass mini window, it appears enlarged and misaligned on my main display. However, I've noticed that dragging the Enpass mini window to my Surface Pro 7+'s higher resolution display gets it to re-align itself properly, then upond dragging it back to the main display, it continues to stay aligned for the rest of the Enpass session...until the next Enpass start-up after system restart.

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  • 6 months later...

The Enpass team mentioned they've fixed this issue with the current latest update (v6.10.3 (1680)) on the Microsoft store, gonna install it and see how it goes:


- EDIT -

Well, this earlier reported freezing issue still persists, and is now getting in the way of me checking if this issue is addressed:


- EDIT 2 -

12 minutes later after battling with the above freezing issue (which was occurring on initial start up of the application), finally got past the first log-in screen, closed it, and attempted launching the mini dialog. So far, looks to to be working as expected with my multi-monitor setup. Hope they address the freezing issue next...

Edited by MrElectrifyer
Confirmation that Scaling Issue Looks to be Fixed
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