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Enpass blocks TinyMCE editor


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Sorry, forgot to mention: Enpass + Safari Extension 6.9.2.

Please have a look at the following video:


Hope this helps :)


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Hi everyone,

I have the same problem with Confluence (which uses TinyMCE as editor, as I understood). Are there any news on the fix?

If I deactivate the extension for this specific URL, the Enpass icon gets greyed out, but the error is still there. The only way to get it working is to completely remove the Enpass extension, which is not suitable for daily work.

Thank you!


  • Enpass 6.9.5 (Mac App Store)
  • Safari 17.4.1
  • MacOS 14.4.1
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Just adding a  +1 on this issue as I've just discovered it with a slightly different platform combination

  • MacOS 12.7.4 (I know ;-)
  • Safari 17.4.1
  • Enpass 6.9.5 (1640) Mac App Store

A couple of observations in case they help you debug:

The tinymce instance will sometimes initialise, but then the content within it's embeded iframe appears to be wiped after being initialised.

If there are multiple TinyMCE instances on a single page one will load, but subsequent ones will not initialise.

To me this would point to Enpass trying to detect the content type of the field and blocking for some reason. But that's just a wild guess!

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