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Portable Windows version


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I'm loving Enpass and would appreciate a portable version of the desktop manager that can be used without administrative privileges (for those of us who want to use in an environment without such privileges - i.e. at work or at a library).  I don't think that's counter-intuitive to the basis for EPM - i.e. to store passwords locally - as I believe those could be stored on a USB and/or synced/pulled with/from one's cloud storage syncing solution of choice.

Please consider;)

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I asked support if it was possible to use Enpass without administrator permissions back in December 2015. The answer was "Sorry, it is not possible to install Enpass without Admin permission."

I then suggested that they make a portable version (LastPass, and Keepass have portable versions), and was told it's been added to their roadmap.

Actually, if you have admin permissions on another computer, and can install Enpass on that computer, then you can simply zip up the "Enpass" folder in "C:\Program Files (x86)", copy it to another computer without admin permissions, unzip it to any folder, and simply run it from there without admin permission. If this works, then surely creating a portable version shouldn't be difficult?

Edited by JT
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Hey guys! First of all, I would like to express my feelings of extreme happiness on seeing the first two posts of feature request on our Forum. Thanks a lot on behalf of whole Enpass team.

The portable version is almost done and very soon we will release the Beta version of that. And you would be happy to know that along with being portable it will be cross-platform at the same time.

Also we will add Forum for posting topics related to Beta version and hopefully it will  help us alot in ameliorating the quality of final product.

Once again, thanks alot for your efforts guys and keep posting!!


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Thanks JT for the suggestion and Hemant for the update. If you need any Beta testers, let me know:)...

JT, I did bring the installed folder of Enpass to my work laptop today, but as I have no access to the Program Files folder (need admin rights for that), it won't work otherwise...


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1 hour ago, renz said:

JT, I did bring the installed folder of Enpass to my work laptop today, but as I have no access to the Program Files folder (need admin rights for that), it won't work otherwise...

I just unzipped it into my Documents folder, and ran Enpass.exe from there, and it works!

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Hi Hemant... Loving the new Android autofill features from 5.20 and wondering how the portable Windows version is coming along.  It's been a couple of months and just thought I'd bump this (even though it is a pinned topic :)) to see if there is any update on the beta status...

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Hi @renz

Thanks a lot for loving the Android version. Its your love that keeps us motivated  to always do the best.

We are almost ready with the portable version (better called cross-platform cum portable version in same USB stick). We will soon be rolling out the beta version and to get your hands on it, please join the Beta program for the platforms, you're interested in. You gonna love it.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Just to bump this again... we're now into September and remaining patient as can be, but would really love to hear an update on the status of the beta portable version (I'm signed up as a beta tester for it, but haven't received any notice that a beta is ready)...

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  • 1 month later...

Knock Knock!! 

Hey guys! I'm just about to share a news that's surely gonna make you happy as larry :D. Yes, what you thinking is right, we've just officially released the most awaited Enpass Portable password manager for everyone.

Also, don't miss to checkout the setup instructions (it's easy as it sounds, i mean, literally). You Just keep a flash drive handy, download Enpass Portable files, and done. 

Well, we’d really appreciate if you can take some time to share your feedback with us.

Happy Enpassing :).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you guys for the portable version, great work!

Im actually thinking about dropping the desktop-version on my two Win PC's for this one, in additiona to the phone app.

Here's my wishlist:

1. In enpass.conf, my webdav url is in cleartext, since I host it at home, id like the url to be encoded if the USB-drive is lost. is that possible? (for now, I enabled bitlocker on the drive to hide such metainfo)..

2. I'd like a fast option to launch enpassportable with my wallet. In most cases, the wallet will reside next to executable on the USB-stick so I'd want to be able to hardcode a path like " .\ " (working directory or execution path). Obviously tried it but there seemed to be a bug: "ChangedLocationPath=".SubtitleVisible=true"" appeard instead :-)

edit: That is, id like the working directory to be pre-selected, skipping the "browse" nad "recent"-dialog. thank!

edit 2: In addition, the Recent-dialogue won't allow me to use TabStop and select the stored path of the wallet-file, I have to use the mouse to point'n click. I navigate between apps mostly with keyboard and shortcuts and being forced to use the mouse is an exta moment in launching the app :-)

Edited by Ivarson
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Indeed, a relative path to the wallet file is a must. Otherwise you need to setup the settings for each pc each time.

I think it is better to have a portable installation, with one wallet file, that resides relatively to the exe directory that you can open the same configuration on each computer instead of needing to setup the configuration for each station. 

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I just also wanted to chime in and say I love the portable version of Enpass, and throw my support behind the same request everyone else here is voicing:

By default use a standard path to the wallet that is relative to enpass.exe, and if the wallet file exists, don't show the configuration dialog at all.

If you do this, the portable version of Enpass is the only version anybody needs. The normal non-portable desktop version might as well be retired.

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30 minutes ago, Unsay said:

I just also wanted to chime in and say I love the portable version of Enpass, and throw my support behind the same request everyone else here is voicing:

By default use a standard path to the wallet that is relative to enpass.exe, and if the wallet file exists, don't show the configuration dialog at all.

If you do this, the portable version of Enpass is the only version anybody needs. The normal non-portable desktop version might as well be retired.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I just tried out the portable version again. It still uses the nag-dialog which unnecessarily asks us to specify the path to the wallet file every time it is launched. :-(

If the most recently used relative path from enpass.exe to the wallet file is still valid, why not skip the nag-dialog entirely and just provide a way to explicitly open it if required?

Why not consolidate on using just the portable version and getting rid of the non-portable version entirely?


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  • 1 month later...
On 4/2/2017 at 10:27 AM, Unsay said:

I just tried out the portable version again. It still uses the nag-dialog which unnecessarily asks us to specify the path to the wallet file every time it is launched. :-(

If the most recently used relative path from enpass.exe to the wallet file is still valid, why not skip the nag-dialog entirely and just provide a way to explicitly open it if required?

Why not consolidate on using just the portable version and getting rid of the non-portable version entirely?


Woot! Just tried out Portable 5.5.5 and this has finally been fixed. Thank you!

Now we just need to find out why keeping the non-portable version makes sense (hint: it doesn't):  ;-)

Edited by Unsay
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