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First Beta of Enpass 6 for Linux is out!

Guest Vikram Dabas

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Guest Vikram Dabas

Hello Enpassians!

The first Enpass 6 beta for Linux has just arrived with the following awesome features:

  • Multiple-Vaults:  Now you can share data with you family, friends or team members by using multiple vaults. Each vault must be synced with separate cloud account (could be of same service provider) for syncing. 
  • Keyfile Support: You can now additionally use a Keyfile with the master password of your desired length i.e. with the use of Keyfile there is no restriction on minimum length of 10 characters on master password.  
  • Cloud Sync: An improved cloud synchronization mechanism with Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, WebDAV and yes, the iCloud as well. 
  • Secure Sharing: Enpass now allows you to explicitly encrypt a shared item using your own Pre-Shared Key (PSK). You can define the PSKs in Enpass Advanced settings.
  • New Browser Extensions: Don't forget to download and checkout our new browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox browser with an improved autofilling and form capturing to allow you to autofill in pages with more than two form fields and lot more. 
  • Custom Categories and Custom Templates: Manage your data the way you love by defining custom categories and templates.
  • Custom Icons: Add your own icons to the items.
  • Trash: Added support to Trash the items.
  • Archive: You can now archive the items which are no longer in use, but you don't want to delete them forever. Also the archived items don't appear in search results.

Get it Now

Important Notes

  • Supported Platforms: Beta versions are available only for systems with 64 bit architecture, and through the Debian and RPM repositories. Tested on CentOS 7, Fedora 24 and Ubuntu 14.04 or later (64-bit only).
  • Separate app: Beta version of Enpass 6 will be installed as a separate app and will not replace the existing data of Enpass 5 on your device. So you can freely use the beta without worrying of any data mixup.
  • Restoring database from Enpass 5: The only way to restore your existing data from Enpass 5 to 6 is through restoring your Backup file from Welcome Screen. In case you have already used Beta version of Enpass 6 on any other device and have synced it to cloud before, you can restore from there.
  • Synchronization: Enpass 6 is based on a new architecture and will not sync with the existing data of Enpass 5 on cloud. So this way you can use your existing cloud accounts to test the sync in Enpass 6 without any mixup of existing data. Also, the Enpass 6 places the data on cloud into the designated App folder unlike it used to do in the root folder for Google Drive, and OneDrive. These changes will restrict you from restoring of existing data from cloud and you have to restore your data using a backup file.
  • All beta versions are precursors of final products. They are intended for testing purposes only and should not be used any place where your data is important. Please backup your database before testing a beta release.
  • The beta app may contain some features that are still in development and not fully functional.

Waiting for your feedback. 

With Love to our Linux users!!❤️❤️

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Hi @Tadly,

Thanks for maintaining arch packages.

13 hours ago, Tadly said:

Looks like the debian repository is still delivering 5.6.3-1beta.

Its under a different package name `enpass-beta`. Also it is available in the stable channel (rather than testing where v5 betas are published). It will be installed as a separate app, without breaking existing v5 installation.


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5 hours ago, Vinod Kumar said:

Hi @Tadly,

Thanks for maintaining arch packages.

Its under a different package name `enpass-beta`. Also it is available in the stable channel (rather than testing where v5 betas are published). It will be installed as a separate app, without breaking existing v5 installation.


Oooooooooh that's where it is!

Than you guys should certainly update this guide -> https://www.enpass.io/kb/how-can-I-download-Enpass6-beta-for-Linux/

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Hi @Tadly 

1 hour ago, Tadly said:

Than you guys should certainly update this guide -> https://www.enpass.io/kb/how-can-I-download-Enpass6-beta-for-Linux/

Oops! We have just updated it.

57 minutes ago, Tadly said:

I already had scaling issues and require: 

57 minutes ago, Tadly said:

Also, enpass segfaults when doing a proper exit.

Thanks for bringing this to our notice. I've noted it down and notified the dev team to look into it.


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Did you guys implement some form of custom scrolling behavior? Because scrolling feels really bad.

In the items list it's very slow while in the info/edit section it's super fast.
It also feels like you implemented your own version of kinetic scrolling which just doesn't work out.
Lastly, that "bounce" when you reach the top/bottom is... not great. I'd appreciate that being gone

I use the libinput driver if that's relevant.

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Thanks, finally! Just installed it on Ubuntu 18.04 without any major problems. No scaling or segfaults like others.

The only thing I noticed: The option "Autofill if only one item applies" does not work. I always have to click the one item, which is kind of annoying.


@Anshu kumar Can you say when approx. the portable version of Enpass Beta for Windows will be released? To fully test and use the beta, I have to use it on my work PC also, where only portable version is working.

Edited by 7Bit
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On 9/1/2018 at 12:34 PM, Tadly said:

Arch package is finally up: enpass-beta-bin

I already had scaling issues and require: 


Also, enpass segfaults when doing a proper exit.

Just installed your package (thanks for your work!) on Manjaro.

Works fine, except that I do not have an icon in the taskbar (XFCE). On my Ubuntu laptop this works with Gnome. Any ideas?

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3 hours ago, 7Bit said:

Just installed your package (thanks for your work!) on Manjaro.

Works fine, except that I do not have an icon in the taskbar (XFCE). On my Ubuntu laptop this works with Gnome. Any ideas?

Not really. I guess you tried relogging already?

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Currently on Ubuntu 16.04 and I'm having issues with the file selection dialog. It just opens with the outline of a window and the controls (minimize, maximize, close), but the inside of the window is completely transparent.

Additionally getting a ton of syncing issues with my primary vault (synced with Google Drive) and the error code 409991. It appears to be actually syncing, per the changes made on my Ubuntu device being made available to my iOS device, but it keeps displaying the same error message in the lower-right corner of the Enpass window.

Right clicking on an item near the bottom of the window makes the context menu cut off at the edge of the window.

+1000 for the scrolling issues. In my browser I can scroll at a normal speed, but in the Enpass window it scrolls at light speed, seemingly. I need to very carefully move my fingers to scroll one notch (I'm using a touchpad) so it doesn't fly down through the scrollable content in the, for example, settings area.

Only time I hit a segfault was when first loading the client up and I was met with a screen asking if I wanted to enable/install browser extensions. On finding that section of the settings, it looked like checkmarks instead of the switch-style UI elements for on/off I've seen elsewhere. It also doesn't appear to segfault after that screen shown immediately after the initial load action. I saw this same bug on the Android client, so I wonder if this is a commonly forgotten code path to a buggy view?

All of this has been with Enpass Beta v6.0.0.105 on Gallium OS (Ubuntu 16.04 with LXDE).

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On 9/7/2018 at 9:29 PM, Tadly said:

Not really. I guess you tried relogging already?

I tried relogging in, restarting, does not help. The application starts and I can use it, but as soon as I close it its invisible. I see in top that it's still running, but can't access it.

System: Manjaro 17.1.12 (XFCE edition) with Enpass Beta 6.0.115-1

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Same for the scrolling issue, also I'd like to mention that I'm missing Minimize on start option, I don't really like a window pop up on start, I'd rather it ask for the password/pin when the first attempt to access the vault is made (like the 5.x version did).

No sigfaults that I've observed.

I'm running Fedora 28 KDE Spin


P.S. Thanks for the repos, this makes life so much easier

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Hi @Alex Gurenko,

Thanks for writing in.

17 hours ago, Alex Gurenko said:

I'd like to mention that I'm missing Minimize on start option,

I would like to share that if the option Open Automatically at startup is enabled in Enpass General setting then the app will be automatically minimized to the system tray with system startup. But currently, it's not behaving as expected and same has been noted as a bug to be fixed in next beta update.


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Here are some more issues I'd like to report/discuss:

1. Browser extension messing up the focus
I think it needs proper _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE Atoms as it partially behaves like a normal window right now.

2. Browser extension not closing
When the popup is open and I click somewhere outside of it, I'd expect it to close.
Also, if you had the menu open you can't even close it with Esc. I currently have to switch my workspace for it to go away

3. Browser extension should ALWAYS focus search.
If you: open the extension -> select an entry -> close the extension -> open the extension, the search field is not focused meaning you can't just start typing

4. Browser extension remembers highlighted entry
After searching for an item, I expect arrow down to select the first match of the list.
This is not the case because whatever was previously selected is still considered to be selected and the arrow down is based of off this other (most likely not even visible) item

5. Browser extension not as keyboard friendly as with Enpass 5
With the previous version of Enpass it was possible to arrow right on an item to open its detail view, than arrow up/down to highlight one of its details
and finally press return to add the info to your clipboard.
This is very useful if websites have improper forms where enpass might fail resolving an entry to username/password or you have other stuff that just can't be autofilled.


From the top of my head this are the most pressing issues I've had from the little testing I did. Especially 1 is infuriating on my i3-wm setup.
If you need more input on any of the above just hit me up (pm or ping me here, both is fine).

I really want enpass to be great but as of right now it just feels way more inconvenient to use than the previous version.

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1 hour ago, Tadly said:

Here are some more issues I'd like to report/discuss:

3. Browser extension should ALWAYS focus search.
If you: open the extension -> select an entry -> close the extension -> open the extension, the search field is not focused meaning you can't just start typing

I can second that too, it was also annoying in Enpass 5.x, also I've noticed on occasion when clicking start button in Fedora KDE brings Enpass 6 menu, until closed and opened again. Keyboard shortcut (Super Key) works as expected. Can find a pattern when it happens, so far seems random.

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Please consider packaging Enpass as AppImage, so it runs distribution independent.

(I use neither one of the Debian family nor of the RedHat family.)

Positive side effect: you do not have to be administrator/root to install Enpass, since you can simply run an AppImage as user.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have some trouble connecting my browser with Enpass

My setup looks like this
Android 9 with latest Enpass 6 beta

sync via google drive to my Workstation

Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Enpass 6.0.0 (149)
Google Chrome Version 69.0.3497.92 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)
with Enpass 6 beta

The sync between the 2 devices works and I have enabled the Browser Extension and the shortkey.
When I click on the Enpass item, use the shortkey or click on Enpass within context menu, the Enpass page opens with the message:
If found, you will be prompted to open Enpass.

The Desktop Application asks me for my Master Password or moves from background to the top if it is already opened, but than the browser can't establish a connection so it ends with the message Enpass Assistant is unable to connect with the Enpass app.

Do I miss anything, is there a way to debug the connection ? I've tried google dev tools but it just shows the loaded assets.

I'm really thankfull for any hint you can give me 

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