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Google drive sync in Linux Firefox not working

Aurélien ML

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Thanks for this awesome app, I love it!!!

Unfortunately, since version 6.x, sync with Google drive doesn't work.

In Enpas, I click on "configure sync" in parameters, then "Google drive", then it opens a page in Firefox "Enpass would like to: Have offline access", I click on "Allow", it seems to confirm for a second, but immediately redirects to the url "enpassauth://googledrive/?scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata&state=security_token_sinew&code=***************"  (code hidden by me), which creates an error in Firefox "the url have not been recognized".


Firefox 65.0.1 with Ublock origin 1.18.6 desactivated on this page


Kunbuntu 18.10


Kind Regards,


Edited by Aurélien ML
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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't get it to sync on OneDrive or Google Drive either.

I log into Enpass.
I setup a sync (says Google Drive)
It launches my browser; I click allow
FF launches a new instance of enpass
I enter my master p/w to get back into Enpass

I now have 2 instances of Enpass running. One at the 'setup sync' waiting for it to complete, and the other one at the main screen.  I also tried with OneDrive, and got the same result.

This was an Enpass5 -> Enpass6 upgrade.  My Android and Win10 copies are synchronizing properly, Linux is left out of the loop.

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Nop no go. I have the same problem.

I tried your suggestion & got same results as with Firefox. On "user Account" enpass does not recognize the master password - while as an Administrator it does with flawless sync.

Edited by MLevi
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I tried with Chrome and it was actually worse than with Firefox.  Instead of going back to Enpass, it launched a second instance.

I tried for fun to launch it with sudo Enpass and it looks my sudo environment isn't properly setup, as it tried to launch a text web browser.  :)

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