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Abhishek Dewan

Enpass team member
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Posts posted by Abhishek Dewan

  1. Hi @reace

    If I have understood your concern correctly, and do correct me if I'm wrong, you are unable to restore your Enpass vault on your Windows PC as you are getting incorrect master password error? If that is correct, for quick troubleshooting, I recommend you check this highly useful troubleshooting guide.

    If the instructions in the above link do not help, kindly share the below details with me and I’ll get this investigated for you -

    1. The version of the Enpass app and OS you are using on your devices.
    2. Please share a screenshot of any error message you are getting.
    3. Do you have Enpass application on any other of your devices and are you able to access your data? Is the master password working on those devices or are you accessing the Enpass app through biometrics/Face ID?
    4. The number of vaults you have in your Enpass app.
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  2. Hi @joeldatabox, @dab

    I can certainly understand your disappointment in this matter.

    Unfortunately, I will not be able to share any exact ETA for when the new build/beta will be launched for other platforms. Rest assured that our development team is working hard to roll out the updates on all platforms as soon as possible. Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted, and we appreciate your patience and support in the meantime.

  3. Hi @Sophi

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    Adding to @Ivarson's comment, Enpass is an offline password manager, so all your data is stored locally on your device, and we have no access to it. This ensures maximum security for your confidential data. Moreover, your data in Enpass is fully encrypted by a 256-bit AES encryption, SQLCipher peer-reviewed, open-source encryption engine, and 100,000 rounds of PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512. As a result of this level of encryption, you are protected against brute force attacks and side-channel attacks. If your laptop is stolen and a hacker manages to gain access to your vault, only encrypted data/characters will be visible to him.


    Using biometric data, such as fingerprints or face IDs, the chances of a successful attack are virtually zero. The Enpass App is designed on a zero-knowledge policy, requiring only a Master Password to access your data.


    You will be interested in knowing that Enpass also provides a Portable(USB/Pen-Drive) KeyFile option, which acts as a 2FA, which means the login requires the master password as well as the key file combination to authenticate. By doing so, even if your laptop gets stolen and a hacker figure outs your Master Password, it will be impossible for him to access your information without a portable Key file.

  4. Hi @arajara

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    For troubleshooting purposes, please try the below steps and share your findings with me -

    1. Make sure to take the complete backup of Enpass data and save it locally.
    2. Disconnect the sync from all devices that are synced with Dropbox.
    3. Open Dropbox on any browser on your device --> Go to App --> Enpass folder--> Vault.enpassdbsync --> Rename it as Old vault.enpassdbsync.
    4. Now open Enpass and connect with Dropbox Sync on all devices.

    If the issue persists, please share the below details with me and I'll have this investigated for you -

    1. The version of the Enpass app and OS of all the devices on which you are facing this issue.
    2. A screenshot of the error occurring would be helpful.
  5. Hi @nadia

    Welcome to the Enpass Community!

    I would suggest checking out this link for our handy guide on adding fields and sections. For troubleshooting purposes, you can also create a manual backup of your Enpass data and then reinstall the app. If the issue persists, kindly share the below details with me, and I'll have this investigated for you - 

    1. The version of the Enpass app and OS you are using.
    2. Is the URL section greyed out or not present at all?
    3. Is this issue occurring for all the Items you are trying to add or specific ones?
    4. screenshot of the issue you are facing or any error occurring would be helpful.
  6. Hi @all

    Thank you for your patience while we investigated this concern.

    We were able to reproduce this issue on our end, and our dedicated team is working on a fix which will be implemented in the upcoming build. In the meantime, for Windows and Mac users, we have launched Enpass beta v6.8.3. You can try the beta version from hereand any feedback related to this issue would be appreciated.

  7. Hi @Bob2

    To replicate the exact scenario due to which you are facing this issue, could you please share the attachment size you are using in total? Under the file location: library/Container/Enpass/Data/Documents/Vaults/Primary/vault.enpassdb, please share -

    1. 'enpassdb' file size
    2. Total file size of all the .enpassattach file

    (Please refer to the below screenshot)


  8. Hi @Georg H.

    Welcome to the Enpass Community.

    For quick troubleshooting, I recommend you check this highly useful troubleshooting guide.

    If the instructions in the above link do not help, kindly share the below details with me and I’ll get this investigated for you -

    1. The version of the Enpass app and OS you are using on your devices.

    2. Please share a screenshot of any error message you are getting.

    3. Is the master password working on your Enpass desktop app or are you accessing the app through biometrics? Also share the cloud service you are using to synchronize your data.

    4. The number of vaults you have in your Enpass desktop app.

  9. Hi @Vendigo

    Welcome to the Enpass Forums.

    As a workaround, please create a manual backup/set up synchronization for your Enpass data and then reinstall the app. We have reproduced the bug on our end, due to which this issue is occurring, and a patch addressing this issue will be released soon in the upcoming versions of Enpass. Your patience in the meantime is appreciated.


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