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Version Number for Portable seems to be lagging behind


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Currently (Jan 8, 2017), there is a 5.4 release for Mac and Windows and Linux, but the "Portable" version of EnPass is still at version 5.3

Does the Portable version need an update?  Release notes ( https://www.enpass.io/release-notes/macosx and https://www.enpass.io/release-notes/windowspc/ ) seem to suggest no "major" issues missing from Portable, but I'm still left wondering.

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Seriously, what are you guys thinking?

For any well designed piece of software, there is no reason to separate the standard from the portable version. There is no reason for these two distributions to not be the exact same thing. *sigh* Everyone else can do it, why can't you?

People using the portable version also use Firefox... now at version 57... which is incompatible. This has been fixed in the standard version 5.6, but the portable version continues to frustratingly lag behind. It remains incompatible.

Any chance you'll get around to updating the portable version from 5..5.4 to 5.6? Better yet, get rid of the standard version entirely and allow the portable version to be configured in a way that mimics the so very slight differences to the standard version? It's about time that happened.



Edited by Unsay
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Hi @Anshu kumar

It's frustrating because it's so entirely unnecessary. It just makes absolutely no sense for both "standard" and "portable" versions of Enpass to exist. The "standard" version for Windows PC reached 5.6. weeks ago. There is no reason that shouldn't automatically yield the "portable" version for Windows PC as well (or visa versa). For Windows, the state of the WebExtension for Firefox on other platforms is simply irrelevant.

For each platform, both the "standard" and "portable" versions really should be one and a same, with the only difference being a slightly different configuration made by the "standard" version's installer..

In our software shop we use Firefox developer (not beta or pre-release) version, which was automatically updated to v57 last week. Everyone using Enpass is now forced to switch browsers (and recreate all their browser configurations which for some of us is time consuming).

I saw this situation coming from miles away. I've mentioned this problem on your forums multiple times already, the first time over a year ago. It baffles the mind that you guys can't give something like this higher priority. Like most of Enpass' design and architectural shortcomings, you seem to ignore it, despite there being no technical reason both "standard" and "portable" versions can't be in sync. In any development shop where efficiency mattered they would be. You needn't even be very technical to notice something is off. Looking at your website's list of supported platforms is enough: Windows, Windows PC, Linux, OSX, Blackberry, iPhone/iPad, Portable... which one of those is NOT actually a platform?

I hope you guys can finally get around to fixing this architectural flaw. That would be at least as important as bringing the portable version up to v5.6.

Edited by Unsay
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  • 2 months later...

Same question about an ETA for 5.6 for the portable version.  I am also really wondering why there is such a lag btw versions and why so many versions, with different features, exist on windows.  It's the first time I see this development method.  Totally confusing.

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Guest Akash Vyas

Hey guys,

I understand how impatiently you must be waiting for the updated version of Enpass portable. Very soon we are coming out with a new update for installer version with some important improvements and fixes, and after that we will work on portable version to match that with the stable installer version. Sorry for the inconvenience! We are really working very hard to keep the things together and updated on all platforms. :) 

Thanks for your understanding!

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On 12/12/2017 at 9:44 AM, Akash Vyas said:

Sorry for the inconvenience! We are really working very hard to keep the things together and updated on all platforms. :)

This is the problem! You should be working smarter, not necessarily harder ;-)

Place all editions of Enpass for Windows on a single code base, with a swappable UI (QT, UWP, or a headless version without a UI which is what would be used 95% of the time when Enpass acts as the back-end for a browser extension)!

If you did that you could:

  • release non-UI features for all editions of Enpass for Windows simultaneously, including FF57 support.
  • Require only two editions of Enpass (legacy QT edition for Windows 7/8.x/ and Enpass Portable and an UWP edition for Windows 10), making it much easier for customers to understand and get the correct version for their environment.
  • Enpass could start up much faster as the headless version wouldn't have to load all the QT bloat.
  • Eliminate the feature gaps between editions, the sole exception being UWP related features. This would be far easier to understand than the seemingly arbitrary differences Enpass editions currently exhibit.
  • Reduce or eliminate the delay between releases of different editions of Enpass for Windows. Remaining delays would only impact UI specific changes.


Edited by Unsay
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