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Mac Desktop Search VERY slow


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I am facing exact the same problem: Switching from 1Password to Enpass was smooth in the beginning (1 vault, 1100+ entries) applause for that! 

But working with Enpass since then is a pain: Several seconds to wait after each searching. I am syncing over WebDAV via Synology in our LAN, it doesn't make any different if I sync via network cable, via WLAN or disable syncing at all. The new Enpass 6.8 doesn't speed things up for me. I fiddled the setting (number count, show icons etc -- but that made no different.

It's good to read that I am the only one with this problem -- but it's somehow weird that this problem exists for such a long time.

MacPro with latest Mojave, MacBook Pro with latest Monterey 12.3.1

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First of all it looks like they're not doing incremental searching - they seem to be waiting until you stop typing before they do anything


Secondly, it's crashing

Thread 18 Crashed:: Thread (pooled)
0   Enpass                                   0x10ecd2691 0x10ebc8000 + 1091217
1   Enpass                                   0x10eceaed2 0x10ebc8000 + 1191634
2   Enpass                                   0x10eea0d00 0x10ebc8000 + 2985216
3   Enpass                                   0x10ee93f25 0x10ebc8000 + 2932517
4   Enpass                                   0x10ee6a16d 0x10ebc8000 + 2761069
5   Enpass                                   0x10ee89636 0x10ebc8000 + 2889270
6   Enpass                                   0x10f0e05de 0x10ebc8000 + 5342686
7   Enpass                                   0x10f18d191 0x10ebc8000 + 6050193
8   Enpass                                   0x11051dd3d 0x10ebc8000 + 26565949
9   Enpass                                   0x11051a2ff 0x10ebc8000 + 26551039
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7ff804cfc4f4 _pthread_start + 125
11  libsystem_pthread.dylib               0x7ff804cf800f thread_start + 15

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  • 4 months later...


have recently changed (or have I then not?) from 1password to enpass. Now the speed on Mac desktop is worrying me. It takes about 1.5 seconds for a search in the app. Using the menu bar item, it is a bit faster. Is there any improvement planned on this?


thank you.


kind regards



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