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Enpass 6.8.0(Beta) is Here – For macOS

Mohit Thapa

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Hi Enpass beta subscribers,

We are pleased to announce that a beta release for the next version of Enpass, 6.8.0, is now available. The new version includes many exciting features on the macOS app and various bug fixes. We ask our beta users to test and provide their feedback. The list of changes is long enough to keep you busy for a while. :D

As part of this announcement, we are also excited to let our beta users know that Enpass is releasing its first-ever beta through TestFlight. We encourage and welcome testers to join our beta program by clicking here:)

What to test:

  • Automatic Compromised Password Check: Compromise Password checker can now run automatically whenever a new item is added, or an existing item is updated to ensure there is no breached data on your vaults. Just head over to Advanced Settings and enable the check box.
  • Frequently Used Suggestions: Enpass now gives suggestions of the most-used Usernames, email, and Phone numbers stored in the selected vault while creating a new item. 
  • Fill from password history: Users will now be able to fill in passwords from their password history on the Edit page. 
  • Reveal password: Users can now reveal an item’s password by pressing the option keys on the keyboard.
  • CapsLock Indicator: Notifies users when CapsLock is active while entering Master Password. 
  • Merge Backup vault to any Existing vault: Users can now merge data from a backup vault to any existing vault. Just Select Import > Enpass > Backup file> Select the backup file from your machine> Select the Vault you want to merge in> Enter the master password of the backup vault.
  • Increased limit Password limit: While generating a password, users will now get an increased limit of up to 100 characters.
  • Show More: We have returned the 'Show More' button to the Enpass assistant, hoping all your concerns with the 'Match URL hostname' functionality are now resolved.
  • Custom period for TOTP: Enpass now support generating one-time code with custom period. By default, the period will be 30 seconds unless specified by the TOTP URI.
  • Clipboard: We have updated pasteboard flags while copying data from Enpass.
  • Un-synced changes Alert!: Enpass now shows a warning message when attempting to remove a vault that has un-synced changes. 


  • Fixed an issue where Enpass marked TOTP as invalid if the TOTP had '\n' in the secret key
  • Fixed an issue where extra spaces were being added before the parentheses(while adding/editing any text in any field)
  • Fixed an issue where the passwords were getting truncated/cutoff/incomplete on printing the item if the escaped characters ('<' and '=')
  • Fixed an issue where the item list is fetched multiple times, unlocking the assistant.
  • Fixed an issue where Emojis under items is displayed as a set of horizontal lines.
  • Fixed an issue where the text was getting truncated in the Korean language.
  • Fixed an issue where a few users could not launch URL/website with Unicode characters from the Enpass items detail page.
  • Fixed an issue where users were getting "nothing to import" while importing from Bitwarden (because of a change in Folder keys). 
  • Fixed an issue where a few of you could not print items from Enpass.
  • Fixed subtitles for identity item with First Name +Last Name (subtitle of any old identity item will be changed on app update)
  • Fixed an issue where the spaces after commas were not displayed.

Getting beta versions:

macOS – Store version: To test & experience the Enpass macOS Beta version, we encourage and invite users to please join our beta  program by clicking here
(Note: Beta version to be tested on Monterey)

macOS – Website version: Download and install the beta from here.

Bug reporting

For any bugs or feedback, please drop your message here on forums or email us on support@enpass.io
We look forward to your feedback for this beta release of Enpass.


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A little feedback and a couple issues...

The new [Password History] button in Edit is confusing

Until I read the release notes, I assumed it would reveal the history of passwords for the item I'm editing. I'd suggest renaming that button. I'm not sure what to suggest here since any wording brief enough for a button (e.g. Recent Passwords) would be just as confusing. Also, I'm not clear on what purpose this button serves, other than making it possible to use the same passwords on multiple Items — which would just trigger an "identical" alert from Password Audit.


Box.com sync problems & empty Sync Error messages

Several times today, upon opening Enpass, I was met by a Sync Error alert — that provided no details:


When I opened Settings > Vaults, I saw that the problem was with Box. I tried the [Reauthenticate], which took me to Box, and I re-authorized Enpass...

...then a few hours later, I had the same error message, and Box was once again the problem. This time, I used [Disconnect], then connected the vault to Box again from scratch...

...then a few hours later, I had the same error message again. This time, I quit Enpass, and upon relaunch, the problem was resolved. I'll post a followup if the issue persists, but I thought it was worth reporting.


• Password Audit hangs on checking passwords

"Compromised" had been displaying its spinning "progress" GIF since I restarted Enpass to resolve the problem above. I quit, and when I did, I got the beachball cursor for 30-60 seconds before the app quit properly. When I relaunched Enpass, the Password Audit > "Compromised" was fine again. As above, even though relaunch resolved it, I thought it was worth reporting. If it happens again, I'll take provide a sample from Activity Monitor, or a log, if you tell me where to pull it from.

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Testing 6.8.0 beta... Initial reaction is I'm a bit disappointed the Mac version is still not Universal for native M1 support, I really feel this is a major oversight at this stage. The QT toolkit has had this support for awhile now. While new features and enhancements are appreciated, thank you, getting the Mac version on at least a Universal build should be a main emphasis. You're in a unique position with a great product that's "local by default" compared to the major alternatives, but not getting the Mac version Universal is a huge miss imo.

Edited by genbushi
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19 hours ago, genbushi said:

Testing 6.8.0 beta... Initial reaction is I'm a bit disappointed the Mac version is still not Universal for native M1 support, I really feel this is a major oversight at this stage. The QT toolkit has had this support for awhile now. While new features and enhancements are appreciated, thank you, getting the Mac version on at least a Universal build should be a main emphasis. You're in a unique position with a great product that's "local by default" compared to the major alternatives, but not getting the Mac version Universal is a huge miss imo.

Re: Universal app - the staff addressed this and they said it will be released in the Q2 of 2022. Meaning by the end of June, so, we'd have to wait I guess.

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Hi, when will the Portable version be on par with the Desktop versions?

The option to synchronize via wifi is missing from the Portable version, since it is impossible to synchronize in the following way:

1. WIFI synchronization between Desktop < - > Mobile

2. Synchronization between folders Desktop < - > Portable

Being Desktop the main configuration.

3. Cross synchronization between Mobile < - > Portable by WIFI.

I currently have a similar setup using KeePassXC (desktop + portable) and KeePassDX (Android) via the Syncthing app (cloudless Wi-Fi sync, just like Enpass does, though it's limiting me since that option isn't available from Enpass Portable).

Thank you very much.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @gabeweb,

Thank you for contacting Enpass.

On 4/3/2022 at 4:15 AM, gabeweb said:

The option to synchronize via wifi is missing from the Portable version, since it is impossible to synchronize in the following way:

1. WIFI synchronization between Desktop < - > Mobile

2. Synchronization between folders Desktop < - > Portable

Being Desktop the main configuration.

3. Cross synchronization between Mobile < - > Portable by WIFI

We appreciate your effort in exploring our app and taking the time to provide valuable feedback. A Desktop must be configured as your Wi-Fi Sync Server and then Mobile/desktop acts as a Wi-Fi Sync Client in order to work smoothly. As of now, Wi-Fi Sync is only available in desktop and mobile versions of Enpass. Nevertheless, I have forwarded your suggestion for Wi-Fi sync in Enpass Portable to the concerned team for further consideration and feasibility.  

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Hi @Majkel,

Welcome to the Enpass community.

On 4/21/2022 at 2:55 PM, Majkel said:

After update to 6.8.0 (1009), im unable to use Enpass anymore, after password home screen app crashed :ph34r:

I apologize for the inconvenience. To troubleshoot quickly, we recommend that you save your Enpass backup file to a secure location and then re-install the app and restore the database from the backup file.

Please share the OS version of your device so that we can further investigate this issue on our end. 

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