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Use favicon images for logins with URLs


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On 4/11/2019 at 10:48 PM, Vikram Dabas said:

Hi All,

The Favicon feature has already been added to the Enpass app. Please wait for the coming update v6.1 which will bring it. Thank you.       

Where are the Favicon's????????????????

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All!

I've purchased Enpass PC & Mobile and would also like to know more about adding a few new icons!

I have done a little experimenting and tried converting a png to the 3 sizes that are available within the enpass ITEM's folder.

20x20 40x40 120x120 they are all pngs.

I have copied them into the ITEMS folder "Misc" - I have tried giving them a similar name as the ones already in the folder e.g. 1.com.png, 1, 1.com@2x.png & 1.com@3x.png.

After a little more investigating I had also found 2 json files that contain web address info related to the relevant default pngs within enpass, now I am only assuming that IF one was to

want the Icon associated to the password info entered into enpass i.e. when entering your information,  and wanting a special new icon associated to that info, one would enter such

details into the json file similar to what has already been entered for previous icons i.e. default!

That only leaves one thing left?  where to I place my new icon/png?


Due to licensing, Conditions of use etc I will not attempt to edit Enpass to what it was originally designed for - I am not a Programmer nor an expert!

I will leave my comments here for Admin and the like to ponder over and possible include an option that can allow the user to add new icons at their leisure with zero impact on security.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Regarding custom icons, the procedure to add them is very easy.

They are stored within Enpass as 200x200 png files. In earlier versions, you had to convert the Icons to this size. in the meanwhile I noticed, that Enpass can do this by itself. You just have to select a square jpg or png and the upload this file (if the format isn't square, sometimes "strange" results will show up, where e.g. only parts of the icon are shown):

  • Select an entry and go to edit mode.
  • Click on the icon and see the dialogue "choose icon"
  • In the headline of this dialogue you will find a "+" sign on the upper right side.
  • if you click onto the "+" you can choose a file to be uploaded - search the file in your file system and "open" it.
  • Afterwards you will be able to select the new icon in the custom icon section

The Favicon function isn't implemented yet - it was part of some beta versions, but didn't find its way to the product version.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

In which resolution do you provide the Favicons on your server?

When I tried this feature I noticed, that there is small icon and a big white border around for e.g. Acronis Icon. This happens also with other Favicons. It seems, that the functions uses only 64x64 of the possible 200x200 pixels.

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5 hours ago, Ernst said:

In which resolution do you provide the Favicons on your server?

When I tried this feature I noticed, that there is small icon and a big white border around for e.g. Acronis Icon. This happens also with other Favicons. It seems, that the functions uses only 64x64 of the possible 200x200 pixels.

That's disappointing :(

I also wonder what happens if the server blocks the favicon for whatever reason, can we still manually select a generic icon or choose from the default Enpass icons?

Some sort of indicator of how many website icons are loaded out of how many entries would be good including a manual sync of the favicons otherwise we dont know how often or when Enpass checks of ricons and newer versions of the icons, if any.

Whilst a highly requested feature, it is not a very well explained feature at all.  If Enpass will connect to try 300 website icons on every startup or even periodically, some servers might respond as down and then through Enpass we have no idea of the progress or even a prompt.

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