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Why my w10store version is not Pro? I bought it year ago.

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Today you released new version 6. So, after longer time I want test my bought version enpass via microsoft store.

So I completly uninstall version 5 desktop version.

After login into Microsoft Store with my account, and here I download lst version Enpass.

But after open Enpass6 and setup onedrive, so in application settings when I click on premium function -> "restore purchase" so I see some strange red text with error.
But I owned in microsoft store enpass license, I bought it +- one year back (when was last version 5.x.x)

So what now? This is bug? Or all people must with version 6 again buy it?


Additional information: on PC when I this tested, so into Microsoft Windows is set different microsoft account, and into Microsoft Store is set my microsoft account. Cannot be this problem? That into "MicrosoftWindows" as user account is used different, and into "MicrosoftStore" is used my?

Edited by PepeCZ
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17 hours ago, raketisch said:

I have the same 'problem'. The reason is that the apps are different. The version we bought was the UWP app, while this one is the desktop app. 

The UWP app has been discontinued so it cannot be downloaded anymore. Maybe they can give us a free upgrade? :)

^ this.

But they must somehow be able to allow existing customers to keep their 'pro' status. It's their choice to change from UWP to classic Win32 desktop.

I've no intention to buy it a third time (UWP, Android and Win32).

Edited by laibalion
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Same problem here (Cannot restore purchase). Also the Edge Extention does not appear to work. Enpass works great on my IOS devices, but has been a real PITA on Windows, and pretty pointless as the extension (In Version 5.x) does not work with Windows Hello, I have to constantly re-type the master password, which kind of defeats the object of the extension).

Really hope these are teething troubles. I am not keen to pay again, as I was on the brink of moving to a competitor until it looked like Hello was going to be properly integrated in version 6.x, (Facetime on my iPhone works brilliantly). As things stand it looks like I would be wasting my money (again).    

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Hey Enpass guys, You really should respond to this thread. 

This is obviously happening to a lot of customers who all have "lifetime licenses". 

This is the kind of bad PR that could sink your company. You had better have a great  solution for us, or people will think this new version is just a desperate cash grab. If we do need to purchase your software again, as you have promised we wouldn't, do we have easy access to roll the version back to 5? I don't see that as an option anywhere. 



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I know I might be flamed for this, but does any of you actually have the EULA and/or purchasing agreement and/or claim that says "lifetime license, INCLUDING all future upgrades"?

When software companies offer "lifetime licenses" (sometimes called "perpetual use rights") that typically only applies to the version you just bought - NOT to future versions.

So yes, we all bought V5 licenses (I did too), but I'm willing to bet that that did not include rights to new/major releases, such as V6.

That being said, if anyone could find some clear licensing statements to this effect and post them here - that'd be awesome! :-)

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Quote from the EULA:


“Pro” shall refer to type of User License for which Licensee have to pay fee to Company to access the Software with all features as provided by Company in Software for any particular platform. It is the Company only who reserves the rights to decide and change the feature-set under the Pro User License for all platforms.

So, this also mentions a particular platform. Since the platform (Windows) has not been changed, we should have access to all features of Enpass for Windows.

Edited by Thermometer
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32 minutes ago, Damasta said:

I know I might be flamed for this, but does any of you actually have the EULA and/or purchasing agreement and/or claim that says "lifetime license, INCLUDING all future upgrades"?

When software companies offer "lifetime licenses" (sometimes called "perpetual use rights") that typically only applies to the version you just bought - NOT to future versions.

So yes, we all bought V5 licenses (I did too), but I'm willing to bet that that did not include rights to new/major releases, such as V6.

That being said, if anyone could find some clear licensing statements to this effect and post them here - that'd be awesome! :-)

The reason why this a moot point, is that your mobile apps are forcefully updated to V6, forcing your desktop apps to follow in order to retain syncing.

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Yeah, the EULA also says:

Maintenance, Updates and Pricing: It is the Company who will decide the timing and pricing of future updates for Software comprising of new features, improvements and bug fixes.

There you have it: EULA lets Sinew charge again for V6.

Perfectly standard for almost all for-profit software companies btw. and nothing wrong with it.

This doesn't mean I fully approve of the way Sinew handled the feature upgrade... Personally, I'd have liked an opt-out, or a way to defer it until I understand the implications better. At the very least, better communication and guidance, of which there was none.

Edited by Damasta
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1 minute ago, laibalion said:

The reason why this a moot point, is that your mobile apps are forcefully updated to V6, forcing your desktop apps to follow in order to retain syncing.

So? You can elect to uninstall V6 or just use the free version. AFAIK the pro version is necessary for multi-vault and black theme features. No one forced us to pay for the V6 pro/premium version. We certainly weren't, and we have four different platforms in our household.

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11 minutes ago, Thermometer said:

Quote from the EULA:

So, this also mentions a particular platform. Since the platform (Windows) has not been changed, we should have access to all features of Enpass for Windows.

What do you mean the "platform (windows) has not been changed"? Yes it has - V6 is available for Windows too.

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7 minutes ago, Damasta said:

So? You can elect to uninstall V6 or just use the free version. AFAIK the pro version is necessary for multi-vault and black theme features. No one forced us to pay for the V6 pro/premium version. We certainly weren't, and we have four different platforms in our household.

no, you cannot uninstall V6 and continue using V5.

  • The windows store only offers 1 version -> v6
  • The mobile stores only offer 1 version -> v6
  • The extensions only work with 1 version -> v6

So uninstalling it is useless suggestion...

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1 hour ago, Damasta said:

I know I might be flamed for this, but does any of you actually have the EULA and/or purchasing agreement and/or claim that says "lifetime license, INCLUDING all future upgrade

This is not a contract dispute, it's a PR PROBLEM for Enpass, and a little bit of legalese in a EULA isn't going to protect them from the wrath of an angry, irrational customer base. They're lucky this hasn't spread to social media yet. If they don't act quickly, they're going to find that the cost to repair their reputation could far outweigh any revenue they generate.

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Hi all,

We understand your concern and never want to hurt your feelings. We would have definitely restored your UWP purchase into the bridged app, and for that even contacted Microsoft, knowing that it is not possible by design of all apps stores. Both the UWP and Bridged app are different apps and it is not possible to access the purchases across the apps or Stores.

We could have replaced the UWP app to the bridged version to make the in-app purchases accessible, but that would have to make Enpass unaccessible for users who have already purchased it on Windows 10 mobile and UWP.

2 hours ago, laibalion said:

no, you cannot uninstall V6 and continue using V5.

You must be able to install it from your order history of the software you own, or you can choose this direct link for UWP app . It is now, not available on the store for the new users (or who haven't purchased it before) because we will not be upgrading UWP app to V6. We have rewritten Enpass 6 on all evolving platforms from scratch and the Windows Mobile was not promising enough to be considered for this because Microsoft itself is not releasing any new updates or phones.

We are working on our toes to bring in all the promised features in a series of updates. Thanks a lot for your cooperation as it will help us making Enpass awesome for you, faster than before.


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20 hours ago, laibalion said:

no, you cannot uninstall V6 and continue using V5.

  • The windows store only offers 1 version -> v6
  • The mobile stores only offer 1 version -> v6
  • The extensions only work with 1 version -> v6

So uninstalling it is useless suggestion...

I never said to continue using V5. I suggested to uninstall (which implies using a different product altogether) or to continue using the free version of V6. No one forced you (or me) to pay any money whatsoever for V6. The premium/paid version unlocks Windows Hello, Dark Theme and Custom Categories.

For me personally, being able to use Windows Hello is easily worth the one-time cost of two small Starbucks coffees.

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42 minutes ago, Damasta said:

I never said to continue using V5. I suggested to uninstall (which implies using a different product altogether) or to continue using the free version of V6. No one forced you (or me) to pay any money whatsoever for V6. The premium/paid version unlocks Windows Hello, Dark Theme and Custom Categories.

For me personally, being able to use Windows Hello is easily worth the one-time cost of two small Starbucks coffees.

I'm going to be blunt here, but that is just retarded. We payed for it on the other platforms, which uses forced updates. Nobody is talking about being forced to pay for anything, not sure why you keep bringing that up.

I'm not putting too much weight to this entire issue as I wouldn't care less about the pro features at this moment, I just find it a pity that paying customers would have to pay again on the same platform. I know the backend implementation is entirely different this time around, but that's was a choice Enpass made, not the customers.

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I bring it up because being able to keep the pro version after the upgrade was brought up by you:

On 12/29/2018 at 10:02 AM, laibalion said:

But they must somehow be able to allow existing customers to keep their 'pro' status.


On 1/3/2019 at 11:30 AM, laibalion said:

but that's was a choice Enpass made, not the customers.

Precisely. Sinew made that choice and will deal with the consequences. However, they are fully within their rights because it is in the license agreement you accepted by installing Enpass. That, in turn, is something we as customers have to deal with.

(Sometimes I just wish ppl would read the EULAs before they buy and install software.)

Edited by Damasta
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