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Set-up sync is not working on version 6 (Linux)

Fabrizio Ruggeri

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I have the same problem as described here.

First I updated Enpass to 6.0 on Android. There it worked without problems and sync with google is working again.

Today I updated Enpass on Linux Unbuntu 18.04. When I want to to init the synchronization, firefox is started on the google pages. I grant the access and than it starts a second Enpass application to process the link, not the one already running.

Rebooting the system does not help.

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I'm also having this issue.  I don't seem to have another Enpass and rebooting doesn't help.  I'm running Mint 19.1 Cinnamon.

When I install enpass, I get a menu item for Enpass.  Choosing the menu item doesn't run enpass.  I can start enpass from /opt/enpass.  Setting up sync takes me to the Google login page and - after I approve - prompts me to open xdg-open.  The process never completes, however.  Would appreciate any ideas!

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I've got a similar issue on my machine (Linux Mint 19.1 - i3wm desktop interface) when it comes to syncing with Google drive (using Firefox v64.0).

I authenticate successfully with Google, and approve 'enpass.io' to access, but when I expect to be redirected back to the Enpass (v6) window, I instead get the attached screenshot.
(Given by this url: enpassauth://googledrive/?scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appfolder&state=security_token_sinew&code=<sanitized>).

This is after executing the below:

$ sudo update-desktop-database
$ sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
$ sudo reboot

$ # After reboot:
$ sudo grep -iHRn 'enpass' /usr/share/mime/
[sudo] password for user: 
/usr/share/mime/application/enpasscard.xml:2:<mime-type xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info" type="application/enpasscard">
/usr/share/mime/application/enpasscard.xml:4:  <comment>Enpass Sharing File</comment>
/usr/share/mime/application/enpasscard.xml:5:  <glob pattern="*.enpasscard"/>
/usr/share/mime/packages/application-enpass.xml:2:  <mime-type type="application/enpasscard">
/usr/share/mime/packages/application-enpass.xml:3:    <comment>Enpass Sharing File</comment>
/usr/share/mime/packages/application-enpass.xml:4:    <glob pattern="*.enpasscard"/>
Binary file /usr/share/mime/mime.cache matches
$ # And also self-edit inspired by: https://askubuntu.com/a/1039162/817936
$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list 
[Default Applications]


Any ideas/suggestions?

Screenshot from 2019-01-14 10-09-03.png

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Hi @x10an14,

There is something wrong in this output.

$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list
[Default Applications]

The path of Enpass executable should be /opt/enpass/Enpass not /opt/Enpass/Enpass.

May I know from where you have installed it?


  • Thanks 1
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Hi @Vinod Kumar!

Thank you for your prompt reply!
I've installed through your package repository - but I might've messed up the capitalization of that folder myself.

After updating to v6 today, I noticed a symlink from '/opt/enpass' to '/opt/Enpass', so I just removed the symlink and manually fixed my path-links.

So, after reverting that change, xdg-open worked (even without editing my '~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list'). Thanks! =)

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Hey @Alessandro,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Please run these commands on Terminal and then try again.

sudo update-desktop-database

sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
If the problem persists, please try this command in terminal and share result.


xdg-open enpassauth://googledrive

Thanks for your co-operation.

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  • 2 months later...

Running the update-desktop-database/update-mime-database appear to have fixed the 2 instances of Enpass running while attempting to setup a sync.

However, Enpass still sits there waiting forever and doesn't complete the operation.

What else can I do to track this down?

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Hey @srouleau,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Please share some more info so that we can help you better.

  • Which Linux version and Enapss version are you using?
  • Have you installed two versions (Enpass 5 and Enpass 6) of Enpass on your system?
  • Are you using a multiuser system?
  • Which cloud services are you using to sync?
  • What is your preferred browser and its version?

Thanks for your co-operation.


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Hello @Anshu kumar

Here is the requested information:

1) Kubuntu 18.10, Enpass
2) I had Enpass 5 before, went through the upgrade, and now only have 6 installed.
3) Well I guess by definition Kubuntu is multi-user, but in practice I'm the only one using this computer.
4) I tried both Google Drive and OneDrive -- same result.
5) I use Firefox (66.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.18.10.1)


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Quick (related) question @Anshu kumar :

As my Linux box is slowly lagging behind my Windows and Android copies of Enpass, how will it reconcile the database once I get it to work again on Linux? Is the database synchronized as a blob, or it's actually item-by-item?

I ask because I added a few items on Linux, and a few items on Windows.


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Hey @srouleau,

On 4/15/2019 at 7:38 PM, srouleau said:

5) I use Firefox (66.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.18.10.1)


I would suggest you please make Chrome as your default browser and then try sync if you haven't tried it yet and share your findings.

20 minutes ago, srouleau said:

As my Linux box is slowly lagging behind my Windows and Android copies of Enpass, how will it reconcile the database once I get it to work again on Linux? Is the database synchronized as a blob, or it's actually item-by-item?

It will sync item by item.



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