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enpass not available in play store


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with enpass 6 release i updated my various devices right away since it use a different safe than enpass 5.

Unfortunately i can't find enpass anymore in the play store on my phone. It is a onePlus one running Lineage OS 15.1 (Android 8.1).
I don't know if the disappearance dates from enpass release, but enpass 5 had no issue to update to 5.6.9 back when it was released.

Any idea of the reason ? is it intentional ? is it because of a lack of backward compatibility somehow ? will it be fixed ?

As a last resort I tried the last beta version i could find on apkmirror and it launched without any issue (i didn't synced it however). Downloading apk on third party websites for netflix may be ok, but i would like to avoid it for my password manager...

Btw i bought the pro version on android, if that changes anything.

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With play store direct link, google store (website) tells me that my device is incompatible and won't let me install (or update actually). This incompatibility is the reason that Enpass won't appear anymore in the store (app).

The question is why is it incompatible ? Android version shouldn't be an issue on 8.1. Is it hardware related ?

Btw i mentioned Netflix because it has the same behavior for some phones, they have a page about that, but it might be for unrelated reasons.


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Google App Store提示:“不兼容”,“此商品无法购买或下载”;
Android 7.1.2



This morning, the app store prompts the update, and the mobile phone version 6.0.1 has been updated successfully.
In this way, the new version can be used on both the mobile phone and the PC.
Thanks to the Enpass team for their active work!

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Same issue.  I have a pixel 2. did a factory reset.  running Android 8.1.  play store says enpass is not available.


Please take a look into this it is a serious problem with your new release and the play store.  I can not use my phone without enpass.

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still not in the play store but I was able to download ver 5.6 from https://www.enpass.io/support/where-can-i-download-older-version-of-enpass/

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updated to android pie 9.0 and now I can install enpass 6 from the play store.

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I'm also using OnePlus One running Android 8.1.

Same issue since many days. Now can't sync my passwords running Enpass 6 on Desktop. Android still running Enpass 5.x version and not syncing due to database incompatibility.


This is what I see on my Play Store when I open https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.enpass.app in Playstore App



And this is what I see on my Desktop (and again before you mention that it says "Installed" - it's because I'm running older version 5.x of the app):



Now please just don't say that everything is good and we should be able to install it without trying even to find a root cause.

Cheers :)

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3 hours ago, Vinod Kumar said:

We are still looking, what is wrong?



Not sure, wish we knew =P. I am running a custom ROM, but I don't see how that would affect downloading Enpass. Especially since it worked before you updated your app to 6.0. If I search the Play Store on my phone, I don't see your company, or Enpass. If I use a direct link to your app from your website, I get this error on my phone: (see attached image).


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14 hours ago, JamesBond said:


I'm also using OnePlus One running Android 8.1.

Same issue since many days. Now can't sync my passwords running Enpass 6 on Desktop. Android still running Enpass 5.x version and not syncing due to database incompatibility.


This is what I see on my Play Store when I open https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.enpass.app in Playstore App



And this is what I see on my Desktop (and again before you mention that it says "Installed" - it's because I'm running older version 5.x of the app):



Now please just don't say that everything is good and we should be able to install it without trying even to find a root cause.

Cheers :)

Hi @Vinod Kumar,

My device was failing SafetyNet checks. I made some changes in my ROM and made it to pass SafetyNet checks and I could now see Enpass in Play store and update it. Probably it's affecting custom ROM users failing SafetyNet checks.



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Hi @JamesBond,

Could you detail what modification you did and what ROM are you running on your device ?

I'm on LineageOS 15.1 and my device passes SafetyNet checks. So it might certainly be one part of the problem, but it might not be the whole story.



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15 hours ago, Arzolt said:

Hi @JamesBond,

Could you detail what modification you did and what ROM are you running on your device ?

I'm on LineageOS 15.1 and my device passes SafetyNet checks. So it might certainly be one part of the problem, but it might not be the whole story.



Okay, I'm not sure then. Could you please check value of Play Store -> Settings -> Play Protect Certification. What does it say? Device is certified or not certified. Enpass is Play Protect App so won't be visible on not certified devices.

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I joined tester program on OPO with LOS 15.1. Did not help. Enpass still does not show up in Google Play app and also still shows up as incompatible on Play Store website.

Just to add: passes SafetyNet checks and also shows up as certified on Play Protect Certification.

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