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Squeezing Pro User?


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On 12/14/2020 at 4:18 PM, My1 said:

well there is a one-time option. the like 70€ lifetime option

But it's the same price a new user would pay. In fact, Pro users have no privileges over new users, if not 6 months discounted whether they choose the subscription.

Edited by lammoth
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2 hours ago, lammoth said:

But it's the same price a new user would pay. In fact, Pro users have no privileges over new users, if not 6 months discounted whether they choose the subscription.

Not entirely correct. After contacting support, they did offer a 40% discount to the lifetime Enterprise license. For me, the feature differences is too small to justify that cost at this time.
I did choose to opt for the highly discounted subscription for one year to see how things evolve. If nothing noteworthy is there for Premium compared to Pro after that period, I'll just fall back to my Pro lifetime license and reevaluate the situation at that time.

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11 hours ago, Garima Singh said:


We totally understand your concern and apologies for the trouble. Our team is working to remove the alert/red banner displaying on the screen. The same will be removed in the next update. Thanks!

So you're not going to do anything for the lifetime people other than giving the option to hide the banner. Gotcha.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/11/2021 at 8:27 AM, Garima Singh said:


We totally understand your concern and apologies for the trouble. Our team is working to remove the alert/red banner displaying on the screen. The same will be removed in the next update. Thanks!


A. it's still not fixed

B. You're still not doing anything for your founding members. We were your ambassadors, the ones who wrote about it, who recommended it to others. Hell, I purchased multiple lifetime licenses. You've seen what's happening to your rating and the reviews in the play store... The "discount" is just a slap in the face.


You're the ones who offered a lifetime license, you're STILL offering it, so saying we should all just switch to a subscription is BS. Hell, the desktop version still says "All-access".


I'm fine with upgrading for a minor fee, but the way you're treating existing vs new users (like the $25 lifetime premium license, which is the same price as the renewal price for premium).

Edited by MoonRaven
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I don’t see the benefit of paying this high yearly amount for this little new feature that is just an open source without any own Threat Intelligence investigation by enpass team. If they would search for breaches ok, but it seems they just rely on haveibeenpwned or did I miss something?

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1 hour ago, SKytyyy said:

and even for 2FA there are websites that provide this information for free. You can search for websites that provide 2FA, enpass just maps free of charge data with their app and charge for it.

Well not 2FA, that's just things like the TOTP. The breach monitor is something we as users can access for free, but for software, they might have to pay for each check. Still, they promised the new features and they still offer a lifetime subscription.

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6 hours ago, MoonRaven said:

Well not 2FA, that's just things like the TOTP. The breach monitor is something we as users can access for free, but for software, they might have to pay for each check. Still, they promised the new features and they still offer a lifetime subscription.

Think you are making a mountain of molehill. Their pro features continue to be free and we have no loss in functionality since first purchased lifetime subscription. Give them some time to work out their plans to make it sustainable in future. They can’t just make everything free - their business would shut down and we would all be losing a useful product. I am a legacy pro lifetime user as well. As long as my pro features remain and i keep getting support for new OS, I am satisfied

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16 hours ago, MoonRaven said:

Well not 2FA, that's just things like the TOTP. The breach monitor is something we as users can access for free, but for software, they might have to pay for each check. Still, they promised the new features and they still offer a lifetime subscription.

The breach monitor already exist in older releases but has been removed for us now. It's a feature called haveibeenpwned.com but they are calling it a breach monitor now and ask for more money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been well over a month now and you STILL haven't done anything for us but disrespect. Remember, a complaining customer still wants things to be solved, else they wouldn't invest time in it.

Your ratings are dropping and your offer is still absolute bullshit (€0.50 discount a year).

Edited by MoonRaven
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Im still using Enpass and I like it and I dont really care about the bonus features.  But i do respectfully request that they remove that obnoxious red banner on the android app. 

I have recommended at least 5 people that singed up with Enpass in the past 2 years.  So I would appreciate if they update the android app to include a toggle to disable that banner warning inside settings.  

That is all thank you.  I am going to stay with Enpass.   

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Also not too happy with this development with enpass. Thought the lifetime pro licence was a good and fututreproof investment. However not planning to leave enpass, but that annoying red warning banner needs to go. Should not be too difficult?

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I am also Pro user and also think it is breaking of promises to not provide some features to "All access lifetime" plan . But I will not do hasty decisions right now. I even tried "Premium" subscription, it is much cheaper in Google Play, but possibly it depends on country of residence. In general I think the best option for company to find compromise and provide upgrade from "Pro" to "Premium" for price satisfactory for people you promised lifetime updates for free. It is definitely not $80 and not $50 with promocode available for all.

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Pro users suddenly have to pay for premium.  This is rip-off and rubbish!  Whoever buys „premium“ now, has to pay for „superior“ features later?  The Enpass team invents new pay-features without worrying about long-requested and promised changes:

Where are the common templates? Import and export to share it with other users? Why I still can’t create templates from entries? Why it is still not possible to use templates in other vaults?

Why  is it possible to unlock Enpass with the fingerprint after restarting my smartphone? 1Password requires the master password for security reasons. The Enpass team promised to change 1 year ago.

Where is the option to use fingerprint and PIN at the same time?

Why it is not possible to sync on demand only? This would reveal illegal online access to the server.

All of these proposals were made over a year ago, but not a single one was implemented.

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