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First Beta of Enpass 6 for macOS is out!

Guest Vikram Dabas

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Guest Vikram Dabas

Hello Enpassians!

Today we are announcing the first beta release of Enpass 6 for macOS. This beta brings:

  • Multiple-Vault: You can create multiple vaults for personal and work credentials or a separate vault for other persons you are working with.
  • Cloud Sync: Enpass 6 brings an improved synchronization mechanism, and each of your vaults requires a different cloud account to sync with.
  • Secure Sharing: An option to securely share an item using a Pre-shared Key (PSK). For that you first need to define a PSK  in the Advanced settings of Enpass.
  • Enpass Assistant: A better and enhanced way to autofill details in Safari, Chrome and Firefox. You can download the extensions from here.
  • Custom Categories and Custom Templates: Now you can define your own custom categories and templates in company with our existing categories.
  • Custom Icons: You can add your own custom icons along with pre-supplied ones.
  • Trash: Recover the accidentally deleted items from Trash.
  • Archive: You can also archive the items which are no longer in use, but you don't want to delete them forever. Also the archived items don't appear in search results.
  • Keyfile Support: You can now additionally use a Keyfile with the master password to log into Enpass.

Important Notes for Beta Testers:

  • Separate app: The Enpass 6 beta app will be installed as a separate app and will not replace the existing app on your device.
  • Restoring database from Enpass 5: You can restore your existing data from Enpass 5 or previous versions into Enpass 6 using a Backup file on Welcome Screen. 
  • Synchronization: Enpass 6 is based on a new architecture and will not sync with the existing data of Enpass 5 on cloud. So this way you can use your existing cloud accounts to test the sync in Enpass 6 without any interference to sync in stable Enpass 5. Also, the Enpass 6 places the data on cloud into the designated App folder unlike it used to do in the root folder for Google Drive, and OneDrive. These changes will restrict you from restoring of existing data from cloud and you have to restore your data using a backup file.
  • Mojave and Safari Extension: The Enpass extension for Safari browser doesn't work with the macOS Mojave beta versions.
  • All beta versions are precursors of final products. They are intended for testing purposes only and should not be used any place where your data is important. Please backup your database before testing a beta release.
  • The beta app may contain some features that are still in development and not fully functional.

Download link - Enpass6 Beta for macOS (.pkg)

Waiting for your feedback. Cheers!



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My first thought is that, although I appreciate the added functionality, the app does not feel like a native macOS application anymore. The buttons, the icons, the menus... they all seem to resemble the Windows user interface instead. An additional element in which this is shown, is the sidebar: the previous app had a slightly translucent sidebar, while it's completely opaque in Enpass 6.

I'd imagine these changes are the consequences of trying to ease the process of developing for different platforms. For me, however, this might be a reason to switch to another password manager: the UI simply doesn't do it for me.

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unfortunately WebDAV-sync does not yet seem to work. The option is there, but using it returns the very helpful message "Something went wrong. Error -102". My sync server is a privately hosted Nextcloud, which I'm successfully using with Enpass 5. More details – perhaps even a test-account – are available on request. I'm using the public beta of macOS 10.14 Mojave.

Another thing which is slightly annoying, is that the app switches back to the default sized window mode, when you put it in the foreground again. This happens for both full-screen and normally maximized windows.

Otherwise the app seems really nice. I don't mind the non-translucent sidebar, as I have all transparency/translucency disabled in the system settings anyway.

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I have tested it today and it was a good experience so far.

  • Restore backup from Enpass 5 works great- everything was imported, tags are created correctly- nice!
  • Safari, Chrome and Firefox Extension work as expected in general
    • Save for a new item works
    • Keyboard autofill works in most times- sometimes it does not work- I had to reset the keyboard shortcut in Safari
    • Autofill for matching logins does not work at all- sometimes it does not autofill although the url is exactly the same
  • Touch-ID works, but is not very user-friendly- I always have to click on the touch-id button in the login screen (same as Enpass 5) before we can use the fingerprint- can we hope for a better handling?
  • Wifi-Sync, Emergency Kit and Check for Pwned passwords are greyed out- I expect that these things will be in the next beta...


  • It would be nice to be able to collapse the sidebar.
  • Please enable a visible drag&drop indicator for moving the sidebar - currently you do not see any changing mouse cursor
  • Please show more icons by default instead of hiding them behind the burger menu (three dots)- for example, the history of a field could be shown besides the copy button or the edit button of an item.
  • Filling basic auth dialogs in all browsers with the extensions do not work- is this correct? It does not work in Chrome even in Enpass 5.6 and not in Enpass 6

MacOS 10.13.4 (17E199)

Edited by Jens Goldhammer fme
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I can't say that I am very happy with this update. Unfortunately, the app does not feel native to macOS at all.

The issues that I noticed right away are:

  • the lack of a proper MacOS toolbar
  • the uwp-like, blue titlebar at the top
  • the design of the checkboxes, switches and buttons makes the app look like it's written in Java

The main components of the app (sidebar, listview and detail) actually look fairly convincing. Maybe there is a chance, that adjusting the details I mentioned above, will hide the fact that the app wasn't primarily written for macOS.

But for now, I will switch to another password manager.

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  • Attachments are not limited in size anymore.

Con / Suggestion:

  • No Drag and Drop for items to change category
  • No built-in preview function for attachments ( "Save" only)
  • If Touch ID is enabled, it should be the default (there shouldn't be an additional step to choose TouchID)
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I was expecting the worth from all those thing I have read in the past weeks.

But the macOS version feels great. Yes, it hasn't the look and feel from macOS in general, but all elements are looking smooth and not "dirty" in any way.


After im-/exporting an attachment the modification and creation date of the file is lost.

Please also fix this.


I don't wanna use the categories anymore. Is there a way to remove them in total?

I like only using tags.


As I said, I was expecting much more mess. But I can't share the criticism from the blog.

Keep going on with the way and I also appreciate, that the team works with focus on quality instead of speediness to launch a release.

There is no rush to finalize the version 6 in short term - we all have version 5 we are living with since years.



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7 hours ago, pio93qwertz said:

I don't wanna use the categories anymore. Is there a way to remove them in total?


In Settings > Customize > Categories, each category has a checkbox. I'm guessing you could uncheck them all. Might not lose the "Categories" header in the sidebar, but it will probably disappear all the categories.

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A few notes, bugs and issues:


- What does TOTP mean?

- As others have noted, the UI is rather un-Mac, especially the settings/preferences. Not a BIG deal to me personally, but it makes the Mac version feel like an afterthought, and also makes the app less accessible for less experienced users (my poor old dad would be confused by it, but find his way eventually, with help)

- Where’s the Sync button? Is Sync not ready yet? I can't find where I go to connect to a cloud account.
    - And will we be able to CHOOSE the location of the Enpass folder within the cloud?
        - I don't want Enpass cluttering the top level of my Google Drive/Dropbox/whatever
- I know this isn't in the cards right now, but it would be extremely helpful to be able to sync multiple vaults to the same cloud account


- CMD+W doesn’t close the Enpass window
    - Also, Close Window is in the Window menu, which is not Mac standard — it should be in the File menu
        - Maybe this is why CMD+W doesn’t work? (It's in the right place, and works, in Enpass 5)

- When the Menu Bar overlay is open, tapping the Menu Bar icon does not close the overlay as it should
    - Along with not being able to use ESC (see APP & EXTENSIONS below), this means the only way to close the Menu Bar overlay is by clicking somewhere else on the screen

- Cannot drag accounts into categories or into tags (attempting to click-drag an account instead scrolls the accounts column up and down)

- When adding tags while creating/editing an account, existing tags do not auto-complete

- Mouseover on icons should tell you what they do — e.g., the circular arrow with the star in the middle is not at all self-explanatory, and looks like a “refresh” icon (why would a circular arrow mean “generate password”?)

- Settings categories are slow to respond to clicks

- Legitimately strong passwords that Enpass 5 recognizes as “strong” (18 characters, strong mix of caps, lower, symbol & number) are flagged “weak” in Enpass 6


- ESC does not work as it should and does in any other app:
    - ESC should a) clear the search field if anything has been entered, and b) close the overlay* if the search field is empty

    - Users should not have to mouse over to the (x) to clear the search, and should not have to click away to close the overlays*

- When the master password field comes up, there’s no cursor, so you can’t tell if you’re in the right place to start typing (or if you have to click in the field first)

- Most other apps that run in the Menu Bar continue to run after QUITTING the application. It would be nice to not have to remember to just close the window for Enpass only


(*the word "overlay" used to say "window," but I mean the Menu Bar overlay and the browser extension overlay, not the main Enpass window, which should NOT close by hitting ESC)


That's all so far. It's looking great Vikram!

Edited by 100 Watt Walrus
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How does one delete a custom icon? I just added one, and once in the gallery it was way, way, way too small. So now I need to replace it.

1) How do I delete the icon I no longer want?

2) How do I find what the dimensions should be for a custom icon?

The one I used was 72x72, which is only slightly smaller than the middle size of the icons used in Enpass 6, but once imported it displayed at 15x15 — 79% smaller than it really is. So does this mean that in order to display custom icons at 40x40, like the pre-loaded icons in Enpass, I have to use an image that is at least 200x200?

Next, I tried an icon that was 1024x1024, but instead of shrinking it down, Enpass cropped out 200x200 from the center, so that makes a second custom icon I need to get rid of because it doesn't look like anything.

So for custom icons, apparently we have to start with a PNG that is exactly 200x200 for it to appear in Enpass at the right size. I think the app should be able to render any size icon at the correct size for the app instead of doing what's shown in first two icons of the attached image.

Please add a feature to allow the removal of custom icons. Also, it would be nice to be able to have the custom icons attached only to the one account, and not become part of the gallery. In my example, this is an icon for a service at which I have one account. I will never need it again, so now it's just clutter in the icon gallery.

Enpass custom icon problem.png

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I directly download the beta when I saw that it supports Windows Hello with the browsers extensions, this is great !

Here is my feedback for my quick test :

  • It's impossible to change the keyboard shortcut on the Firefox extension
  • It would be cool to add an option to automatically launch Windows Hello when the extension is opened. It takes time and is simply annoying to go on the extension and click the icon to launch Windows Hello.

I'll switch to the beta when the Webdav synchronisation will be available !

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In Enpass 5, after unlocking Enpass's Menu Bar overlay, if you then Show Enpass, the app interface opens right up.

In Enpass 6, after unlocking the Menu Bar overlay, when you then Open Enpass, the app interface always asks you for your master password again, even if you literally entered it seconds ago in the overlay.

I hope this isn't by design, as it's a hassle.


Also, another usability note regarding the un-Mac interface: Navigating the preferences is cumbersome. In the Mac-friendly Enpass 5, you go to Preferences, and it's very easy and quick to move from tab to tab for the various kinds of settings. In un-Mac-like Enpass 6, switching from one settings category to another is a multi-step process involving a back button. Not a huge deal, but it's user-UNfriendly.


I'm also unclear on whether or not it's safe turn on cloud syncing in Enpass 6. I did, and now Enpass 5 won't sync, and there's only one .walletx file in the Enpass folder of my cloud account. The most recent sync was yesterday in Enpass 5, even though the most recent attempt was today. But in the first post in this thread it says, "you can use your existing cloud accounts to test the sync in Enpass 6 without any interference to sync in stable Enpass 5."


BTW, this forum thinks every browser I try to use is a spambot. Chrome, Chromium, Safari, Firefox, Brave, no matter which, I get either the error message in the attached screenshot, or one just like it that says I've submitted too fast and to wait several seconds and try again (in reality, I have to wait 10-30 minutes before trying again). Each post I've made here has been a 20-30 minute process just getting the [Submit Reply] button to work.

discussion.enpass.io error.png

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Just rebooted for the first time with Enpass 6 installed, and instead of launching (at startup) in the background like Enpass 5 (where it just shows up in the Menu Bar, ready to use as needed), Enpas 6 launches the full app, landing on the master password prompt.

Of course, very few people will need to login to Enpass to retrieve or edit account information upon starting up their computer, so I'm hoping this gets fixed.


Just so I'm not filling this forum with bugs and other issues, I wanted to take a minute to say that I've started a second vault for the first time, and I'm thrilled to have this feature. This was the one thing I was waiting for before committing fully to Enpass. I like the way it's executed, especially the CMD+1, CMD+2 vault switching and the display in the Vaults menu of which cloud service is used for backing up each account. I also appreciate that the app has so many key commands in general. This makes it very easy to navigate — although as mentioned above, ESC to get out of various screens is sorely missing. It's there for some things (you can ESC out of creating a new item), but not there for others (you can't ESC out of editing an item).


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Jens mentioned it above, but I missed the feature, because it was "between" the lines.

Right clicking to any field provides a context menu with an option for "history". The complete history of a field is also inside the JSON export.

Well done! For me an important feature, because it is not longer necessary to duplicate an item to archive older attributes.



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9 hours ago, pio93qwertz said:

Right clicking to any field provides a context menu with an option for "history". The complete history of a field is also inside the JSON export.

I'm trying to duplicate this, but I'm not seeing "History" in the contextual menu for any field, but only for the password field. Everything else has only one item in the contextual menu: "Copy"

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Please have a look to the attached images.

The history menu item is only provided if you changed some value in the past.

If the field only keeps one single value, it is the current one, and no history can be called.


I think it would be better to offer a history button in front of the copy button.

With that it is much more clear, that the field has past values.








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On 7/28/2018 at 1:12 AM, pio93qwertz said:

The history menu item is only provided if you changed some value in the past.

Ahhh. Well, that explains it.

I think it would make more sense for "History" to always be there (so people know it exists!), but shows empty results if there have been no changes. Consistency makes for a better UX.

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Took a (very) quick look at the new Beta and here are my first impressions:

  • my first thought: this is a Windows 10 application!!! It looks and behaves so much like something on Windows 10. The preference pane appearing from the side: sooo Windows-like. Also the buttons, checkboxes etc. look more like Windows. I really, really hope there is time for a modern Mac-like redesign (and feel). 
  • I like the new icon in the dock, but in Safari you can't really what that icon is. 
  • the blue is nice, although not necessary, so maybe users should be able to choose the UI themselves (as in MS Office: colorful or classic).
  • the search appears to be much more accurate. In EP 5, the results sometimes weren't very accuate. So I hope this stays.
  • The password-generator is much better now. I like that it's bigger now. One suggestion: pronouncable passphrases could be available in different languages. I guess you are using diceware-lists? Those are available in many different languages.
  • The browser extension opens the main application every time, which I have to allow first every time. I am using High Sierra. As it turns out, it ONLY opens the main application, but never the extension itself. For a final release, I would really like to see some sort of helper application, that allows you to open the extension without having to run the main application in the background. Other password managers do that as well.
  • Question: will the browser extension support grabbing the website-icon directly from the website (like other password-managers )?
Edited by kwitchibo
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4 minutes ago, kwitchibo said:
  • The password-generator is much better now. I like that it's bigger now. One suggestion: pronouncable passphrases could be available in different languages. I guess you are using diceware-lists? Those are available in many different languages.


I agree with that. Enpass should take words from the user system default language.



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Found a new bug: If you create and use a custom icon, it does not sync between devices.

Steps to recreate:

1) In an existing Enpass 6 vault (synced via Google Drive, if you want to reproduce exactly), create a new record and add a custom icon (BTW, see my previous posts about all the problems with creating custom icons that actually work!)

2) Go to a second computer, install Enpass 6, and sync that vault onto this second device

RESULT: record with a custom icon has no icon at all on this second device

I believe this relates to how the icons are stored, which is very strange:

If you dig into where they're stored (Library > Containers > in.sinew.Enpass6-Desktop-Beta > Data > Library > Application Support > Enpass6 > temp), you'll find that when you quit completely out of Enpass 6, those custom icons disappear completely.

When you launch again, they return.

While Enpass is not running at all, if you search for the file name of any of those icons (using a search tool that isn't crippled like Spotlight — I use Find Any File), there's no sign of them anywhere on your drive.

So when Enpass 6 isn't running, it must stash those custom icons somewhere completely hidden.

That's problematic in itself, but what I'm getting at here is that I'm not surprised an icon buried that deep in Library > Containers doesn't get shared when you sync across devices — and there's no point in using custom icons if you can't sync them across devices.

So in addition to the problems described upthread, this is another sign that custom icons may have a ways to go yet.

Hope that's helpful Vikram and team.

Edited by 100 Watt Walrus
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Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi All,

Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable feedback and helping us in improving the Enpass beta. My sincere apologies for the delay in response.

There is a lot of feedback regarding the UI and UX of Enpass 6 beta for macOS and sorry to hear that the app doesn't meet the expectations. We will try to improve it and will make it more friendly with the macOS.

On 7/24/2018 at 1:25 AM, niemalsnever said:

unfortunately WebDAV-sync does not yet seem to work. The option is there, but using it returns the very helpful message "Something went wrong. Error -102". My sync server is a privately hosted Nextcloud, which I'm successfully using with Enpass 5.

If possible, please share a demo account at betabugs@enpass.io so that we can investigate the issue.

On 7/24/2018 at 1:25 AM, niemalsnever said:

Another thing which is slightly annoying, is that the app switches back to the default sized window mode, when you put it in the foreground again. This happens for both full-screen and normally maximized windows.

Noted and shared with the team.

On 7/24/2018 at 1:40 AM, Jens Goldhammer fme said:
  • Keyboard autofill works in most times- sometimes it does not work- I had to reset the keyboard shortcut in Safari
  • Autofill for matching logins does not work at all- sometimes it does not autofill although the url is exactly the same
  • Touch-ID works, but is not very user-friendly- I always have to click on the touch-id button in the login screen (same as Enpass 5) before we can use the fingerprint- can we hope for a better handling?
  • For the problem regarding Keyboard shortcut, please share the macOS and Safari version you are using. Also, share the URLs where autofill doesn't work.
  • Improvements in Touch-ID will be available in subsequent beta updates.


On 7/24/2018 at 1:40 AM, Jens Goldhammer fme said:


  • It would be nice to be able to collapse the sidebar.
  • Please enable a visible drag&drop indicator for moving the sidebar - currently you do not see any changing mouse cursor


On 7/27/2018 at 4:53 AM, Guduche said:

Here is my feedback for my quick test :

  • It's impossible to change the keyboard shortcut on the Firefox extension 

The keyboard shortcut for Enpass autofill can only be changed from the Firefox browser under Add-ons -> Enpass 6 Beta extensions -> Options -> Set your keyboard shortcut.

On 7/27/2018 at 12:40 PM, 100 Watt Walrus said:

Just rebooted for the first time with Enpass 6 installed, and instead of launching (at startup) in the background like Enpass 5 (where it just shows up in the Menu Bar, ready to use as needed), Enpas 6 launches the full app, landing on the master password prompt. 

  Just so I'm not filling this forum with bugs and other issues, I wanted to take a minute to say that I've started a second vault for the first time, and I'm thrilled to have this feature. This was the one thing I was waiting for before committing fully to Enpass. I like the way it's executed, especially the CMD+1, CMD+2 vault switching and the display in the Vaults menu of which cloud service is used for backing up each account. I also appreciate that the app has so many key commands in general. This makes it very easy to navigate — although as mentioned above, ESC to get out of various screens is sorely missing. It's there for some things (you can ESC out of creating a new item), but not there for others (you can't ESC out of editing an item).


The feedback has been passed to the dev team for the improvements.

On 8/3/2018 at 12:58 PM, kwitchibo said:

Took a (very) quick look at the new Beta and here are my first impressions:

  • The password-generator is much better now. I like that it's bigger now. One suggestion: pronouncable passphrases could be available in different languages. I guess you are using diceware-lists? Those are available in many different languages.
  • The browser extension opens the main application every time, which I have to allow first every time. I am using High Sierra. As it turns out, it ONLY opens the main application, but never the extension itself. For a final release, I would really like to see some sort of helper application, that allows you to open the extension without having to run the main application in the background. Other password managers do that as well.
  • Question: will the browser extension support grabbing the website-icon directly from the website (like other password-managers )?
  • Noted.
  • Forwarded to the team for further investigation.
  • Yes, Favicon support is coming in Enpass 6.
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Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi @100 Watt Walrus

Thanks a lot for being so active and we really appreciate your efforts.

On 7/26/2018 at 1:58 AM, 100 Watt Walrus said:

How does one delete a custom icon? I just added one, and once in the gallery it was way, way, way too small. So now I need to replace it.

1) How do I delete the icon I no longer want?

2) How do I find what the dimensions should be for a custom icon?

Currently, Enpass 6 doesn't allow deleting of Custom icons, but this feature is already on the roadmap for future updates. The perfect size of the custom icon is 200x200 and images larger than this size will be cropped from the center by 200x200.


On 7/25/2018 at 3:47 AM, 100 Watt Walrus said:


- CMD+W doesn’t close the Enpass window
    - Also, Close Window is in the Window menu, which is not Mac standard — it should be in the File menu
        - Maybe this is why CMD+W doesn’t work? (It's in the right place, and works, in Enpass 5)

- When the Menu Bar overlay is open, tapping the Menu Bar icon does not close the overlay as it should
    - Along with not being able to use ESC (see APP & EXTENSIONS below), this means the only way to close the Menu Bar overlay is by clicking somewhere else on the screen

- Cannot drag accounts into categories or into tags (attempting to click-drag an account instead scrolls the accounts column up and down)

- When adding tags while creating/editing an account, existing tags do not auto-complete

- Mouseover on icons should tell you what they do — e.g., the circular arrow with the star in the middle is not at all self-explanatory, and looks like a “refresh” icon (why would a circular arrow mean “generate password”?)

- Settings categories are slow to respond to clicks

- Legitimately strong passwords that Enpass 5 recognizes as “strong” (18 characters, strong mix of caps, lower, symbol & number) are flagged “weak” in Enpass 6


- ESC does not work as it should and does in any other app:
    - ESC should a) clear the search field if anything has been entered, and b) close the overlay* if the search field is empty

    - Users should not have to mouse over to the (x) to clear the search, and should not have to click away to close the overlays*

- When the master password field comes up, there’s no cursor, so you can’t tell if you’re in the right place to start typing (or if you have to click in the field first)

- Most other apps that run in the Menu Bar continue to run after QUITTING the application. It would be nice to not have to remember to just close the window for Enpass only


The issue that CMD+W doesn't close the app has been fixed and will be available in subsequent beta updates. The option to auto-complete the tags on edit page is already in our road-map, and all other suggestions and issues have been noted and shared with the team.

Further, in Enpass 6, we have revised the password entropy to strength the range which could lead to lower strength labeling of previous passwords. However, an 18 char (non-diceware) random password shouldn't be shown as weak, so please let us know if the password is pronounceable or non-pronounceable. Also, if possible, can you share a similar type of password via DM so that our team can investigate it further?

On 8/4/2018 at 3:18 AM, 100 Watt Walrus said:

Found a new bug: If you create and use a custom icon, it does not sync between devices.

Steps to recreate:

1) In an existing Enpass 6 vault (synced via Google Drive, if you want to reproduce exactly), create a new record and add a custom icon (BTW, see my previous posts about all the problems with creating custom icons that actually work!)

2) Go to a second computer, install Enpass 6, and sync that vault onto this second device

RESULT: record with a custom icon has no icon at all on this second device

If you dig into where they're stored (Library > Containers > in.sinew.Enpass6-Desktop-Beta > Data > Library > Application Support > Enpass6 > temp), you'll find that when you quit completely out of Enpass 6, those custom icons disappear completely. 

When you launch again, they return.


I would like to share that the custom icons are saved in the Enpass database, not in the app data. When you use the Enpass app, it creates a temp folder (as pointed by you) and saves the cache of the custom icons and other files in it and Enpass clears this temp folder as soon as quit it.

Also, we've tested the issue regarding the custom icons in our labs, and it's working correctly. So take a closer look at the problem, we might require some further information from your side:

  • The devices and their respective OS version.
  • When does the issue occur- while setting a custom icon on a new item or editing existing items?
  • Does the issue occur with the particular items or all of them?

Thanks for your co-operation!

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10 hours ago, Vikram Dabas said:

If possible, please share a demo account at betabugs@enpass.io so that we can investigate the issue.

Just created two demo accounts and sent the details your way. Why I created 2 accounts is explained in that e-mail.

Also I've just found another bug. If you have two displays attached to your Mac (like internal display, plus one external display) which have a different resolution, Enpass Mini (or whatever the menu bar thing is called) is cut off and only the bottom half is showing on the external display. First screenshot, internal display, second screenshot, external display. Internal display 13" @ 1440x900, external display 24" @ 1920x1080 (connected via VGA). Still on macOS 10.14 Mojave Beta 4.

Kind Regards


Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 18.07.14.png

Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 18.06.56.png

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Thanks for diving in with a big batch of replies, @Vikram Dabas! Very much looking forward to the next beta release.


14 hours ago, Vikram Dabas said:

Further, in Enpass 6, we have revised the password entropy to strength the range which could lead to lower strength labeling of previous passwords. However, an 18 char (non-diceware) random password shouldn't be shown as weak, so please let us know if the password is pronounceable or non-pronounceable. Also, if possible, can you share a similar type of password via DM so that our team can investigate it further?

That probably explains it. My passwords are strong, but are partially pronounceable and while they might look fairly random to the human eye, maybe not so much for a password checker. I'll DM you a fake sample.


14 hours ago, Vikram Dabas said:

Also, we've tested the issue regarding the custom icons in our labs, and it's working correctly. So take a closer look at the problem, we might require some further information from your side:

  • The devices and their respective OS version.
  • When does the issue occur- while setting a custom icon on a new item or editing existing items?
  • Does the issue occur with the particular items or all of them?

1) Both devices are MacBook Pros (2009 & 2010) running 10.11.6

2) I think the order in which things happened was:

  • create new item by hand
  • realize while creating it that Enpass doesn't have an appropriate icon
  • save anyway so the record is there while I go hunt for the custom icon I want
  • go back to the record after finding an icon, click Edit, click icon, click the (+) to add my own
  • (I'll skip the part where I tried 4-5 icons before figuring out that a custom icon has to be exactly 200x200 — Enpass needs to scale, not crop!)
  • after finally getting the icon I want, I'm done on Computer 1
  • Later, I'm setting up Enpass 6 on Computer 2, and you can pick up the narrative from my original Steps above.

3) So far I've only tried custom icons with one item that is in a shared vault, so I don't know about recreating. Sorry.


BTW, Enpass needs a coffee cup icon and icons for every letter and every number. Why does Miscellaneous only include G, H, I, P, Q, R, X, Z for letters and no numbers? 




Edited by 100 Watt Walrus
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