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  1. Hello, I have a Uservoice account to give Feedback for some apps. Microsoft is using Uservoice to gather User feedback for some of his applications, like: Outlook.com (https://outlook.uservoice.com/forums/284136-outlook-com) Microsoft To-Do (https://todo.uservoice.com/forums/597175-feature-suggestions) I went to https://outlook.uservoice.com/forums/284136-outlook-com and entered my login criteria. Enpass asked me to save them and I accepted. When I go to this site I see only the field E-Mail-Address (the password field is only shown after entering the email address). Then I click on the Enpass icon in the toolbar of the browser and double click on the correct entry. The E-Mail-Address is filled but instead of the password field I see an error message that the email address is invalid (although it is shown correctly). I think that Enpass tries to submit the form without any password filled. This is the reason why I added a small delay of 2 seconds in my old password manager KeePass in the Auto-Type Sequence: {USERNAME}{TAB}{DELAY 2000}{CLEARFIELD}{PASSWORD}{ENTER} Please fix this issue. Uservoice is used by many companies and by many users. Thank you! Best regards OLLI
  2. There are no numbers shown for existing elements in sub-tags. Even if I open all my tags to see the appropriate sub-tags, go to settings, disable the count for side bar elements and enable it again - the numbers are shown only temporarily until the next closing of tags. When you then open up them again - no numbers are shown. Furthermore it just sucks that with each time an item gets edited, saved or just even randomly the tree of opened sub-tags gets closed and you are thrown out to the list with all elements.
  3. Hello, I am using Enpass in the German UI. If I go to Einstellungen -> Tresore -> Standard then I see at the field Zuletzt synchronisiert the timestamp in English language (for example: 5 minutes ago). In the English UI this is the field Last Synchronized under Settings -> Vaults -> Primary. Here you should translate the time stamp and write Vor 5 Minuten instead of 5 minutes ago. Please fix this little translation issue. Thank you! Best regards OLLI
  4. Another corner-case bug: When pasting content from an Enpass Item into other apps, some strange invisible characters can come along for the ride. I'm not talking about extra lines (that's annoying, but hardly unique to Enpass). I'm talking about the square ahead of the date in the screenshots below, which shows up at the front of anything you paste from Enpass into a cell in Microsoft Excel: Copied from Enpass: Pasted into Excel (after double-clicking the cell to paste inside it):
  5. Found another corner-case bug: If you create a Multiline field and flag it Sensitive, when editing an item with this field, the content of this field is not obscured. To be more clear... When viewing an item containing a sensitive multiline field, you do see the •••••• instead of the content. But when editing such an item, the sensitive multiline field is fully visible (and there's no eyeball button to show/hide the content), even though other sensitive fields work correctly.
  6. Hello, In Enpass for Windows I added test-entry that contains only test-data (so no real data): the password 123456 (to test the "Check for Pwned passwords" feature a custom Group called "Sicherheitsfragen" a custom sensitive field called "Frage 1" of "Text" type with the value "Frage: Antwort" in the notes I entered some text to test if Enpass can display formatted text: This is **bold** text This is <b>bold</b> text This is [b]bold[/b] text When I sync this entry to Android, then I see an empty entry that just contains the password history. See attached images. If you want to I can also send a screen shot of the entry in Enpass. It contains only dummy data so I have no problem sending it. Best regards OLLI
  7. When I try to create a new password field for a login that already existed and then generate a password for it the Generate Password button doesn't do anything. The entry needs to be saved then reopened in order to get the password generate UI to show up. Tested on two different iPads, for different entries. This is only an issue for editing an existing entry, not for new ones being created. iOS 12.1.1 Enpass Version: 6.0.2 (210)
  8. Hi, since the update for version 6 Enpass always crashes without any reason, I thought. Today I releazied that chrome always chrashes when I use the chrome extension. The understand this: - unlock enpass - open Chrome and go to a website - open the Enpassextention with the hotkey (doesn't matter if you have a login for this page or not) - now the searchfield should have the coursor in it. - press the "arrow down" key on the keyboard (the cursor should disappear from the search field - press enter - on my pc Enpass ALWAYS crashes in this moment! BR Marcel
  9. Hello, i recognize, that i can't type a ~ (tilde) at the Master Passwort Field. I'm using the latest Release installed through the app-store. BTW: In Version 5.x it's working fine...
  10. Hello, In KeePass 2.41 i exported some password entries to the "KeePass XML (2.x)" format and imported them in Enpass. Here the following data is not imported: Password History The old passwords are stored with change date in the XML file. The "..." mean that I deleted some XML code (so you see only the relevant code). <Entry> ... <History> <Entry> ... <Times> <CreationTime>2019-01-15T20:51:11Z</CreationTime> <LastModificationTime>2019-01-15T20:51:26Z</LastModificationTime> <LastAccessTime>2019-01-15T20:51:41Z</LastAccessTime> <ExpiryTime>2019-01-15T18:41:19Z</ExpiryTime> <Expires>False</Expires> <UsageCount>2</UsageCount> <LocationChanged>2019-01-15T20:51:11Z</LocationChanged> </Times> <String> <Key>Password</Key> <Value ProtectInMemory="True">Password_OLD</Value> </String> </Entry> </History> </Entry> Expiry Date Also the expiry date is stored in the KeePass XML: <Entry> ... <Times> <CreationTime>2019-01-15T20:50:40Z</CreationTime> <LastModificationTime>2019-01-15T20:51:06Z</LastModificationTime> <LastAccessTime>2019-01-15T20:51:06Z</LastAccessTime> <ExpiryTime>2017-12-31T23:00:00Z</ExpiryTime> <Expires>True</Expires> <UsageCount>2</UsageCount> <LocationChanged>2019-01-15T20:50:40Z</LocationChanged> </Times> </Entry> Please fix this import issue because these fields are important data that should also be imported. Best regards OLLI
  11. What happens: 1. Go to Settings > General and tick box under 'Run' heading that says 'Open Automatically at System Startup' 2. Restart machine 3. Enpass does not start automatically. It has to be started manually. Expected behaviour: Enpass should start automatically Details: MacOS Mojave 10.14.2 MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015) Enpass version 6.0.2 (292)
  12. The open automatically at startup option isn't working properly. #1 I have the option unchecked yet the program starts automatically (so this feature seems to be broken completely) ? #2 in previous version you had the option to open at startup BUT to open minimized to the icon area (this option seems to be missing) ?
  13. Hello, after booting up the system, the enpass icon is missing most of the time in my panel (xfce4-panel 4.12.2). I have to go to the task manager, kill the "enpass -minimize" process and then start Enpass again. Then the icon is showed and I can use Enpass. Enpass 6.0.0 (214) OS: Manjaro 18.0.0 Illyria Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.19.8-2-MANJARO DE: Xfce4 (xfce4-panel 4.12.2) WM: Xfwm4
  14. Enpass 6 browser plugin doesn't work on RHEL 7.3. Enpass 5 works, but cannot get the Enpass 6 plugin to work. I have installed the desktop Enpass6 and have it running in the background. Browser extension is enabled in the App as well. It opens up the new enpass6 app but does not generate the key as it does on other platforms and an error page (attached) after sometime. I tested with Chrome and Firefox addons and neither of them worked.
  15. Dear Enpass, I have a rather annoying issue with the Windows Desktop application. I started changing my old weak passwords. The desktop app shows an "Password Audit" on the left side. Under "Identical" I have several hits. One of which has allmost 50 logins in it. So, I wanted to change them all. Starting from the top, to the bottom. But I came across an annoying bug. Please follow these steps: > Password Audit > Identical > Click certain password with multiple hits > List with logins shows in the middle > Click any login > Change the password for that login and save > Login disappears from list That's all fine. But after that you can do anything you want (start changing the second login of whatever) but the screen allways gets redirected to "All Items". So if you, like me, have 50 or more logins to change, you again have to do these steps > Password Audit > Identical > Click certain password with multiple hits > List with logins shows in the middle > Click any login every damn time after you saved a new password. This is really making a time consuming job even more time consuming. I don't understand why the desktop app redirects me to "all items" after I save a new login/password under "Password Audit > Identical > certain password" Hope you guys understand what I'm trying to explain. If not, please let me know.
  16. The first thing I tried with the new android beta-app was to synchronise with dropbox. I clicked synchronise with dropbox, opened the dropbox website and autorised the oauth-token and got the message "continue in the app" or " redirect to app" or some similar message. But when I clicked that button nothing happened. If I went back to the app manually, the app was still waiting for the oauth-token and nothing happens. I tried this multiple times and always the same error. (later I realised this might not be supported, and I would need to use a backup-file and restore from that. But still an error or a warning or something would be nice if this is the problem)
  17. When entered a new user/password combination on a known website, Enpass asks you to either "Create a new entry" or "Update an existing entry". When selecting "Update an existing entry", selecting the entry you want to update, and then clicking "Update", Enpass does not update the password in the selected entry! This is especially bad when assigning new passwords because they will they lost after the 30 second clipboard clearing delay. This happens in Enpass Portable 5.6.5 on Windows 7 Also: Help > Contribute > Report a bug doesn't seem to do anything
  18. It stopped only a few days ago, I believe after the latest update from Play Store. Enpass won't detect logins in Chrome Beta (or any other browser, I have Firefox and Brave) nor any app. It used to work just fine. Now I don't see the notification bar prompt anymore. I'm on Android 8.0.0 Oreo. Enpass 5.6.4. I have both the Oreo Autofill (Beta) and Accessibility Service turned on.
  19. I was just using my computer normally, not even using the enpass extension, when my fan started spinning up. I opened up htop and saw that an enpass process that seemed to have something to do with firefox seemed to be maxing one of my CPU cores. The htop screenshot can be found here, but a transcript of the process name is "/opt/Enpass/bin/EnpassHelper/EnpassNMHost /home/redrield/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/EnpassNMHost.json firefox-enpass@enpass.io". What is this process doing? It doesn't seem critical to the app, because it doesn't break anything when I SIGTERM it, but it seems like UB for something to just sit there and seemingly do nothing. Environment details Enpass desktop version: 5.6.0 Extension: Firefox Quantum extension (from forums) Operating system: Arch Linux Linux version:
  20. Small bug that I noticed. Using Windows Traditional 5.6.0 Firefox 57 latest extension Open Firefox Open Enpass extension: pop-up appears, you can search your passwords or autofill Don't do anything with Enpass and close the pop-up by clicking outside the enpass window Open Enpass extension again: the pop-up appears and will immediately disappear After this encounter, you won't get this bug again untill you close Firefox and repeat above steps again. It also seems to happen if you have used enpass for some sites, but then decide to do the trick mentioned above, for example: Open Firefox Open Enpass extension: pop-up appears Use Enpass extension to log you in to a site (you can do this for multiple sites) Use Enpass extension to open the pop-up, don't do anything, immediately close it Use Enpass extension to open the pop-up again: pop-up appears and disappears again Make sure if you test this out, that all Firefox instances are closed when you try to reproduce this bug. I'm not able to reproduce it twice during the same Firefox session. I have no idea if other browser extensions have this bug as well...
  21. I installed Enpass on SolusOS 3 Linux via 3rd party software center. It works properly. However the Firefox (56.0.2, 64-Bit) Enpass extension (, 4 Nov 2017) doesn't. When I'm on any login page and click the Enpass extension, it shows me the Enpass Connection Error page instead of filling the fields with the login data: Of course the settings are correct and Enpass is running: This is the output of my lsof -i:10391 Any idea what's wrong? Thanks for helping me. Toto
  22. This is related to another issue reported here already, where dock hides Enpass from time to time. While in the other issue, the problem was more limited, this case causes more severe usability issues. As seen in the attached screenshot, if the OSX dock is in the right hand side of the screen the Enpass popup from the chrome extension gets obscured by the OSX dock. This means that copy is not available from the popup. This is even more severe when TOTP is used and autofill can't handle the TOTP field. Related issue: I should also mention that other password managers like 1password doesn't suffer from this issue.
  23. There seems to be a bug with sync to Google drive that affects both my Mac and my Linux machines. If Enpass is left running through a sleep cycle, sync doesn't function after a wake-up. Enpass must be quit and restarted for sync to function again.
  24. First off: I really like and appreciate Enpass for mac os x (using 10.11.6). However, I do find that it doesn't back up on a regular basis, very inconsistent. I usually have to remember to manually back it up. It will often go a week or more without backing up. but some times it'll back up every other day (rarely). Just FYI. Thanks again. Also sometimes it causes safari to use 100% of cpu, then i have to turn it off (browser extension). Seems only to be on certain sites btw.
  25. Hello, i have the paid Android app and it doesn't autofill username fields. Ever. It's very frustrating. I have a Alcatel OneTouch Idol 3 with Android 6.0.1. If i remember correctly it worked on Lollipop.
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