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Enpass Refreshes(?) while in the middle of using desktop app


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This might be a weird one but I'm at a loss right now.  I've been spending a lot of time in the desktop app - I'm a new user and cleaning up my import and such.  What happens all the time, like every minute or so, is that Enpass will seemingly do a refresh and kick me out of editing an item or even just taking me back to the top of my login list.  At first I thought I might have a key stuck on my keyboard or an overly sensitive mouse button but I think I've ruled that out.  It happens when I'm not even touching anything.  I've rebooted.  I have diabled all mouse buttons except for the right and left mouse buttons.  And this only seems to be happening in Enpass.  I'm on Win10 x64 fully up to date and running the current version of Enpass.

Is anything like this happening with anyone else?  I'm open to suggestions.  I', tempted to load my back up image of my c: drive and then patch everyting.  But having not done one of these since having Enpass I'm a tad nervous about losing my vault.  I am backed up to another partition and al;so set up for cloud synchs on each of my vaults so I think I would be fine.

Any ideas or help?  Thanks in advance.

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Hey @urgatorbait

Welcome to the forum!

To proceed with the troubleshooting, please share the following details:

1. Which Enpass version you using?
2. How many vaults you have and approximate number of items.
3. Which cloud service which you are using to sync the database?
4. Are you facing this problem frequently or any specific conditions?

Let us know the above details so we can investigate this problem appropriately.

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Sorry for the delayed response.  I ended up reformatting my PC and reinstalling everything - partially to see if it would fix this issue but I had other reasons too.  I'm now back up and running.  The issue is still there but it does not seem to be happening quite as often.  The best way to describe it is that the program refreshes itself every 20-30 seconds depending on what you are doing.  I mostly notice this when I am scrolling down a list of items like my logins.  I'll be dragging the scroll bar down and half way down it will refresh and put me at the top of the list.  It also happens when I'm scrolling down the list using my mouse scroll wheel.  Those are a few examples.


If you have any ideas of what I can try to fix it, I would certainly appreciate it.  The issue IS  very frustrating.  Thanks!

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Hey @urgatorbait

Thanks for your patience.

We tested this issue and found one issue that Enpass gets refreshed once we lock and unlock Enpass app and the same has been shared for improvement. Please let us know the following details so we can further investigate:

  1. Are you using any cloud to sync vaults in Enpass?
  2. Let us know if you have registered Enpass as a Lite/Pro/Premium user?
  3. Are you using a Single vault or Multiple vaults in Enpass?
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On 6/8/2021 at 2:41 PM, Garima Singh said:

Hey @urgatorbait

Thanks for your patience.

We tested this issue and found one issue that Enpass gets refreshed once we lock and unlock Enpass app and the same has been shared for improvement. Please let us know the following details so we can further investigate:

  1. Are you using any cloud to sync vaults in Enpass?
  2. Let us know if you have registered Enpass as a Lite/Pro/Premium user?
  3. Are you using a Single vault or Multiple vaults in Enpass?

Not sure that's what op meant. 

If you edit and save Item A, then immediately go and edit Item B, the automatic sync process will discard the edits your doing in Item B if you're not fast enough to hit Save, which will reset the timer and buy another 5 seconds.. 

Perhaps you could suspend the timer to autosave if user is currently editing an item, or not discard the edit during reload of a database. 



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On 6/9/2021 at 11:13 AM, Ivarson said:

Not sure that's what op meant. 

If you edit and save Item A, then immediately go and edit Item B, the automatic sync process will discard the edits your doing in Item B if you're not fast enough to hit Save, which will reset the timer and buy another 5 seconds.. 

Perhaps you could suspend the timer to autosave if user is currently editing an item, or not discard the edit during reload of a database. 



Hey, thanks for your response.  I think you could be onto something here.  I still want to do more testing but I believe if I am not actively editing and updating items then the problem I'm experiencing does not seem to occur.  I've been noticing it a bunch because I have been actively and furiously updating and editing all my items and going from one to the next to the next in fairly quick order.  So what you suggest seems to jive with my experience.  I'm going to watch to see if this is consistent with what I am seeing.  THANKS!!!

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Hey @urgatorbait

Thanks for writing back.

On 6/8/2021 at 6:11 PM, Garima Singh said:
  • Are you using any cloud to sync vaults in Enpass?
  • Let us know if you have registered Enpass as a Lite/Pro/Premium user?
  • Are you using a Single vault or Multiple vaults in Enpass?

To troubleshoot this issue further, please share the above details along with the Enpass version.

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Hi @Garima Singh

Thanks for your help.

  • Are you using any cloud to sync vaults in Enpass?  Yes
  • Let us know if you have registered Enpass as a Lite/Pro/Premium user?  Premium lifetime license
  • Are you using a Single vault or Multiple vaults in Enpass?  I have 4 vaults (Primary plus 3) but am not really using the other 3.  The other 3 are not synched via cloud either.
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@Garima Singh, @Ivarson is correct.  What he describes above is what I am experiencing and it is very frustrating.  And it can happen after any action, not just after editing an item.  For instance, if I send an item to Archive it will do a refresh about 5 seconds later and interrupt whatever action you may be taking after you sent the item to Archive (as an example).  Whatever is causing this needs to be adjusted or at least have a way to disable it until after you are done making edits or using the app.  Thanks so much for checking into this.  I absolutely LOVE Enpass but this is the one, major thing that drives me crazy about it.  :)

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@Garima Singh

Hi, this has become a more serious and significant issue/bug.  Here's what just happened (and I'm now concerned about how many other times it's happened and I don't yet know with what items).

Background:  I'm going through my entire vault of several hundred website logins and I'm updating my passwords with them all.  As I have been working my way down the list I have been encountering this refresh issue and the scroll list of my items on the left pane will refresh very often.  In other words, in the middle of what I am doing the focus of that list will randomly jump to another item.

Here's what just happened to me as an example...

I was focused on ITEM A in Enpass and in my browser I was changing the password on the account for ITEM A.  While I was changing the password, Enpass refreshed and lost focus for ITEM A.  In my browser, the password change was completed and the Enpass browser extension popped up and asked me if I wanted to update the password on ITEM A (it said the specific item by name that I was updating).  I clicked the Update button.  However, Enpass did NOT update the record for ITEM A (its password remained unchanged).  What Enpass did was update the password for a completely different record, ITEM B which was several records higher on my list of logins.

Now, I just lost what my password truly is for ITEM B, I had to copy the password for ITEM B and move it to ITEM A, and then go back to the website for ITEM B and submit a "forgot my password" request and start all over.

This is a major issue.  I have since discovered other cases of this happening in my vault as I have been updating everything.  I'm now going to have to go back and login into every single account to ensure I have the correct passwords and reset the incorrect ones again.

PLEASE help fix this.  The refresh issue needs to be fixed right away.  Thank you very much and let me know if I can help or provide you with additional information.

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On 6/12/2021 at 10:11 AM, urgatorbait said:

I'm going through my entire vault of several hundred website logins and I'm updating my passwords with them all.  As I have been working my way down the list I have been encountering this refresh issue and the scroll list of my items on the left pane will refresh very often.  In other words, in the middle of what I am doing the focus of that list will randomly jump to another item.

I see this behavior too.

Adding or updating a whole bunch of passwords in a row is really difficult to do.  For example, I often set up MS365 accounts and need to add several logins in a row.  The UI refresh for this has been an issue for me for at least a year, but it's gotten worse lately because if you create a new login it spams you with prompts to save or cancel when the item you're trying to add gets deselected.  Even worse than that, if you haven't entered anything in the new item, it will sometimes cancel it and you have to start adding it from scratch.

There have been focus / selection problems with the tag list for a long time.  It was improved a little bit since the tag list doesn't collapse any more, but I think the underlying issue is the UI tends to refresh when a sync happens.  I can maybe understand it if a sync brings in new items and they need to be added to the UI.  It might be tough to do that (it should be doable though).  However, if the sync doesn't bring in any new items, I don't understand why the UI gets refreshed.  It doesn't need to be.

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Thank you @ryan29 for adding meaningfully to this thread.  I really hope Enpass can get a grip on this issue and implement a good, sound solution.  I am very sincere when I say this, I LOVE Enpass and it has a great foundation on which to be the best password manager by a large margin.  I has almost every feature I desire in a password manager but if we could only get rid of this one BIG issue (in my opinion).  Thanks all.

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Hey @urgatorbait

On 6/12/2021 at 9:41 PM, urgatorbait said:

In my browser, the password change was completed and the Enpass browser extension popped up and asked me if I wanted to update the password on ITEM A (it said the specific item by name that I was updating).  I clicked the Update button.  However, Enpass did NOT update the record for ITEM A (its password remained unchanged).  What Enpass did was update the password for a completely different record, ITEM B which was several records higher on my list of logins.

Extremely sorry for the trouble you had gone through while updating your password. I can understand how frustrating it could be. We are trying to reproduce this issue and I will notify you once I get any update from the team.

On 6/12/2021 at 9:41 PM, urgatorbait said:

I was focused on ITEM A in Enpass and in my browser I was changing the password on the account for ITEM A.  While I was changing the password, Enpass refreshed and lost focus for ITEM A. 

Also, I would like to thank you for reporting the issue of losing focus while editing an item. We have fixed the issue and the fix will be available with ver 6.7. 

@Ivarson  @ryan29 Thanks for sharing your valuable inputs on this. It helped a lot to understand the issue.

Your co-operation is highly appreciated.


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After writing this, I see that @Garima Singhmentioned they've fixed a deselection issue.  Hopefully that's the issue I'm experiencing.  Just in case, I'll leave my post since I think it could help to further diagnose the problem.

Here's an exact thing that can be tested to show the issue.  I'm doing it right now and the way the UI works makes things extremely difficult.  I have a sub-tag with about 40 items in it:

  • Customers
    • Customer Name
      • MS365

I'm trying to update every item in the MS365 sub-tag and this is what happens:

  • Select the first item.  Click edit.  Update password.  Click save.
  • Select the second item.  Click edit.  The second item gets deselected.  The input form that's docked to the right of the screen closes.
  • Repeat for 40 items.

The item deselection definitely seems to coincide with the sync that happens from saving the first item, but, like @urgatorbaitsaid earlier, there seems to be more than one sync happening.  Sometimes I end up with the item I'm trying to edit being deselected multiple times in a row.

An update or two ago it worked differently.  The item would get deselected, but the input form would not close and I could at least finish what I was doing.  Now the input form closes if I haven't made any changes or spams me with prompts to save my changes if I've made any.

Edited by ryan29
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12 hours ago, ryan29 said:

I'm trying to update every item in the MS365 sub-tag and this is what happens:

  • Select the first item.  Click edit.  Update password.  Click save.
  • Select the second item.  Click edit.  The second item gets deselected.  The input form that's docked to the right of the screen closes.
  • Repeat for 40 items.

The item deselection definitely seems to coincide with the sync that happens from saving the first item, but, like @urgatorbaitsaid earlier, there seems to be more than one sync happening.  Sometimes I end up with the item I'm trying to edit being deselected multiple times in a row.

This is exactly it.  This is what I experience as well plus I’ll add the following using @ryan29 example.  Imagine that his MS 365 sub tag has 300 items in the list.  When the refresh happens, that list of items scrolls all the way back to the top which means you have to scroll back down to find the item you were working on before the refresh (and hoping you remembered which one you were working on).  I’ll be anxious to see how this behaves after the fix you have is implemented.  Is there a release date for this?

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I also stumbled about this issue when syncing via WebDAV into my preferred cloud storage.

It takes a lot of time when changing a lot of entries and always be kicked out of an entry or the popup appears, whether I want to save the changes I made or not. I minimized this issue after using the cloud drive software, which mounts the cloud drive to a local folder. So I stopped syncing via WebDAV and started syncing into the local folder. For me, it seemed to resolve the issue.

Maybe you are able to fix this issue in general?

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