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Windows Desktop is no longer for free!


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Since the new version (Enpass they change the policy of lifetime free Windows versions.

With this version you have to pay for Windows Desktop Premium functions and it only works if you have the Windows Store installed.

My version (Windows 10 LTSC) dont have a Windows store.

I'll hope they find a solution for that.

Edited by Tuinpad
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On ‎11‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 8:18 AM, Hitman said:

Paying for premium features is still far from non-free. You can still manage all passwords without restrictions. As far as I can tell, you don't lose anything in comparison to Enpass 5.

Did you read my question?

I would love to pay for the extra's but its not possible you can only buy it with Windows Store.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Agreed on the question, I use the desktop download and do NOT want to switch to the store version as last time I used it there were issues with it syncing as that version insisted that it placed the vaults (use and backup) within the Onedrive storage areas.

Or are those issues fixed and I can move to the Store version?

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14 hours ago, DarthPug said:

I tried the non-store version and it does not allow purchase to premium.  So it seems store required for premium features. :(

You need a Microsoft account, it wont work on a local account.

I have a Windows 10 LTSC version who dont have a Store, but Enpass works great on it.

Only its a shame that i dont can have the Premium Features.

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Thanks for this information. *sigh* Looks like it's time for me to go looking for another password manager. 
The main problem isn't that the desktop version which was previously fully free now has premium features, although them breaking their word on this does nothing to make me believe they won't make another promise breaking change in the future (mark my words, they will if customers put up with it). That is a secondary problem (for me at least).

The main problem is that they are now tieing my password manager to someone elses ecosystem. And if for any reason I decide to leave that ecosystem, I'll be screwed. I speak from experience by the way. I have purchased both the android and ios apps. The ios app I purchased for someone in my family who uses ios and they are locked in to the apple ecosystem. The android app I purchased because that was the only way to get it for android. However there came a time when I decided to use my phone without any of google's services, and that meant that I would have to a) forego using the password manager I paid for, or use the minimal functionality the free version provided, or put google's software back on, just for this one application. 

On the mac and windows we weren't locked into any ecosystem. You didn't need an apple id to use your password manager's full features, You didn't need a microsoft account to use the full features. Now you do. If for any reason microsoft's or apple's servers go down, or you decide you simply don't want to be a part of that ecosystem anymore, you're in a pickle. Worse still, what if a law is passed requiring those companies to force vendors who distribute software to provide backdoors into their apps. These are all closed source apps, we'd never know until it was too late. 

The trust I placed in Enpass is well and truly gone, and it's time for me to start looking at other options. Thankfully open source, cross-platform alternatives like Pass - https://www.passwordstore.org


If enpass were ever to rollback these anti-features and prove they listen to their customers I'd love to be proven wrong. Sadly, it seems the product managers are about maximizing monetization and easier development than they are looking out for their customers' best interests. Or rather, customers that don't fit into a particular group.

That's a totally valid business approach, but not what I expected when I started using this app.  

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3 hours ago, illogic-al said:

Thanks for this information. *sigh* Looks like it's time for me to go looking for another password manager. 
The main problem isn't that the desktop version which was previously fully free now has premium features, although them breaking their word on this does nothing to make me believe they won't make another promise breaking change in the future (mark my words, they will if customers put up with it). That is a secondary problem (for me at least)........"


This statement is the same bullshit as the creator's headline!
The desktop version for MAC and Windows will remain FREE OF CHARGE WITHOUT a login to an OS service !

There is now only in both versions a purchase possibility for " nice to have " features:

For the MAC:

Unlock using Touch ID
Create your own Categories
Create your own templates

For Windows:

Unlock using Windows Hello
Dark theme
Create your own Categories
Create your own templates

All other features remain free of charge.

Before we write nonsense again, read the features! Deise are completely transparent !!

@ Creator

Change your heading to the topic. It is ridiculous what you write here but ultimately mean!


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"Deise are completely transparent" 

What does that even mean?

And as I pointed out in quite detailed fashion, this IS a BAIT AND SWITCH. 

The previous Mac version already allowed you to unlock with touchID. I would know, I actually *own* a mac. My problem isn't these features being premium, it's with them changing the rules, and worse, tieing them to apple and microsoft platforms. You can love Enpass all you want. There are those of us who have no further use for user hostile moves like this. I'm one of them.

Take away the requirement for these premium features to be a tied to Apple, Google, or Microsoft and I'll actually by their software again. The fact that they broke the extensions for ALL Chrome/Vivaldi users of the old version tell us exactly what we need to know here. This is a money grab. Plain and simple.  They could have left the old extension, or added it as "Enpass Legacy" or some such thing. But they didn't. They forced upgrading to the new extension which does not work with the old version of Enpass so you MUST get the new version, and for what. A bluer UI? Please. 


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9 hours ago, Tuinpad said:

You need a Microsoft account, it wont work on a local account.

I have a Windows 10 LTSC version who dont have a Store, but Enpass works great on it.

Only its a shame that i dont can have the Premium Features.

It is a shame. Time to vote with our wallets. Seems it's the only thing they'll understand/respect from here on out.

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34 minutes ago, illogic-al said:

"Deise are completely transparent" 

What does that even mean?

And as I pointed out in quite detailed fashion, this IS a BAIT AND SWITCH. 

The previous Mac version already allowed you to unlock with touchID. I would know, I actually *own* a mac. My problem isn't these features being premium, it's with them changing the rules, and worse, tieing them to apple and microsoft platforms. You can love Enpass all you want. There are those of us who have no further use for user hostile moves like this. I'm one of them.

Take away the requirement for these premium features to be a tied to Apple, Google, or Microsoft and I'll actually by their software again. The fact that they broke the extensions for ALL Chrome/Vivaldi users of the old version tell us exactly what we need to know here. This is a money grab. Plain and simple.  They could have left the old extension, or added it as "Enpass Legacy" or some such thing. But they didn't. They forced upgrading to the new extension which does not work with the old version of Enpass so you MUST get the new version, and for what. A bluer UI? Please.  


I have had the desktop version for some time.
Which function from the old version can you currently no longer use?
I don't have to register for any service with the desktop version.
If I save a backup of the new version on my current system, I can take it with me anywhere and restore it there.
Under Windows, under Linux, under MacOS and under iOS !

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I don't think it's nonsense. They have broken our trust.

They changed the rules on us. 

They sold us "lifetime licenses", and then asked us to pay to a PRO version again. 

The new version forces us to use Microsoft Store.

It all seems like a greedy cash-grab. I have not seen any apologies or any gesture to restore trust with their loyal customers. 

I just installed Bitwarden. You can export from Enpass, and import into Bitwarden, which looks almost exactly like Enpass, by the way, except that it's open source. It has similar features, as far as I can tell.

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14 hours ago, th3Chris said:


This statement is the same bullshit as the creator's headline!
The desktop version for MAC and Windows will remain FREE OF CHARGE WITHOUT a login to an OS service !

There is now only in both versions a purchase possibility for " nice to have " features:

For the MAC:

Unlock using Touch ID
Create your own Categories
Create your own templates

For Windows:

Unlock using Windows Hello
Dark theme
Create your own Categories
Create your own templates

All other features remain free of charge.

Before we write nonsense again, read the features! Deise are completely transparent !!

@ Creator

Change your heading to the topic. It is ridiculous what you write here but ultimately mean!


Going on a rampage and writing such strong words was never a constructive method of discussion or a sign of intelligence. Please calm down and choose your word with a bit more consideration. If you want to get your anger out, go to a football/soccer stadium or in a box ring. This is a forum, where we usually try to stay polite and to contribute to a friendly and productive discussion. Besides, you don't seem to have even read or understood *all* that illogic-al has written. Please try once more, and if there are words or sentences you don't understand, use google or ask an adult person.

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11 hours ago, Waira said:

Going on a rampage and writing such strong words was never a constructive method of discussion or a sign of intelligence. Please calm down and choose your word with a bit more consideration. If you want to get your anger out, go to a football/soccer stadium or in a box ring. This is a forum, where we usually try to stay polite and to contribute to a friendly and productive discussion. Besides, you don't seem to have even read or understood *all* that illogic-al has written. Please try once more, and if there are words or sentences you don't understand, use google or ask an adult person. 

I can officially write down my displeasure towards people who are not able to express problems professionally.
It is extremely annoying for me as a forum user, when I look at headlines to topics in an area which then gives me untruths and false statements!
When I'm in a Tech Forum, I should have at least enough brains to name the incorrect topics truthfully.
For all other crap and nonsense, there is Facebook and Co.

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On 12/29/2018 at 3:58 PM, th3Chris said:

I have had the desktop version for some time.
Which function from the old version can you currently no longer use?
I don't have to register for any service with the desktop version.
If I save a backup of the new version on my current system, I can take it with me anywhere and restore it there.
Under Windows, under Linux, under MacOS and under iOS !

One main function of the old version I, and you and everyone who has both versions can no longer use is ... synced passwords!

The new version of enpass does not use the same database as the old version. That means that every new password created in the new version will not be synced with any old versions. This is a deliberate decision on the company part, and not something that was "needed". I happen to be a software engineer so I am familiar with how these kinds of decisions get made. 

Likely scenario: an architect decides that they want to 'simplify' things and use a 'better' database schema or whatever, product manager signs off on the change. It gets implemented. Once it finally gets to QA they realize that it doesn't work with the old db. The cheapest solution is to break compatibility with the old database. That would mean that once they upgrade the database you can never downgrade (unless you have very recent backups) without losing data. So the file extension is changed. That way only new users get the new database. Hurray!

Except it's not hurray. As they are **forcing** people to upgrade to the new version, while taking away features (see my previous posts). And for what? Better revenue stream. If they actually cared about customers, they would provide a way for the customer to upgrade on their own terms. This is about money, plain and simple. And while you may still be served by there current freemium business model, there are others of us who are not. 

Furthermore, some of us choose to hold people accountable for their actions. You treat me like a number in a spreadsheet, I will treat you and your product like a discardable commodity. 

You treat me like a valued customer (and I would think I should be since I actually paid for android and ios mobile versions) and I will happily shut up and give you my money. I'm not feeling very valued right now, just duped and deceived. Especially since I know there is NO technical reason for them to not provide a way to stick to the older versions (via legacy extensions in the chrome store), besides corporate greed.

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On 12/30/2018 at 12:04 AM, gozirra said:

I don't think it's nonsense. They have broken our trust.

They changed the rules on us. 

They sold us "lifetime licenses", and then asked us to pay to a PRO version again. 

The new version forces us to use Microsoft Store.

It all seems like a greedy cash-grab. I have not seen any apologies or any gesture to restore trust with their loyal customers. 

I just installed Bitwarden. You can export from Enpass, and import into Bitwarden, which looks almost exactly like Enpass, by the way, except that it's open source. It has similar features, as far as I can tell.

Thanks for the recommendation. I was looking into Pass, but I'll check out bitwarden as well.

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Enpass has failed.


I paid for the software on BlackBerry 10.  Enpass deceived me to pay again for BlackBerry Android blaming it on different appstores, although both ecosystems as far as I was concerned was Blackberry.  Time moved on and I got over it as the power of Enpass was very convenient.

Who's idea was it to change the icon?  Icons should be bold and clear, why the weird shape of a keyhole.  Do you even realise how crap, unprofessional and SMALL it looks in the windows system tray??!! 

I rely on my desktop a lot and use the mobile apps of enpass for viewing rather than creating passwords.


Now the premium features in windows have been added.  Sadly, anyone who has windows 10 will know what a mess Microsoft has made on the October 2018 update.  My windows store wont even allow me to sign in and I cant afford another re-install.  All my windows is in dark theme mode, yet enpass now WANTS TO CHARGE me for a desktop app which was meant to be FREE FOREVER.  I thought by paying TWICE for the mobile app, the desktop version was never their focus for the revenue.  I guess I was wrong!

Folders were more professional in my opinion.  It let professionals 'file' passwords.  Tags are just socialising it and for me its made the software feel too gamified social type.  I dont feel so confident with these all of a sudden changes.


Time to look for an open source version while the proud owners of Enpass sit in India and count their revenue laughing at me.  It's okay, I'd rather be heard by a developing open source password project than become your product than you can benefit from.

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As some other users already have said. They said  "ALWAYS FREE for Windows" and now you have to pay for some features (like the dark theme for example) witch is nice, but I don't pay for my Windows version! For me it's time to look for an alternative for Enpass! And th3Chris, they said it was always free and now you have to pay for extra options: NOT free at All! So stop with your nonsense to other people!!! :P


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On 12/31/2018 at 5:06 PM, illogic-al said:

One main function of the old version I, and you and everyone who has both versions can no longer use is ... synced passwords!

The new version of enpass does not use the same database as the old version. That means that every new password created in the new version will not be synced with any old versions. This is a deliberate decision on the company part, and not something that was "needed". I happen to be a software engineer so I am familiar with how these kinds of decisions get made. 

Likely scenario: an architect decides that they want to 'simplify' things and use a 'better' database schema or whatever, product manager signs off on the change. It gets implemented. Once it finally gets to QA they realize that it doesn't work with the old db. The cheapest solution is to break compatibility with the old database. That would mean that once they upgrade the database you can never downgrade (unless you have very recent backups) without losing data. So the file extension is changed. That way only new users get the new database. Hurray!

Except it's not hurray. As they are **forcing** people to upgrade to the new version, while taking away features (see my previous posts). And for what? Better revenue stream. If they actually cared about customers, they would provide a way for the customer to upgrade on their own terms. This is about money, plain and simple. And while you may still be served by there current freemium business model, there are others of us who are not. 

Furthermore, some of us choose to hold people accountable for their actions. You treat me like a number in a spreadsheet, I will treat you and your product like a discardable commodity. 

You treat me like a valued customer (and I would think I should be since I actually paid for android and ios mobile versions) and I will happily shut up and give you my money. I'm not feeling very valued right now, just duped and deceived. Especially since I know there is NO technical reason for them to not provide a way to stick to the older versions (via legacy extensions in the chrome store), besides corporate greed.


I partly agree with you on the integration of the database.
But what is still not true is the answer to the missing function.
There is currently no function in the new version that was not also available in the old version.
Of course I can't synchronize with the old database with the new version, but a new database container was created.
Inside the application I could not find any missing function (except for bugs).
Therefore I would not call this at the present time greed of the enterprise.


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On 1/1/2019 at 10:41 AM, aljawaid said:

Enpass has failed.


I paid for the software on BlackBerry 10.  Enpass deceived me to pay again for BlackBerry Android blaming it on different appstores, although both ecosystems as far as I was concerned was Blackberry.  Time moved on and I got over it as the power of Enpass was very convenient.

Who's idea was it to change the icon?  Icons should be bold and clear, why the weird shape of a keyhole.  Do you even realise how crap, unprofessional and SMALL it looks in the windows system tray??!! 

I rely on my desktop a lot and use the mobile apps of enpass for viewing rather than creating passwords.


Now the premium features in windows have been added.  Sadly, anyone who has windows 10 will know what a mess Microsoft has made on the October 2018 update.  My windows store wont even allow me to sign in and I cant afford another re-install.  All my windows is in dark theme mode, yet enpass now WANTS TO CHARGE me for a desktop app which was meant to be FREE FOREVER.  I thought by paying TWICE for the mobile app, the desktop version was never their focus for the revenue.  I guess I was wrong!

Folders were more professional in my opinion.  It let professionals 'file' passwords.  Tags are just socialising it and for me its made the software feel too gamified social type.  I dont feel so confident with these all of a sudden changes.


Time to look for an open source version while the proud owners of Enpass sit in India and count their revenue laughing at me.  It's okay, I'd rather be heard by a developing open source password project than become your product than you can benefit from.

" I paid for the software on BlackBerry 10.  Enpass deceived me to pay again for BlackBerry Android by pushing it to different appstores, even though both ecosystems were Blackberry to me. "

That's where the problem starts!
If you have no idea of your own system which you use, it is quite fatal to insult the manufacturer !
But there seems to be always the easier way for some.
BlackBarry OS and BlacvkBerry Android are two completely different systems !
That you have to pay here twice for the mobile version is totally ok !

How about if before you let out your frustration in Tech Forums, users start by using their own technology so they know what it's all about,

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On 1/1/2019 at 8:50 PM, GMPD said:

As some other users already have said. They said  "ALWAYS FREE for Windows" and now you have to pay for some features (like the dark theme for example) witch is nice, but I don't pay for my Windows version! For me it's time to look for an alternative for Enpass! And th3Chris, they said it was always free and now you have to pay for extra options: NOT free at All! So stop with your nonsense to other people!!! :P


read it right.
All previous basic features were and still are free of charge.
Only " Nice to Have " features, which are NEW but not forced on the user for the function, cost extra.
You don't need these things to use the main function of the program.
This is what so many developers do. The main program with all functions is free only " nice to have " festures kosten extra.
Nobody complains about that either.

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