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Enpass 6.0.0 - Upgrade to Pro doesn´t work


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And what if, for example, version 7 comes out in a year and you give your software a different name, then it costs 12 dollars again?


I mean, it's ok that you want or need to make money with your software, but then you should communicate that better beforehand, right? As you can see here in the forum, not all buyers seem to realize that an update of the Windows version from 5 to 6 costs money again. In my opinion it's not enough to simply say that the two versions 5 and 6 are two completely different programs.

Edited by superpit
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7 hours ago, gozirra said:

... If you don't fix this problem, you will risk sinking your company. Your ratings will drop to nothing, and bad reviews will show up everywhere. 

You don't have much time. 


True words worth paying attention to!
@ Sinew Software Systems Pvt. Ltd.: Enpass is an excellent product, do not break it by not functioning sales processes!

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I purchased Enpass 6 for my sister. She has two android phones using the same Google play store account.

The first phone I used to purchase Enpass works ok and I see all premium features. 

The second phone still shows the trial version, and when I press "purchase" I get a message saying I already paid for the app. And then I see the following message: "Error while purchasing Enpass. Response code 7".

Any idea for a solution?

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On 12/30/2018 at 12:00 AM, Vinod Kumar said:

Hi @frustrateduser,

Even though past UWP version and current version are on same store, they are completely different products. There is no way to restore in-apps of one product to another. Similarly, iOS and Mac apps are different products. So, we are limited here by technology and restrictions of respective app stores. Apple has clearly defined this in their documentation

Historically, We never charged for UWP desktop and mobile version separately because both were same product. We never charged for Chromebook separately because it is same product as  Android app.

The only possible way for us to migrate in-app purchases across platforms/products is keep a central server where you will need sign-up  and register your in-app receipts. Some of you might like this thought but what people loves about Enpass is anonymity.





Sorry, but this is utter BS. Blaming Microsoft for being "limited by technology and restrictions" is a pretty bad excuse for screwing over your valued customers, who have paid for the now worthless lifetime license. YOU chose to create a new product, not Microsoft. You could have easily kept the app on the UWP platform and update 5.x to 6.x without making your customers pay again. But no, YOU chose to create version 6.0 with a different underlying platform, so of course it's considered a new/different product. Regardless, you could have worked out something to let users upgrade for free, but again YOU chose this path deliberately in order to create a new stream of revenue. I'd be totally fine paying for an upgrade hadn't you advertised and sold the previous version with a "lifetime license". The current situation is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE and should be considered SCAM.

Edited by charly1310
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Thanks for your feedback, guys!

2 hours ago, charly1310 said:

You could have easily kept the app on the UWP platform and update 5.x to 6.x without making your customers pay again.

That was what we started with. The UWP app was the one that was working for both Windows 10 mobile and Windows 10 desktops. But the problem was very limited functionality and API support in UWP app to support the browser extension and deep system related APIs like keeping the app running efficiently in the background. For more than 8 months we were in discussion with the Microsoft to provide APIs to connect UWP app with Win32 apps (Firefox, Chrome) and extensions in them. Even there was no API to keep the connection between UWP app with the Edge browser (UWP) live for more than 30 seconds. So due to all these issues we had to bring our Win32 app to Store using the Bridged architecture and that alone was a huge task; just to support extensions for our beloved users. Now being a separate app, the in-app purchases of UWP are not restorable in Bridged, otherwise, we would have definitely done it.:)

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On 12/30/2018 at 11:40 PM, mjeshurun said:

The second phone still shows the trial version, and when I press "purchase" I get a message saying I already paid for the app. And then I see the following message: "Error while purchasing Enpass. Response code 7".


This happens when you have configured two Google accounts in the device and you have installed the app using the account from which you have not purchased it. That is why your app is in trial mode and when you try to purchase again, Enpass checks all accounts for receipts and Google responds that you already own the Pro version. 

The solution is to uninstall the app. Switch the account in Play store to one from which you have purchased it and then install the app. It should be automatically upgraded to Pro version.

Hope this helps!

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3 hours ago, Hemant Kumar said:

Thanks for your feedback, guys!

That was what we started with. The UWP app was the one that was working for both Windows 10 mobile and Windows 10 desktops. But the problem was very limited functionality and API support in UWP app to support the browser extension and deep system related APIs like keeping the app running efficiently in the background. For more than 8 months we were in discussion with the Microsoft to provide APIs to connect UWP app with Win32 apps (Firefox, Chrome) and extensions in them. Even there was no API to keep the connection between UWP app with the Edge browser (UWP) live for more than 30 seconds. So due to all these issues we had to bring our Win32 app to Store using the Bridged architecture and that alone was a huge task; just to support extensions for our beloved users. Now being a separate app, the in-app purchases of UWP are not restorable in Bridged, otherwise, we would have definitely done it.:)

I appreciate your detailed explanation of API issues and the reasoning behind bringing the bridged Win32 version to the store. I fully understand and see your point, but I'd also like to get your opinion on the "lifetime license" issue. You guys are pretty mum on this topic and all that's been said is something along the line "it's a different platform, so you have yo pay again". Give us one good reason why we should keep investing in a company with a broken value proposition?

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sorry Hemat Kumar but I tend to agree with charly1310 on this one.

I purchased the UWP version to use on my  tablet for the sole reason that bridged apps tend to be glitchy when windows 10 is in tablet mode.

The browser integration was not a big deal to me, after 35 years on a computer I have become quite proficient with copy and paste.

I reset my tablet today,  an issue unrelated to your software, only to find that I cannot even download the UWP version that I paid for because it has been disabled for windows 10 desktop.

I was happy with the 5.x.x.x version and didn't need nor want to upgrade.

I'm not disputing that a new license is required for added version 6 features, you have to monetize your software in order to stay profitable, but I do dispute with you the fact that I cannot download a version I bought and paid for even if upgrades for it are disabled.

I have purchased the blackberry , android, ios, and UWP versions of your software but now I feel as though people that have supported you are not a priority since we cannot download the software we paid for.

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Your shitty excuse that on the grounds of anonymity you are not able to verify that software has already been paid is the most stupid thing I've read this week. so it's not possible to provide you any prove of the purchase in order to prove to you that we have already paid the premium version of your software? Seriously?? So for that reason, you're going against everyone who ALREADY pay $ 10, and you're forcing your customers to buy AGAIN to have a feature that existed in your previous version: Touch ID, I hope you'll pay for the consequences of your marketing lies, and get since now on, only bad notes for your incompetence...


Edited by AaronGTZ
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On 12/29/2018 at 11:27 AM, Sameer said:

What the crap...same problem on Windows 10 - 64 bits. I had bought Enpass for $10 in the past where it's said Lifetime License and now you have forced me to upgrade and pay another $6 for it, WHY ??? Don't think it's ethical or fair, I am looking forward to a satisfactory answer on why you will NOT honor your license agreement.




Same here. I am about fed up with all the promises with app purchases. If it says Lifetime License, then it should be, and should also apply to updates. I love Enpass but this is ridiculous!

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I agree that lifetime language may be unhelpful, but I don't think anyone was forced to upgrade to Enpass 6 (no one was holding a gun to your head, correct?). You were free to stick it out with Enpass 5 and the technical and security problems that would entail when it is sunsetted.

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31 minutes ago, Monyker said:

I agree that lifetime language may be unhelpful, but I don't think anyone was forced to upgrade to Enpass 6 (no one was holding a gun to your head, correct?). You were free to stick it out with Enpass 5 and the technical and security problems that would entail when it is sunsetted.

Do you work for Enpass xD? No one told us either that we need to pay again if we upgrade. If it's a different app as what they are claiming it to be, why offer it as an upgrade? They should have just named it a differently like Enpass 2. I've seen apps in the App Store do this.

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On 1/1/2019 at 8:16 AM, Hemant Kumar said:

Thanks for your feedback, guys!

That was what we started with. The UWP app was the one that was working for both Windows 10 mobile and Windows 10 desktops. But the problem was very limited functionality and API support in UWP app to support the browser extension and deep system related APIs like keeping the app running efficiently in the background. For more than 8 months we were in discussion with the Microsoft to provide APIs to connect UWP app with Win32 apps (Firefox, Chrome) and extensions in them. Even there was no API to keep the connection between UWP app with the Edge browser (UWP) live for more than 30 seconds. So due to all these issues we had to bring our Win32 app to Store using the Bridged architecture and that alone was a huge task; just to support extensions for our beloved users. Now being a separate app, the in-app purchases of UWP are not restorable in Bridged, otherwise, we would have definitely done it.:)

Not sure the internals of your program but i would've used the AppService API for UWP and registered my app as a native messaging host  for chrome and firefox,




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7 hours ago, mar10n said:

Do you work for Enpass xD?

Nope. I'm a satisfied user. I also understand that it takes effort and resources to deliver, improve, secure and support software/services.

7 hours ago, mar10n said:

They should have just named it a differently like Enpass 2.

Uhh...they named it Enpass 6 ;-)

Some responses here sound very entitled and tantrum-like. If you can't stomach a very reasonable charge for major re-write upgrades, you might instead consider some other well-known subscription password management services. That way you'll know exactly what you pay for the year/month, assuming the subscription costs don't change, of course. You might also consider one of several free password managers. When you're ready to come running back, Enpass will still be here. :-)

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9 hours ago, Monyker said:

, you might instead consider some other well-known subscription password management services.

An excellent idea!

Instead of throwing good money after bad, I've just downloaded Myki. It comes with fingerprint unlock and dark theme right out of the box. Their revenue comes from corporate accounts, so the app is free with pro upgrades capped out at $7.  The keychain database is stored only on my cellphone. The pc requests passwords as needed from the cell. There's a password generator, password security audit, and backup/restore functions. I'm struggling a little with the import function, but they certainly have potential. They're definitely worth checking out.

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Can't help with the requirement to re-purchase Enpass, but I was able to successfully upgrade to premium on my Windows 10 (64-bit) machine by doing the following:

1. Open the Microsoft store app

2. Click on your avatar in the top right.

3. Sign out of your account in the store

4. Go back to Enpass and click "Buy" a window should open asking about your account

5. DO NOT click your account - instead choose "Use a different account"

6. Enter your email address -> then press continue

7. Enter your password -> then press continue

8. After this I was able to complete the purchase

Hopefully this works for you!


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On 1/2/2019 at 2:02 PM, Monyker said:

I agree that lifetime language may be unhelpful, but I don't think anyone was forced to upgrade to Enpass 6 (no one was holding a gun to your head, correct?). You were free to stick it out with Enpass 5 and the technical and security problems that would entail when it is sunsetted.

Mr Monyker, how do you think so many people got migrated to Enpass 6. The extension of Google chrome stopped working and said needs to be upgraded. If you are so wise then tell me how & where to download Enpass 5 for which I had paid Lifetime Licence Fee ??? 

Edited by Sameer
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I purchased Enpass 5 with a "lifetime license" so I could use Windows Hello and sync with Windows Mobil.
The "lifetime license" lasted 23 months . . .

Enpass encouraged me to switch to the bridged version as an interim until Enpass 6 was released.
I did . . .

Enpass promised that I would not be disappointed when Enpass 6 was released and replaced the bridged version.
I believed Enpass . . .

Now Enpass 6 has replaced the previous version of Enpass I purchased from the Microsoft Store - without informing me that it would lack the features I originally paid for - and that there was no way to go back to the version I had purchased with full features. Result:

  • I no longer have access to Windows Hello which I had previously paid for without paying again for "premium" features.
  • I can no longer sync with Enpass on my Windows Mobil device.

Conclusion: The very reasons I paid $10 for Enpass 5 have now been made void in the update to Enpass 6.

Enpass, you did not keep your promise. I am disappointed. I no longer trust you.

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On 1/3/2019 at 6:50 AM, Monyker said:

I don't think anyone was forced to upgrade to Enpass 6

You're wrong for two reasons:

  1. We were encouraged to upgrade and promised as those who had purchased Enpass 5 that we would not be disappointed - I am!
  2. Microsoft Store automatically updated Enpass 5 to Enpass 6 without asking permission - even though Enpass claims version 6 is a "different product"
On 1/2/2019 at 10:02 PM, Monyker said:

Some responses here sound very entitled and tantrum-like.

I don't consider it "entitled" to expect a "lifetime license" to last more than a few months.

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On 12/30/2018 at 9:00 AM, Vinod Kumar said:

Even though past UWP version and current version are on same store, they are completely different products. There is no way to restore in-apps of one product to another.

This is your only argument for forcing us to pay again for "premium features" we already purchased in the UWP version. But the fact that the Microsoft Store automatically updates Enpass 5 to Enpass 6 contradicts your argument. If they really were "completely different products" then I could choose between them, or go back and reinstall the UWP version. But this "completely different product" is no longer available in spite of it being offered with a "lifetime license".

Please be honest and face the facts: you greatly disappointed many of your "beloved Enpassians" with this price policy. You promised that we would not be disappointed with the upgrade - how do you respond to the multitude of users who say they feel you misled them?

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